25 Crazy Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Superhero Couples

From the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the X-Men, the Arrowverse, and the DCEU, superheroes are more popular than ever. Longtime fans of the comics have the privilege of seeing their favorite heroes brought to life through a steady stream of movies and television. With any fandom nowadays comes “shipping” -- the practice of taking previously created characters and pairing them up, normally in a romantic way.

The superhero genre is no exception, as fans are constantly discussing which characters would make for compelling couples. Fan art on the internet has only amplified this practice, providing a means to create and share stunning redesigns that depict unexpected, yet fascinating superhero couples. This allows fans to be as imaginative as possible, pairing up characters who normally wouldn’t be together.

Sometimes this involves two characters in the same universe, such as two Marvel characters who aren’t normally a couple. Even more interesting are redesigns that put a Marvel and DC character together, transcending the boundaries that keep such individuals from appearing together in comics, movies, and television shows.

There are countless characters that theoretically would work really well together as a couple, but whether they exist in different universes or not, many of them have never had the chance to be shown as a couple before. These redesigns provide an opportunity to show these characters together, leaving some audiences wondering why there’s never been a story with them romantically paired before.

Love is in the air as we take a look at these 25 Crazy Redesigns Of Unexpected Superhero Couples.

25 Steve Rogers And Bucky Barnes

Years before Steve would become Captain America, Bucky was fiercely protective of Steve, doing everything he could to defend his friend from bullies in Brooklyn.

Their relationship sure got a lot more complicated with Steve's transformation into Captain America and with Bucky seemingly perishing -- only to resurface decades later as the Winter Soldier. On opposite sides, they were forced to become enemies, at least until they overcame many obstacles and reforged a friendship even stronger than before.

LiuYuChi's redesign captures a new side of their relationship with Steve as Bucky as a couple, clad in comfortable clothes and chilling on a porch as they enjoy a few drinks.

After the many complications of their relationship over the years, it's refreshing to see them together and enjoying something so simple.

24 Professor X And Magneto

Charles Xavier/Professor X and Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto are at the heart of all things X-Men. They've been the best of friends or allies, downright enemies, and everything in between.

Fishik's art takes Professor X and Magneto's bond to a new place. The compassion and admiration shared between the two is palpable in this redesign. It is fitting as no matter how different their beliefs were, always had a deep respect for one another.

This take on them as a couple is also refreshing as it highlights them in their older age, Professor X bald and Magneto silver-haired. There is not enough fan art depicting older adults.

The final, fitting touch is that Magneto is holding a rook, a piece from the chess games that are so emblematic of their relationship.

23 Jessica Jones and Daredevil

The Defenders brought Netflix’s Marvel superheroes together in epic fashion. Jessica Jones and Daredevil went beyond their respective shows, fighting alongside Luke Cage and Iron Fist to defend New York City from the threat of the Hand.

Jessica and Daredevil weren’t a couple in The Defenders, but this redesign from Lightning Strikes makes their romantic connection possible to imagine. They certainly look at home with each other, Jessica’s legs comfortably propped over Daredevil’s lap as she chugs her drink, Daredevil sitting there with his beverage.

With the future of The Defenders as uncertain as it currently is, anything is a possibility, even a Jessica Jones and Daredevil romance.

22 Deadpool and Harley Quinn

Deadpool is from Marvel and Harley Quinn is from DC, but the two characters seem perfect for each other.

They're beyond quirky. Harley makes psychotic look fun and Deadpool is an antihero whose humor manages to be hyper-aware and raunchy. They're outsiders even in their respective universes, but they're still comfortable--sometimes too comfortable--in their own skin.

Superheroes with far more impressive abilities may surround them, yet Deadpool and Harley still manage to be more popular and entertaining.

It's a shame that the boundaries of Marvel and DC prevent these two delightful crazies from pairing up in a future film. At least we have Mckenzie H's fitting art of them together.

21 Thor And Storm

When it comes to weather-related abilities, few characters are more powerful than Thor and Storm. Their abilities could lead to an intriguing match as romantic partners as displayed in this piece by micQuestion.

With the X-Men eventually heading their way into the MCU, a Thor and Storm romance isn't completely out of the question. As evidenced by the quick friendship Thor formed with Rocket and Groot in Avengers: Infinity War, the God of Thunder has never been shy about making new friends.

When the mutants enter the MCU, Thor may be one of the first to try and form a connection with them, possibly leading to romance with Storm.

20 Loki and Heimdall

It would be an understatement to say Loki and Heimdall aren't the best of friends. Heimdall and his access to the Bifrost tended to be a significant obstacle Loki faced in his many nefarious schemes. To make matters worse for the God of Mischief, Heimdall usually saw through his plans and was a dear friend of Thor.

Occasionally -- like in Thor: Ragnarok -- the two characters would work together. While Heimdall always showed it in a much more straightforward way than Loki, both characters cared deeply for Thor and for Asgard in their own ways.

Apollos-celticswan's redesign allows this bond to make Heimdall and Loki an affectionate, full-blown couple. It warms our hearts to see these two characters so happy together, especially after what happened to them in the opening of Avengers: Infinity War.

19 Iron Man And Superman

Iron Man is arguably the face of Marvel, Superman the face of DC. They are charismatic forces to be reckoned with, standing up for what's right no matter the cost.

It is fascinating to examine HeroPix's art and think of what they might do not only as a superhero team-up, but as a couple.

They would certainly be a power couple that everyone admires or envies.

Even the most formidable villains would quake before facing a unified Iron Man and Man of Steel, especially if their relationship united the Avengers and the Justice League.

18 Wonder Woman And Harley Quinn

Sometimes opposites attract, their differences balancing out to create a dynamic relationship.

Toherrys takes this thinking to heart in a redesign featuring Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn as a couple.

Wonder Woman is a beacon of hope and inspiration while Harley thrives on chaos and anarchy. They stand for completely different ideals, yet they're the two most popular women in DC, and arguably in the entire superhero genre.

Despite being so different, Wonder Woman and Harley might be attracted by one another's strength. Both live their lives as they see fit, never bowing to live by the standards and expectations set forth by society.

17 Catwoman and Black Widow

If you ever thought Catwoman and Black Widow were similar, you aren't alone. 1001yeah designed this piece of them together for that very reason.

The Dark Knight Rises placed Catwoman back in the popular culture spotlight as the MCU continually made Black Widow one of the most recognizable and well-liked superheroes out there.

There is a lot of common ground between Catwoman and Black Widow's costumes, abilities, and personalities. Such parallels could bring the two characters together and create an attraction.

It would certainly be difficult for Catwoman to stay interested in Batman while Black Widow is around.

16 Nightcrawler And Shadowcat

Nightcrawler and Shadowcat have been close friends in the X-Men cartoons and comics. Many fans want to see them as more than friends, a desire realized in LinaDolz's redesign of the two characters together.

X2: X-Men United and X-Men: Apocalypse featured Nightcrawler in significant ways while Shadowcat played an integral role in X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Future Past.

The way Nightcrawler holds Shadowcat and the way they're looking into one another's eyes in this piece certainly makes the case for them to appear in a future X-Men movie together, hopefully as a couple.

15 Captain America and Ant-Man

There are a number of characters that are frequently "shipped" with Captain America. Ant-Man is not one of them, which makes it all the more refreshing to see O-F-T-E-N's redesign depicting them as a couple.

Ant-Man's unbridled eagerness when meeting and later fighting alongside Cap in Civil War is enough to to show his feelings about the First Avenger.

Cap being into Ant-Man might seem like more of a stretch. Beyond their shared feelings about the Sokovia Accords, Cap would probably identify with Ant-Man's humble roots. The kid who used to get picked on in Brooklyn would probably feel some kinship with Scott Lang trying to find a way to support his daughter and have a life with her.

14 Arrow And The Flash

Arrow and The Flash have been big hits, as have the Arrowverse crossover episodes in which their worlds collided.

Their connection transcends the excitement of a crossover episode in Kumagorochan's redesign where the two characters hold onto each other, the Flash looking a little flushed as Arrow shares a coy smile.

It's unlikely that at this stage of both of their shows -- especially for Arrow which is entering its 7th season -- will make this couple a reality, especially given the expensive and extensive nature of making their ongoing relationship work for both Arrow and The Flash.

The dreamers out there can find solace in this impressive piece of fan art.

13 Harley Quinn And Mystique

Harley Quinn and Mystique are both formidable and cunning women. Their personalities are quite different, though.

Quite simply, Harley Quinn is crazier and lives for chaos while Mystique is much more grounded and goal-oriented.

Their personalities would make for a tense, but passionate relationship. Defexx captures that well with Harley and all her eccentricities driving Mystique insane. They’d just as easily fight as work together or be physically intimate.

Without a doubt they’d be a fun couple to watch, constantly keeping audiences and the other characters on their toes at all times.

12 Deadpool And Spider-Man

Whether it's romantic or just as friends working together, Deadpool and Spider-Man is one of the Internet's more popular unlikely pairings in the superhero genre.

While it might be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for such popularity, it likely has to do with the fact that Spider-Man tends to be a virtuous, hopeful, and inspiring hero while Deadpool is nothing like that. They each have their own brand of humor and many fans are obsessed with the kind of dynamic that can create.

DakotaLIAR's redesign of the two characters takes a different focus, honing in on a rare intimate moment. Beneath the iconic costumes and big personalities are two people who just want to be loved and understood as seen in this piece.

11 Bruce Banner And Iron Man

Bruce Banner and Iron Man have a long history together in both the comics and movies, often dubbed as “science bros.”

Their intellect and passion for science and technology bonds them in a way that's different from their connections with many of their fellow superheroes.

Brilcrist’s fan art takes their bond further, portraying Bruce tenderly looking at Tony as he works on one of his suits while Tony caresses Bruce’s hair and tries to go in for a kiss.

The likeness to Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. makes it easy to imagine a scene like this playing out between their characters in the MCU. The detail in their faces and in Tony’s armor is impeccable.

10 Groot And Gamora

Of all the Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot and Gamora is probably the most unlikely romantic pairing. Their actions show that they genuinely care for one another, but it's as fellow members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and certainly not in a romantic way.

Still, there's something undeniably sweet about Groot extending a flower to Gamora in ToriaDoria's redesign. They'd certainly make for an eclectic couple.

It is important to remember that this isn't necessarily a romantic gesture on Groot's behalf as he also gave a flower to one of the children on the street that the Guardians encountered on their trip to Knowhere.

9 Loki And Bucky Barnes

Loki and Bucky Barnes have quite a lot in common. Bucky and Steve Rogers grew up incredibly close, much as brothers Thor and Loki grew up close on Asgard.

Despite those relationships, Bucky as the Winter Soldier would become Steve's enemy and Loki would become Thor's enemy as well. Eventually Bucky's relationship with Steve and Loki's with Thor would be reforged, but they'd still never quite be like the mighty Avengers loved by so many.

All these parallels create a perfect understanding between Bucky and Loki, an understanding that could connect them on a level beyond friendship. DKettchen's art captures them at ease, Loki's hair flowing in the wind as he clings to Bucky's waist as Bucky steers his motorbike, fondly glancing back at Loki.

8 Spider-Man And The Flash

Spider-Man's role among the Avengers heavily mirrors the Flash's role among the Justice League. Both are young, gifted superheroes who feel out of their depth but are overeager to help their team succeed. They're quick learners, though, and they provide some of the best comedic beats in their respective stories.

Their similarities might allow them to connect in more ways than one.

This redesign by pencilHead7 captures some of those similarities. Instead of feeling out of their depth like they sometimes do with the Avengers or Justice League, Spider-Man and the Flash look pretty comfortable here.

It would certainly be a treat to some them bonding and falling for one another.

7 Batgirl And Supergirl

Melissa Benoist’s performance as Supergirl has elevated the character among today’s most popular superheroes. Supergirl started out as a strong show on CBS and became even better when it moved to the CW and became more connected to the larger Arrowverse.

Flauschtraut reimagines Supergirl literally elevating Batgirl, flying upward as she holds her fellow superheroine. The tender look on Supergirl’s face practically makes one's heart melt.

This couple could sort of become a reality given Ruby Rose is entering the Arrowverse to play Batwoman, perhaps eventually leading to romance with Supergirl.

6 Wonder Woman And Captain America

Despite one being from DC and the other from Marvel, Wonder Woman and Captain America actually have similar origin stories.

They were always idealists willing to fight for what they believed in. Their stories began long ago, but they would emerge again many years later as legendary superheroes from the past, ready to rejoin the fight for what's right.

These similar origins would definitely allow for Captain America and Wonder Woman to find common ground as shown in J-Skipper's redesign of them as a couple.

Whether they were frozen in ice for decades or grew up on Themyscira, both characters appreciate the simple pleasures more than everyday folk, which makes it perfect that they're just enjoying one another's company by a tree on a hilltop, Wonder Woman leaning against Cap as he reads from Alan Moore's Watchmen.

5 Talia Al Ghul And Bane

Arguably the biggest twist in The Dark Knight Rises was that Bane wasn't the real primary antagonist all along. It was Miranda, who was actually Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Bane had been working for Talia all along.

He had been a sort of protector for her from a young age, now doing everything in his power to make her wishes a reality.

This redesign by banextalia re-imagines their relationship in a romantic light. Bane is now not just a protector figure from her childhood, but someone she finds attractive.

It's unsettling to think of Bane attracted to the child he once protected. This piece is fun to look at, but when thinking about it we're glad The Dark Knight Rises didn't make their relationship a romantic one.

4 Thor And Deadpool

Especially with the more recent portrayals in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War, Thor is a character who’s become rather witty and at times likes to joke around. Deadpool has always had his own brand of raunchy, fourth wall-breaking humor.

In a weird way, Thor and Deadpool could actually work quite nicely as a couple.

LOTOLLE’s redesign makes it easy to imagine Thor and Deadpool together, busting each other’s chops and having a grand old time. Deadpool would make pancakes wearing nothing but an apron that says “Kiss Me I’m Deadpool” while Thor wears his partner’s mask.

3 Black Widow And Bucky Barnes

Bucky and Black Widow have been a couple in the comics, but not so far in the MCU. Given the popularity of both characters and the actors portraying them, many fans are clamoring to see the two of them as a romantic pair on the big screen.

Petite-Madame's redesign makes fans’ dreams come true with the two of them coming together. Created in breathtaking likeness to the appearances of Scarlett Johansson and Sebastian Stan playing their characters, it is easy to see what they’d look like as a couple in the MCU.

While they now fight for justice, the red blood red background hints at their dark pasts that forever haunt them and made them who they are today.

2 Iron Man And Captain America

Working so closely together off made Iron Man and Captain America grow rather close. Both were integral to forming and leading the Avengers, adventures which made them heavily connected, making their opposition during Civil War and its aftermath all the more painful.

Their relationship hasn't been romantic, but many characters have made comments -- usually joking -- about how their relationship could be taken to the next level.

Hello-shellhead's redesign takes it to that next level with Tony pecking Steve on the cheek, the two quite comfortable and affectionate with each other.

1 Wonder Woman And Spider-Man

There are quite a few angsty, brooding superheroes out there, not to mention psychotic villains. The superhero genre can certainly be a dark place, often leading one to question what it means to be a hero faced with such constantly grim circumstances.

Wonder Woman and Spider-Man are largely refreshing because they provide such pure optimism and hope. Unlike many superheroes, they enjoy their way of life. They embrace it and while serving justice, they also manage to have some fun.

For this reason, the web-slinger and DC's most iconic heroine could be attracted to one another. Louis-Lux's redesign captures the strength and inspiration that both of these characters exhibit, traits that could fuel a successful relationship.


What's your favorite redesign of an unexpected superhero couple? Let us know in the comments!

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