Seinfeld: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed About Kramer's Apartment

Cosmo Kramer is not only one of the funniest characters in sitcom history, but he also has to be considered the nuttiest. Everything from wanting to be treated by a veterinarian instead of a human doctor to refusing to wear his AIDs pin at a charity walk, Kramer is truly unique.

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So it's only fitting that the apartment where such a unique man lives has some very unusual features. Seinfeld didn't show Kramer's apartment all that often, especially early on, but when it did, there was always an item or two that seemed out of place.

Or in place - after all, Kramer lived there. Here are 10 hidden details viewers probably never noticed about Kramer's apartment in Seinfeld.

10 There's A Picture of Jerry in The Foyer

As his friendly next-door neighbor, Kramer is certainly one of Jerry Seinfeld's biggest fans, but most people don't hang a picture of their friends for their guests to see right when they walk into the apartment. But Kramer has no shame, so during much of Season 5, one can see one of Jerry's headshots hanging near the entrance of 5B.

Jerry never did address it, but boy, that would have been a funny exchange. One has to figure Jerry signed the picture for him.

9 Fusilli Jerry & Friends Adorn His Wall

Of all the items on our list, this one has the highest probability of having already been noticed. There's a Season 6 episode called "The Fusilli Jerry", which includes the unforgettable "assman" license plate for Kramer. The episode ends with George's father falling on a pasta statue of Jerry doing standup comedy, which results in him needing to visit the proctologist.

In the final three seasons, one can see Kramer's entire collection of fusilli characters on a shelf above his couch. It's particularly visible during Kramer's hilarious movie phone scene with George during Season 7.

8 There's A Cooking Pot Near the Front Door

Owning a cooking pot isn't unusual, but it is a tad bit strange that Kramer keeps his on the shelf near the front door of his apartment. In "The Wink" during Season 7, Kramer is also storing a Hawaiian shirt and a red boa near his pot on the front-entrance shelf.

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It's anyone's best guess why Kramer is storing his cooking pot in such a bizarre place. Perhaps it's because he does more cooking over at Jerry's or due to the fact he needs the kitchen storage space for all his papayas. Who knows? After all, he did once cook in the shower.

7 He Owns A Monkey Statue

Clearly the show creators or writers love plugging some unusual objects on Kramer's front shelf by the door. In "The Label Maker" during Season 6, he has what appears to be a monkey statue on the front-door shelf.

That's weird, but at least it's more socially acceptable than the Cigar Store Indian that Jerry insists he purchases during Season 5.

It's surprising that Kramer never owned a real alive monkey. After all, even Ross had one in Friends.

6 There's A Photo of a Random Man near his Hot Tub

If this were a list of unusual things to keep in an apartment, the hot tub would clearly make the list. It's not on our list, though, because it's not something that went unnoticed.

However, Kramer did keep another photo of a man near his hot tub. It's too hard to tell who is in the photo, but it's yet another unusual thing for a man living alone to have in his apartment, and the placement next to the hot tub is particularly odd.

5 There Are Photos Hanging in The Shower

During "The Shower Head" in Season 7, the viewers receive a glimpse of Kramer's shower. As he pulls back the curtain, one can see multiple pictures hanging in the shower. Framed pictures in the bathroom is one thing, but Kramer has to be the only one with them in his shower.

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Are those his least favorite framed pictures or favorite? It's in a spot he will enjoy, but no one else can. The kicker of it all is that it appears as though he has not just one or two but three framed photographs in his shower.

4 The African Mask Is A Staple

The African mask routinely shows up whenever the audience receives a glimpse into Kramer's apartment, but it's featured prominently during "The Checks" from Season 8. This inclusion just further drives home Kramer's eclectic style.

A lot of his apartment's decorations are just plants or junky stuff such as the fusilli statues, but the African mask breaks away from that and appears to go perfectly with Kramer's quirky personality.

3 He Has A Native American Lamp

Speaking of eclectic items that break away from the junky style, during another episode in Season 8 called "The Chicken Roaster," the viewer sees a Native American lamp next to Kramer's bed. It actually appears that even the statue lamp can't look away from the bright light that the chicken place illuminates through Kramer's window.

If only the Native American lamp also worked as an alarm clock. Now that would definitely be something the audience would find in Kramer's apartment.

2 He Really Likes Lamps

Kramer definitely has a thing for lamps. During "The Friars Club" in Season 7, Kramer falls asleep while making out with his girlfriend, Connie, but behind her, the apartment features this multi-colored, odd-looking, windmill-shaped lamp. Kramer may have plucked it straight from a farm, maybe near where he dropped off the dog that was keeping Elaine awake during the Season 7 premiere ("The Engagement").

Or maybe it's a compass. If so, Kramer could have used that to get home after Connie's "associates" drop him off in the river when she thinks he's dead (he's actually just asleep).

1 The Meaning Of His Dutch Sign

In the same scene of "The Friars Club," there's another shot that shows a sign that reads "Elevator, forsigtig!" That's Danish for "Careful, elevator!"

That sign sounds like it deserved its own episode. How Kramer acquired it and why he found it interesting enough to hang above his couch could both be very interesting storylines.

Clearly, there will never be another sitcom character quite like Kramer, and there won't be another apartment quite like his 5B at 129 West 81st Street in New York City.

NEXT: Seinfeld: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed About Jerry’s Apartment

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