Pretty Little Liars: 20 Things That Make No Sense About Ezra And Aria’s Relationship

One of the major reasons why Pretty Little Liars stood out in the television landscape is that it managed to create an extremely loyal fan base who cared deeply about every aspect of the series. While that was a huge strength for the series, it also is something of a double-edged sword as producers couldn’t sneak by weak storyline elements without fans picking up on it.

Arguably the show’s core relationship, Aria and Ezra almost always seemed to be in one another’s orbit and it would have been astonishing if they had not ended up together. Still, that in no way means that they were able to stay above the drama. In fact, just like the rest of the Liars and their romantic interests, Aria and Ezra were involved in some truly ridiculous and illogical moments. With that in mind, it is time to look at this list of issues with their relationship.

In order for a problem to be considered for possible inclusion in this list, it first and foremost needs to be featured on the Pretty Little Liars show. On top of that, it needs to relate to Aria and Ezra’s relationship within canon. That said, for the purposes of this list, the only necessity is that it could affect that couple’s relationship in some way. As a result, you could find something that only relates to one of them here as long as it potentially could alter the dynamics of their relationship.

Here are 20 Things That Make No Sense About Ezra And Aria’s Relationship.

20 Aria's Flirtation with Ezra's Brother

As a character, Wesley Fitzgerald the character was okay, but when you really reflect on his time as a part of the series you really have to wonder what the point of him showing up was. Introduced in the middle of the third season, he appears in a handful of episodes and it seems like his main purpose in the show was to let Aria know about Maggie. That was information that could have come out any number of other ways, so it seemed like he had to be destined for another role.

However, his whole flirtation with Aria went nowhere and served no real purpose. Then he disappeared forever, not even attending his brother’s wedding.

19 Ezra's Reaction to Aria’s Infertility

In the PLL series finale, Aria was very upset to learn that she was incapable of having kids. Of course, Ezra was bound to have his own feelings about the situation since it clearly affects him too. That said, the way he reacts when he learns that Aria had already gotten three doctors' opinions to make sure the diagnosis was accurate was hard to swallow.  Being surprised and even a little bit hurt that he wasn’t involved in that process is understandable.

He made the whole situation about himself by walking away from Aria in a hugely emotional moment.

On top of all that, why did the doctor call Aria with the news in the middle of the night?

18 Ezra Writing A Book About Alison

It is totally unclear why Ezra thought writing a book about Alison’s fate was a good idea, to begin with. This is especially confusing given that he chose to base his entire life around working on the book, moving to and teaching in Ravenswood and getting to know Alison’s friends.

Even if his motivation was that he couldn’t stop thinking about the situation after learning that Alison had disappeared, as he states in the show, it was far too risky for him to reasonably undertake such a project. Just think about it: he went about purposely getting involved with one teenager in order to figure out what happened to another girl he'd romance when she was 15 years old and he was in college.

17 Keeping Ezra's Blinds Open

Anytime the Liars thought things were going well for them they were broadsided by some kind of drama. With that in mind, it is surprising that the true nature of Ezra and Aria’s relationship did not get discovered by pretty much everyone in their quiet little town. They were not nearly careful enough about keeping things under their hats, but we’ll be touching more on that later.

Even knowing they were stalked by A, they were perfectly content to allow the sun to shine into Ezra’s apartments during their get-togethers.

It's proof-positive of just how careless they were in a lot of ways. Considering how crafty they could be at other times, it is hard to understand.

16 Ezra and the Chickpeas

In one of the more unexpected Pretty Little Liars twists Ezra monitoring the Liars made it seem like he was part of the A team, but all of his machinations had to do with his aforementioned book. No matter what his motivations, it was interesting to see just how crafty he could be including setting up a lair, cameras, and employing spies. However, he then was shown to be about as goofy as possible while at the cabin with Aria.

Needing a moment in his lair, Ezra hatches the elaborate plan to send Aria out for chickpeas even though they already have some. That left us wondering, if Aria had looked in the cabinets and seen the chickpeas, what his backup plan was. The dramatic zoom on the chick peas didn't help things.

15 Ezra Jumping Through So Many Hoops with Nicole

One of the most melodramatic things to happen over the entire Pretty Little Liars run-- and that is really saying something-- Ezra’s girlfriend Nicole was abducted in South America. Believed to have met her untimely demise for several episodes, Nicole eventually gets released but by then Ezra had gotten back together with Aria and they are planning to get married. Despite his new relationship status, it makes perfect sense that he would travel in hopes of being there when Nicole was freed, but then things went too far.

Ezra spends days on end pretending to still be with Nicole at the behest of her parents.

It's a questionable move from the first second. He may have really wanted to do the right thing, but how Ezra thought it would work out well to deceive a fragile person like that is beyond us.

14 Aria Staying in Rosewood

By far the simplest answer to the problems that Aria and all of her friends faced during their teens would have been moving away from Rosewood. After all, A may have had an insane budget and evidently all the time in the world to work against the Liars, but if they all moved to different areas it would have been impossible to keep things going.

Of course, anyone who has been around a teenager would tell you they would hate the idea of moving away from all of their friends and, in the case of Aria, her boyfriend, Ezra. However, if doing so meant that she no longer had to be in fear every moment of her life, it should have been an easy decision for every Montgomery family member.

13 Ezra's Inability to Recognize the Age of Teenagers

Seriously, what the heck is wrong with Ezra? He initially was portrayed as unknowingly getting involved with an underage girl, and it was bad enough when he continued dating Aria after he supposedly found out her true age. However, it later came to light that he knew how old Aria was, to begin with, and got involved with because since he wanted to be a “good reporter... that would do anything for the story.

If dating Aria wasn’t creepy enough, it was revealed that he’d also romanced Alison when she was 15 years old, although he claimed that time he was unaware of her age.

Assuming he was telling the truth, it meant that as a college student he really wasn’t capable of identifying that a girl was way too young for him, which is something he should have been able to do.

12 How Oblivious Her Parents Were

Let’s face facts, Aria’s parents were horrible at protecting their child, especially Byron. For instance, their daughter was in constant danger for years and yet they seemed blissfully unaware of the extreme stress she was under until each time things came to a head. However, the reason they landed on this list is they somehow failed to pick up Ezra and Aria’s relationship, which was made all the worse when Ella started teaching at the high school.

After all, if they made any real attempts at monitoring their daughter’s life after all the danger she ended up in, it would have been very easy to figure out. Actually, it was downright negligent of them to allow Aria out without a constant GPS they could monitor after her second major brush with danger.

11 Thinking they Could be Free at the College

Based on the many times they talked about it, Aria and Ezra desired to be open about their relationship above everything else. As a result, Ezra becoming a college teacher was extremely exciting for them since they believed they could be free with their love while on campus. Unfortunately, this line of thinking made absolutely no sense.

After all, the college was close enough to where they live that both could travel there at a moment’s notice.

As a result, many residents of a small town like Ravenswood would have ended up attending the college and some of them undoubtedly would be able to recognize Ezra and Aria. If that weren’t enough, Byron’s dad taught at the very same college so he could have run into them at any time.

10 Ezra the Stalker

As we previously touched on in the entry about the chickpeas, Ezra was revealed to be stalking all of the Liars out of nowhere. It was an alarming moment, but he eventually explained it all away by saying he was following their every move in an attempt to gain information for his intended book about Alison’s disappearance.

This excuse did nothing to address the evil look he had on his face every time he was tracking their movements. Additionally, some of the other things he did during this period seemed to have nothing to do with his supposed research. For instance: placing a camera outside his own front door and continuing to stalk everyone even after he’d gotten back together with Aria.

9 How Blatant They Were At School

Right from the beginning, the other English students should have noticed the way they would sometimes gaze into one another eyes or have pointed conversations about things in front of everyone in class. If that weren’t enough, they constantly talked to one another after class and when interrupted they would give some feeble attempt at normal student-teacher conversation.

Finally, there was that time Aria was Ezra’s assistant in the school play and obviously acted far too familiar with him. It really seems like they wanted to be discovered, but the principal somehow didn't pick up on their extremely obvious clues.

8 Why Ezra Escaped Legal Ramifications

Whether you like him or not, the fact remains that Ezra Fitz broke a lot of laws. In fact, the way he monitored the Liars was a lesser crime for him, which says an awful lot.

The guy even showed up at the police station when Aria was being questioned.

He pretty much was asking to be caught that time. He got away with his actions, but most parents in Byron and Ella’s shoes would have reported him as soon as they learned about his intimate relationship with their teen daughter. However, even if they were disgustingly permissive, he did a terrible job of covering his path.

7 Why Noel Kahn Wasn't More Damaging

A key ability for any Pretty Little Liars fan is a willingness to accept sudden changes in a character’s motivations and behaviors. Noel Kahn was charming at first but he soon used his knowledge of Ezra and Aria’s relationship to blackmail his teacher for a better grade. From that point on, he remained awful at every turn.

The only problem is, for someone that was so evil and crafty, he was surprisingly ineffective against the Liars as a whole, and Ezra and Aria specifically. It's especially galling since he figured out the true nature of Aria and Ezra’s relationship. They discredited him, but if he tried at all he could have amassed evidence of his claim and used it to his own benefit.

6 Aria's Parents Eventually Accepted Ezra

Being a parent really can be insanely difficult if you care about doing a good job. This is the case because parents are often faced with unexpected issues involving their children and find themselves unsure of how to react.

One of the easiest decisions would have to not to support your teenaged daughter dating her English teacher.

When it comes to Aria’s parents, however, they eventually come around to their daughter’s man. At one point, Byron even tells Ezra that he should have tried to win him over. Of course, we get that they were worried about losing their daughter, but come on, they really should have gone a lot further to keep these two apart.

5 Aria Didn't Get Bored

A young woman who had the world at her fingertips, Aria Montgomery decided to spend much of her formative years stuck inside a tiny apartment in order to be with the man she loved. It's a romantic notion to be sure, but watching someone on TV go through that situation is a whole lot better than finding yourself in it.

After all, once they got past that stage of a relationship where simply being together is enchanting, they would be forced to cope with the limitations of such a small place. Given that Aria was a high schooler at the time, an age where immaturity runs wild, the idea that she wouldn’t feel so stifled by the situation their relationship would fall apart is unrealistic.

4 The show pretends they are cute and romantic

Pretty Little Liars featured a long list of storylines that easily could have outraged viewers. For instance, Alison was implanted with Emily’s fertilized eggs, the only trans character was portrayed awfully, Paige held Emily underwater, and the show drew an awful picture of mental health.

The most alarming PLL element had to be the way the show celebrated a grown man dating his underage student for several years.

Sure, some fans could buy the two of them feeling like they were star-crossed lovers the rest of the world didn’t understand. However, in the end, everyone else in their life was perfectly okay with their relationship, including Toby, who eventually was paid to enforce the law.

3 Aria Not Turning to Ezra For Help

As someone that spent much of her teenage years in danger of all sorts, including the mortal kind, Aria learned to turn to her friends for help every time. However, after the 20th time they were all certain who A was,  only to be wrong, it made perfect sense for her to turn elsewhere for aid.

Over the years Mona, Caleb, Toby, and Ezra all became embroiled in the never-ending drama. However, Ezra almost always had to force himself into the situation, which seems completely illogical. After all, chickpeas aside, he proved himself to be extremely crafty so he could have been a lot of help to Aria. On top of that, A often threatened Ezra and his relationships, so it wasn’t like he was kept safe because Aria turned elsewhere for help.

2 Why Everything they Watch is Old

The first time we saw Ezra and Aria watching a classic film together it seemed to be quite revealing. It was a pretty good indication that they had a great appreciation for the classics, as Aria’s high school peers likely would have found black and white films to be tedious. However, it seemed like whenever they sat down in front of a TV they put a classic movie on, unless the news was playing, which is confusing since there are many modern films that would appeal to them.

With that in mind, it seems like it was an effort to keep the show’s budget under control, since showing clips from more recent movies would have cost the show an arm and a leg.

1 Aria Getting Back Together With Ezra

Let’s be honest, considering how much screen time was given to Aria and Ezra’s romance, it would have disappointed many Pretty Little Liars fans if they ended up with anyone else. That said, if you want a pair of characters to believably remain a couple, it pays to not put them in situations that should have permanently end their relationship.

If you hope to get back together with your ex somewhere down the line, you should steer clear of stalking her and all of her best friends.

Instead, Ezra still opted to become a creepy stalker and it also came out that he’d romanced another 15 year old, but Aria still took him back.


What else doesn't make sense about Ezra and Aria's relationship in Pretty Little Liars? Let us know in the comments!


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