Stephen King's Favorite Adaptations Of His Work | Screen Rant

Stephen King has had many of his books adapted for the screen over the years, but which movies did the most justice to their source material according to the horror master himself?

King is known for being highly opinionated about the movies made from his books, and rightfully so considering they’re his own stories. Sometimes, the author's opinion differs from fans of his work. The most famous example of this is Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 adaptation of The Shining. King has been outspoken about his dislike of Kubrick’s film, stating it doesn’t follow the spirit of his book at all. Horror fans, meanwhile, have raised the movie version of The Shining to the upper tier of best horror movies of all time.

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King has shared praise for a select few of the movie adaptations of his book. Here are the ones that he felt followed his books closely enough to capture their spirit properly.

It may not surprise fans that Stephen King’s favorite adaptations of his works tend to lean toward the non-horror side. After all, scares on film and in books are often very different and directors tend to take some creative liberties in their translations to the big screen. In interviews, the first movie King tends to list as a favorite is Stand By Me, a decidedly non-horror story. Rob Reiner’s 1986 film has become a classic in the coming of age genre and King agrees. Stand By Me is actually an adaptation of his 1982 novella, The Body, which comes from King’s story collection, Different Seasons. It’s a moving story about friendship between young boys and what they learn about mortality. King has gone on record saying that after viewing the film, he hugged Reiner and was moved to tears.

Stand By Me gets the most praise from King, but he has listed a few other movies as being particularly faithful adaptations that he enjoyed. Other non-horror adaptations he’s praised include the Academy Award winning films The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. He’s also been complimentary of two films with incredible performances from Kathy Bates, the classic Misery and Dolores Claiborne. The only thing close to a traditional horror film with a monster, albeit an unconventional one, that King has said he enjoys is the adaptation of Cujo, which itself isn’t really a top tier King classic. In fact, he doesn't even remember writing the book.

Horror fans are sure to have differing opinions with Stephen King about which are the best movie adaptations of his books. The world’s most famous horror author, though, has been clear that sticking to the narrative of his books is how to earn his official approval.

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