10 Best Spider-Men NOT In The Spider-Verse Movie

Sony's Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse introduces the world to different versions of Spider-Man, including Miles Morales, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Gwen, and more. But when it comes to the wildest versions of the Spider hero spanning the multiverse, Into The Spider-Verse doesn't even scratch the surface.

The main universe of Marvel Comics canon is home to the most familiar versions of Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and the rest of the Avengers. But as moviegoers are now learning, this universe and its Earth are just one of an infinite number, with infinite realities, containing infinite re-imaginings of Spider-Man. And while Into the Spider-Verse may introduce some unique versions (Peni Parker and her SP//dr robot, for one), the Spider-Verse has even stranger heroes from different times and places that could have made the cut.

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With that in mind, we're sharing some of our favorite Spider-Men not in Into The Spider-Verse, from the compelling to downright wacky. It's a big multiverse, but practically every Earth has some version of Peter Parker and/or Spider-Man. Here are the 10 Best Spider-Men NOT in Into The Spider-Verse.

Spider-Man India (Earth-50101)

On this Earth, it isn’t Peter Parker of Queens who becomes Spider-Man but Pavitr Prabhakar of Mumbai, India. Pavitr doesn’t get bitten by a radioactive spider, either. Instead, Pavitr receives his abilities from an ancient yogi who grants him the powers of a spider to defeat an evil crime lord possessed by a demon (obviously). His costume appears similar to traditional Indian clothing and less like a spandex suit, but it still features that iconic webbed design.

Otherwise, Pavitr’s journey follows similar beats to Peter’s, with his Uncle Bhim being killed in an incident that Pavitr could have prevented, leading him to learn the ultimate lesson all Spider-Men must learn: with great power must also come great responsibility, no matter one's nationality. Still, it’s a unique version of the character that incorporates Indian culture and customs, breaking the mold of Spider-Man being solely an American concept.

Spider-Punk (Earth-138)

This Spider-Man is Hobart Brown (not to be confused with Earth-616's Hobart, who is the original Prowler), a homeless teenager who gains spider-powers when he’s bitten by a radioactive spider created by President Norman Osborne’s dumping of toxic waste. Brown takes on the persona of Spider-Punk, wearing a version of the spider-suit that just screams anarchy, with a ripped denim jacket and giant spikes. He leads the people of New York in an uprising against Osborne’s V.E.N.O.M. soldiers, eventually getting his revenge when he kills Osborne by bashing him to death with his guitar. Rock on.

Spiders-Man (Earth-11580)

In this universe, Peter Parker falls into a vat of radioactive spiders who quickly consume his body and absorb his consciousness. Now existing as a hive-mind of a thousand spiders who believe they are Peter Parker, the spiders come to Gwen Stacy’s rescue when she’s later attacked, revealing themselves to her as Spiders-Man. This is truly one of most bizarre versions of Spider-Man there is, but in a vast multiverse of infinite possibilities, it stands to reason there’s at least one Earth out there where Spider-Man is literally made of spiders.

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Superior Spider-Man (Earth-616)

One of the more controversial picks on this list, the Superior Spider-Man isn’t really a Spider-Man from another universe. Not technically, anyhow. This version of the character is the same Peter Parker/Spider-Man from Earth-616, but the twist is that his body is under-control of the consciousness of Dr. Otto Octavius. And Doc Ock isn't just in control of Peter’s body, he’s also able to access all of Peter's memories, using what he learns to become a “superior’ Spider-Man. He even redesigns the spider-suit to include a set of mechanical spider-arms, mimicking his own Dr. Octopus' arms.

Over time, though, the experience of being Spider-Man changes Doc Ock for the better, and he eventually sacrifices himself to allow Peter to regain control of his body. The Superior Spider-Man version of the character is a controversial but also weirdly compelling take, exploring how one of Peter’s most notorious villains would handle being the hero for once.

Zombie Spider-Man (Earth-2149)

In this universes, there is a virus that turns several of Marvel's heroes and villains in to flesh-eating zombies. Among them are Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and while he does wind up eating both Mary Jane and his Aunt May, he feels really bad about it afterwards.

It's this remorse sets Zombie Spider-Man apart from the other Marvel Zombies, and in time, he does begin to overcome his craving for human flesh, even helping develop a cure for the virus. Ultimately, releasing the cure also kills Zombie Spider-Man, but his sacrifice is only further proof that even when Spider-Man is a flesh-eating zombie, he is still a hero.

Page 2: Lady-Spider, Golden Sponge Cakes Spider-Man, and More!

Toei's Spider-Man (Earth-51778)

There are certainly some strange versions of Spider-Man on this list, but no version is as wacky as the Spider-Man from Toei’s 1970s Japanese TV show. In this version, motorcycle racer Takuya Yamashiro gains his spider-powers after he receives a blood transfusion from an alien of Spider Planet. His costume, called Spider-Protector, is kept inside his Spider-Bracelet, which is worn on his left hand and also functions as a web shooter. In addition to his powers and gadgets, Toei’s Spider-Man uses a giant robot called the Leopardon to fight the alien invaders of the Iron Cross Army.

Basically, Toei’s Spider-Man has more in common with the Power Rangers than it the Marvel web-slinger (which makes sense when considering Toei created Super Sentai, the basis for Power Rangers), but that doesn’t mean Takuya is any less of a Spider-Man. He officially joined the Marvel universe with a brief appearance during the “Spider-Verse” event in Amazing Spider-Man #12.

The Spider (Earth-311)

In this universe, Marvel's heroes and villains first appear during the early 17th century. This includes the young Peter Parquagh, apprentice to Queen Elizabeth’s spymaster, Sir Nicholas Fury, who he accompanies to the new world. While there, Peter is bitten by a spider and develops strange powers, eventually taking up the identity of the Spider to protect the people of Roanoke Island from the evil schemes of Norman Osborne. His costume reflects the times, appearing in a clearly Elizabethan style with the colors and webbing of the classic Spidey costume. After Osborne’s defeat, Peter returns to England, where he continues to operate as the Spider and joins up with a troupe of actors, meeting and falling love with a Marion Jane Watson.

Related: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Voice Cast & Surprise Cameo Guide

Renew Your Vows Spider-Man (Earth-18199)

The Peter Parker of this Earth experiences what so many of his counterparts never do - a happy marriage with Mary Jane and the joy of raising their daughter, Annie. This Peter even retires from being Spider-Man so he can focus on raising his daughter, but it doesn’t last long, and eventually he must again take up his role as Spider-Man in order to protect his family.

Soon after, MJ and Annie actually join Peter in the field as Annie’s own spider-powers develop. Peter even creates an exoskeleton suit for Mary Jane that allows her to share his powers. This way, both Peter and MJ look out for their daughter as she takes her first steps at being a superhero. It’s an interesting spin on the superhero family, and one that finally lets Peter share the Spider-Man part of his life with his wife and daughter.

Lady-Spider (Earth-803)

May Reilly (better known to most web-heads as Aunt May) doesn’t gain any powers when she’s bitten by a spider in her father’s study, but the moment makes her realize that she too is a prisoner, just like the spider. Instead of a cage, May is held captive by the customs and societal norms of her Victorian-era upbringing, and following her father’s death, she vows to never let herself be “caged” again. May creates her own web-shooters as well as a set of steampunk spider-legs that allow her to move with the agility an actual spider.

"Golden Sponge Cakes" Spider-Man (Earth-51914)

On a list which includes a Spider-Man that’s actually Doc Ock and another that’s a hive-mind of a thousands spiders, you’d think it couldn’t get any weirder. But you’d be wrong. On Earth-51914 - the universe for the Hostess ads seen in Marvel Comics during the 1970s and 1980s - there exists a Spider-Man who defeats his enemies with Twinkies Golden Sponge Cakes. Seriously.

Next: 30 Things You Completely Missed In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

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