90 Day Fiance: 10 Crazy Things That Happened On The Other Way

Because TLC producers knew fans were hungry for more trash, they created a spin-off of 90 Day Fiance that was truly bananas. 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way took everything that was bonkers about 90 Day Fiance and threw it into some exotic locations - now with even more cultural clashing!

RELATED: 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: 3 Relationships Fans Were Behind (& 3 They Rejected)

On 90 Day Fiance: The Other Waysix Americans relocate to foreign countries and start lives with people (some they've never met in person). Everyone is a bit unhinged, which makes for some complex and beautiful television personalities. Here's a look at 10 of some of the craziest moments of this inaugural season.

10 Corey Spent His Life's Savings On Evelin

Corey is a kind-hearted Mormon man who has a trusting heart, which is a big problem here! This guy, who grew up in an almost cultish setting, met Evelin on a trip to Ecuador. Corey was immediately head-over-heels for Evelin, and Evelin was smitten with Corey's wallet. The couple was introduced in a clothing store, where Evelin bought hundreds of dollars worth of clothing to bring back to her family using Corey's credit card. Then, Corey revealed he's given Evelin $40,000 to invest in things such as an apartment, bar, and car in Ecuador. All in Evelin's name, of course. You know this is going to end super well for Corey.

9 Tiffany Didn't Know She Was Pregnant

When we meet Tiffany, we also meet her eight-year-old son Daniel. Tiffany had no idea she was pregnant with Daniel until she went into labor and brought him into this cruel world. How in the heck can a person not know they are pregnant? Even if you think it's gas pains, wouldn't you go see the doctor if the pains became chronic enough? Also, speaking from experience, the feeling of a human moving inside of you is pretty unmistakable. After learning this, we're really not surprised by the many silly decisions Tiffany makes throughout the season.

8 Jenny Moved To India For A Catfish

Jenny is a nice person living in sunny Palm Springs, enjoying her 60s as anyone should be by baking under the California sun and not missing winters. That's not good enough, though, because Jenny is selling everything, cashing her 401k, and moving to India to live with a man who catfished her at the beginning of the relationship.

RELATED: Catfish: 10 Most Memorable Catfishes, Ranked

Sumit first introduced himself to Jenny as Michael Jones, using the sexiest male model stock photo he could find. Even after finding out Michael Jones is Sumit, a 30-year old man from India, Jenny still wants to move there and spend the rest of their days as a happy couple.

7 Laura Introduced Aladin To Her Purple Friend

With such age and cultural differences, these two were bound to be a couple full of crazy moments. Laura was not shy about her needs in the bedroom, or Aladin's sad skills in the sack. When Laura first arrived, she and Aladin got right down to "jiggy jiggy," because who needs to shower right after a transatlantic journey? After, Laura introduced him to a few things she thinks will spice up their sex life, including a toy she named "the purple friend." Sex toys are not a thing in Arab culture, and this downright emasculates Aladin, who is enraged and tells her to throw it out. Some things are best left for the privacy of an off-screen conversation, right Aladin?

6 Tiffany And Ronald Got Hitched Fresh Out Of Rehab

We already know Tiffany is one for bad decisions, rounding up her eight-year-old son to move to South Africa to marry a gambling addict. They didn't waste any time when it came to the actual wedding day, though. When Tiffany and Daniel arrived, Ronald was finishing up a six-month stay in rehab for his gambling addiction. Tiffany and Daniel picked him up from rehab, where Daniel and Ronald met for the first time. Days after his discharge, Tiffany, and Ronald tied the knot. This really doesn't seem like a good move for someone fresh out of rehab and emotionally vulnerable, does it?

5 Evelin Not Picking Corey Up At The Airport

Since Evelin did not want to live in the U.S., Corey sold all he had, said goodbye to his family, and moved down to Ecuador. That's a pretty big sacrifice for the one you love. Naturally, you'd be ecstatic to see them and want to pick them up from the airport? Not Evelin. When Corey arrived, and Evelin was nowhere to be found, he called her. She bluntly told him she wasn't coming and he could take a bus to Engabao. Poor Corey had to take a sketchy bus, standing out like a sore thumb in a dangerous country, to a small fishing town hours away.

4 Paul's Run

90 Day Fiance fans are no stranger to Paul's wacky antics. From the penis sheath on Before the 90 Days to him carrying a locket of his mother's hair around, we're always wondering what this guy will do next.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance: 10 Facts TLC Tries To Keep On The Down-Low

On 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way, Paul, and Karine are married and expecting their first child. Still, Paul is financially unable to sponsor Karine to bring her to the United States. Paul applies for a permanent residency visa in Brazil so he can make money to support his growing family. The visa is denied on past terrorism charges, and we are blessed with the gift of Paul running away from the cameras to awkwardly deal with his emotions.

3 Jihoon's Criminal Past

Jihoon and Deavan were one of this show's favorite couples for fans. They were a sweet pair who genuinely seemed to love each other. Jihoon's grandparents were also adorable and welcomed Deavan and Druscilla into their family with open arms. While Deavan waited in the U.S. to have their baby, Jihoon had the one job of getting set up financially, and securing an apartment, so they did not have to live with Jihoon's parents. When Deavan arrives in South Korea, Jihoon has done none of this and actually has an even bigger revelation. He once sold stolen cellphones and was caught, leading to a hefty fine. This has led to a lot of financial debt, making it difficult to save money. Deavan eventually made the decision to go back to the U.S. until Jihoon was more settled, as there was no way a toddler and newborn could grow up in that situation.

2 Tiffany Got Pregnant...Again

You're not surprised to see Tiffany on this list again, are you? Because moving halfway around the world and getting married to an addict fresh out of rehab isn't crazy enough, they decided to have a baby right away! Yep, let's put even more emotional stress on the person who just got out of rehab by entering the wonderfully stressful world of parenthood. Tiffany is shocked to learn that having a baby in South Africa isn't as glamorous as it seems, especially with Ronald's salary. Fortunately, when Tiffany's son, Daniel, tells his Mom how unhappy he is in South Africa, she decides to pack up and move back to the United States, without Ronald. The couple is planning to apply for a spousal visa so Ronald can move stateside to be with his family.

1 Sumit's Secret Marriage

Of course, we had to save the juiciest for last! Jenny had moved to India to be with Sumit, where they were living happily, ever after...or so Jenny thought. Sumit and Jenny were living in a different town from Sumit's family. Sumit would disappear for days on end, telling Jenny he had to go visit his family. He was also very skittish about the whole actually getting married thing, telling Jenny it would cause too many issues with his family. Towards the end of the season, the atomic bombshell is dropped that Sumit is actually married and has been hiding Jenny from his family. While fans were shocked, they weren't really shocked. The situation was too fishy from the start! Jenny did end up leaving India to go back to America, where she appears to be moving on with her life.

NEXT: 15 Dark Secrets You Didn't Know About 90 Day Fiancé

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