Reigns: Game of Thrones Guide: Tips, Tricks, & All Ruler Unlocks

Although Game of Thrones has not always had the best of times when it comes to video game adaptations, the recent launch of Reigns: Game of Thrones video game shows that there's plenty of potential for the franchise in gaming. The title, which follows on from the previous entries in the Reigns series from developer Nerial, tasks players with sitting on the Iron Throne, unlocking new characters and surviving the winter, which is just as tricky as it seems in the series.

Quite simply, being in power in Westeros is a dangerous place to be, and Reigns: Game of Thrones is no exception. Not only will the ruler have to handle infighting and attempted coups from within, but there's also the impending disaster of the White Walkers to contend with. As mentioned, players do have the chance to take charge with a variety of memorable names from Game of Thrones as a whole - once they've been unlocked, of course.

Related: Reigns: Game of Thrones Review

However, these characters need to be unlocked using specific circumstances - and that's not even mentioning how to even beat the White Walkers when the times comes. So, read on for an overview of how to play Reigns: Game of Thrones, how to unlock each character, and how to survive the fight while waiting for The Winds of Winter.

How to Get Started in Reigns: Game of Thrones

At first glance, Reigns: Game of Thrones might seem a little bit simplistic. After all, it's all about making yes or no choices, and this binary might allow someone to fall into a false sense of security. However, the Iron Throne can be extremely unforgiving, and as such players should ensure they are always vigilant.

Rather than thinking of the game in this straightforward manner, instead it's better to think of the title as being a matter of management. Players will need to keep track of the four pillars of power in their kingdom: the military, the Faith of the Seven, the people, and the funds of the Master of Coin. A successful ruler must maintain a strong balance across all four pillars, or they may find themselves facing a sudden and untimely end.

Beyond that, players should also spend some time playing through the game of their own accord. Getting a sense of what works and what doesn't is essential, and in particular making sure to keep track of the kingdom's coffers is a must. After all, the easiest way to appease the other pillars is through use of limited funds, but running out of cash will result in an equally vicious end for the player.

In terms of initial goals, there are some things that should be aimed for. Going after the tasks that the player has been set should be a priority, as this will help the player unlock certain new characters and also make headway towards the endgame of winter. Equally, hunting down each ruler's special ability is key, with such examples as Cersei being invincible to threats from the Faith of the Seven pillar once specific criteria have been met.

Page 2 of 3: How to Unlock ALL Rulers in Reigns: Game of Thrones

How to Unlock ALL Rulers in Reigns: Game of Thrones

Reigns: Game of Thrones offers players nine different characters to choose from. However, aside from the starter character of Daenerys, the others all need to be unlocked through playing the game. So, here's a rundown of how to access each of the playable characters.

Daenerys: The default playable character. Simply start the game, and Daenerys will be the first character the player can choose.

Tyrion: Tyrion Lannister's fate in Game of Thrones may be cryptic so far, but the character here is easy to unlock. The first time that Daenerys is killed, the player will be booted back to character selection once more. However, this time Tyrion will be available to play.

Cersei: Cersei Lannister can be unlocked while playing as Tyrion. One the goals while playing as him is to oversee the trial of Cersei. At some point in the run, Varys will advise the player that Cersei has been found. Capturing her and attending the trial will then give the player access to the card The Mad Queen, which allows them to play as Cersei.

Jaime: Once Cersei is unlocked, it won't be long before her brother is then up for grabs, even though some thought he wouldn't make it this far. To get Jaime, play as Cersei and survive long enough for the White Walker threat to become real, at which point Jaime will ask to be able to mine Dragonstone. Supporting Jaime's choice at this point will then mean that he is available to choose as a playable character.

Sansa: Sansa Stark will come to the player and request to buy Wildfire, but unbeknownst to the player her purpose is to then blow up The Twins, the castle of House Frey. As long as the ruler (whoever the player has chosen) agrees to Sansa's request, the player will then witness an 'unexpected use of Wildfire', and unlock Sansa for future playthroughs.

Jon Snow: Much like Tyrion, Jon Snow is another who is very easy to get access to. The former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch is unlocked when playing as Daenerys, and while doing so Jon Snow will appear to talk with the player. The next time Daenerys dies, Jon Snow will then be accessible.

Arya: Arya is unlocked while playing as Tyrion. Once advised that an ally of Cersei has been killed, the player will be able to investigate to try and find the culprit. Lo and behold, the person behind the killing happens to be Arya Stark, who can then be chosen. Interestingly enough, choosing Ayra as a playable character then leads to her assassinating Cersei and taking her place on the throne.

Gendry: Given the past between Gendry and Arya, it's no surprise that playing as Arya is required to access Gendry. The blacksmith will approach the queen regarding an excess of iron, and should be told to make swords. After the blacksmith is called "filth" by the Master of Coin, disagreeing will allow Arya to expose the blacksmith's true identity: Gendry. Then, he will be available as a playable character.

The Three-Eyed Raven: The Three-Eyed Raven is unlocked when the player has unlocked and played as all of the other characters.

Page 3 of 3: How to Survive Winter & Get All Nine Endings

How to Survive Winter & Get All Nine Endings

As bloody as the politics behind the Iron Throne is, there's a much larger threat looming in the distance, with the armies of the White Walkers coming from the north. This is perhaps the biggest challenge of the game, and each of the rulers has their own way to survive through the dangers of winter. So, here's how to defeat the White Walkers for each character.

Daenerys: Each of the rulers has an ending that ties into their own personal skillset, and for Daenerys victory relies on her dragons. Following some research done by the Grand Maester, it is suggested that the dragons need riders, and the queen is sent off to find Rhaegal. Depending on the interactions chosen with Rhaegal, one rider has to be chosen over the other: if you touched Rhaegal, choose Sansa, and if you looked at him, choose Tyrion. Then, with two dragons on side, Westeros will be able to defeat the White Walker threat and survive winter.

Tyrion: Fans of Game of Thrones may remember Tyrion's great mind as a tactician, particularly when it it game to the use of Wildfire during the Battle of Blackwater Bay. A similar strategy should be used here. The Pyromancer can be found in the dungeon, so when given the opportunity to go down there, take it. Then, get them to start making Wildfire, and once it is ready take it to ice cap on the God’s Eye lake. When the White Walker threat approaches, trigger this trap and take them down.

Cersei: Wildfire is also key to survival when it comes to Cersei. During a council meeting, choosing the Winter and Wildfire dialogue options will allow the player to discuss the development of new War Machines with the Pyromancer to help combat the threat of the White Walkers. It's then a matter of making it through ten more days to have these new weapons created, which will allow the army of the dead to be defeated and winter to end.

Jaime: Jaime's fight against the White Walkers in Reigns: Game of Thrones is more of a straightforward battle. The ruler must be advised that the people see him as the reborn legend of Azor Ahai, which grants the status of The Sword. From here, when the army of the White Walkers appears, the player will have to complete a speech and then go to battle, and choose the following options: against the "scores of undead giants, bears, and other monstrous creatures" use the archers. Against the undead army, use the knights, and then against the zombified Viserion use the Scorpion. That will then lead to summer once more.

Sansa: Although Sophie Turner thinks the finale of Game of Thrones may divide the fanbase, Sansa's successful rule is all about diplomacy and uniting all sides. First, the player must arrange to marry Jaime Lannister when he has been captured, before then finding a peaceful solution to the infighting within Westeros. This means solving any conflicts that the player may have at that time. Marry Jaime, being sure to appease all parties during the ceremony, and then use the One Kingdom card in the war against the undead, choosing the same battle options as above, except using Drogon against Viserion.

Jon Snow: For Jon Snow, defeating the White Walkers relies on the use of Valyrian steel, but getting hold of it isn't straightforward. After receiving a message from Daenerys that something has been stolen from the Warlocks of Qarth, speak to Varys to head down to the tavern, where a pirate is boasting about a successful acquisition. Listen to the conversation, and then buy the Valyrian Dust from him. Giving this to Samwell Tarly will then allow the production of Valyrian swords, which will defeat the White Walkers.

Arya: Arya is posing as Cersei when she is the ruler, but eventually it is time to let that mask slip. When chasing Balerion the cat, follow him into the dungeon, and find him down there, where it will be revealed that the cat has been taken over by Bran who suggests that Arya goes to Winterfell. Do this by choosing the option in a council meeting, and once there reveal to Jon and Sansa that you are Arya rather than Cersei to unlock The Pact. During the battle against the White Walker army, use the same options as for Sansa.

Gendry: To survive winter with Gendry,  Ayra is needed. Await word from her, who will task the player with completing a card matching game by selecting the cards that correspond to the same ones where the Three-Eyed Raven appeared. Do this, and Ayra will then go to find the Horn of Winter. Survive long enough to get this, and then blow the horn to raise earth giants and destroy the White Walkers when given the chance.

The Three-Eyed Raven: The Three Eyed-Raven option is perhaps the most piecemeal to put together. Choose the Raven as ruler, and then any of the other character options; it doesn't matter which one, as they all have the same end goal this time around. Whenever a character in the game asks to mine Dragonglass, say yes, and keep doing this as much as possible. Get enough, and this will then allow you to give Dragonglass weapons to the armies. When the fight comes, choose the same options as Jaime to end winter.

Beat all the endings, and the player will be greeted with an image of the Weirwood. That said, the main takeaway from beating the game is no doubt the sense of satisfaction - and hopefully Game of Thrones itself will be able to provide something similar with its own grand finale.

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