‘Happy New Year, Colin Burstead’ Trailer: Ben Wheatley Throws a Party to Remember

happy new year colin burstead trailer

Ben Wheatley tends to make ultra-violent, ultra-strange movies that you can’t quite pin down. With Happy New Year, Colin Burstead, he appears to be trying something different. The trailer sells Wheatley’s latest as a wacky comedy of errors, but don’t be surprised if there’s more than meets the eye. In the film, a man rents a house in order to celebrate New Years with his extended family. The celebration doesn’t appear to go smoothly.

Happy New Year Colin Burstead Trailer

In Happy New Year, Colin Burstead, “Colin Burstead has hired a heritage mansion for a New Year’s Eve party for his extended family and hangers-on, with his own wife Val, teenage daughter Fran, and infant son Jamie in tow. Colin’s mother–the family’s matriarch–dramatically injures her ankle before she has even crossed the manor house’s threshold. Her indebted husband Gordon is desperately trying to secure a life-saving loan that Colin simply will not grant him. Uncle Bertie is secretly ill, and knows this might be his last time seeing the clan all together.”

As I said above, this doesn’t sound like your typical Ben Wheatley film, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. “The scale of it is smaller than the last two films but I’ve always jumped backwards and forwards in size of films so it’s not radically different, in terms of going from Sightseers, then A Field In England then back to High-Rise,” Wheatley said. The filmmaker added:

“I did consciously want to make a film where no one was murdered. Not just murdered, but where no one had a hand laid on them, because most people go through their lives without that happening and if it happens its very, very rare. From my own experience, this is a lot lighter than things I have experienced. I thought the emotional peak is extreme enough without having to go to those places because that family would never recover if it came to blows.”

Happy New Year, Colin Burstead already premiered in the UK on the BBC last year. There’s still no U.S. release date yet.

The post ‘Happy New Year, Colin Burstead’ Trailer: Ben Wheatley Throws a Party to Remember appeared first on /Film.

from /Film http://bit.ly/2LmS6St

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