The Witcher: The Worst Thing Every Character Has Done

Netflix decided to compete with Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker by releasing all eight episodes of its new fantasy series, The Witcher, on December 20. Since then the show has become one of the most in-demand programs on any streaming service.

RELATED: The Witcher: Every Major Event in the Netflix Show in Chronological Order

The show is not presented in chronological order first season and, though confusing, that does allow quite a lot to happen in only eight episodes. With a cast full of magical and conflicted characters, witchers, sorcerers, knights, and more, here are some of the less than heroic decisions made by the characters who have been introduced so far.

18 Vilgefortz

Is a mage, most prominent in the finale, episode 8 of The Witcher season one, as one of the many sorcerers helping out at the at the Battle of Sodden Hill. His worst act is also his most mysterious, as viewers watch him behead another wounded mage after being bested by Cahir, a Nilfgaardian warrior.

17 Triss Merigold

A mage of Temeria, Triss enlists help from Geralt to fight a Striga that has been gobbling up villagers. Triss is also at the Battle of Sodden Hill, and uses her magic to try and bar the castle entrance. Triss's greatest flaw was probably waiting so long to seek help with the monster (that we now know was a Striga) as it terrorized the city.

16 Stregobor

Stregobor is a sorcerer we meet very early on in the series who wants Geralt's help in hunting down Princess Renfri who is out to kill Stregobor. Why does she want to kill Stregobor? Because this guy has a history of killing young women who he thought would bring about the return of Lilit, a demon goddess to wipe out humans. He also mentors Istredd, who becomes the lover of Yennefer, for a time. His worst action though? Probably refusing to help his fellow mages fight against Nilfgaard.

15 Jaskier

Oh, Jaskier, the woman-loving bard and self-proclaimed best friend of Geralt the Witcher, whatever could he do wrong? Other than getting on Geralt's nerves, Jaskier has little interest in doing evil, he only wants to sing about it. The worst thing he ever did? According to Geralt it was to write a song about him, but it was probably actually getting Geralt involved with an evil djinn.

14 Istredd

Istredd is a mage and was in training at Aretuza at the same time as Yennefer. He gets romantically involved with her while they are at the institution and that leads to his spying on her for his mentor Stregobor. Definitely an evil thing to do to a self-conscious girl, especially one who will grow up to be more powerful than you.

13 Foltest

King of the land of Temeria, Tuirseach is also the father of the Striga that Geralt is hired to take care of.

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His greatest crime? Waiting so long to take care of the Striga, since he knew it was his daughter, he didn't really want it harmed. However, that led to the death of many of his subjects, and terror in his kingdom in general.

12 Eithne

Eithne is the Queen of the dryads and takes in Ciri and her friend Dara as they escape from the fallen Cintra. Her worst choice was probably not telling Dara and Ciri that by drinking the water of Brokolin it would not only lessen their suffering but also take away some of their memories. That's kind of an important detail.

11 Dara

Dara is the young elf boy who meets Ciri in the woods as she flees from the fallen Cintra and helps her survive. He grows suspicious when Mousesack arrives to take Ciri to safety, wondering how the mage survived the attack on the kingdom. Ciri doesn't listen. After freeing Ciri, Dara tells her she's too much trouble to stay with. His last act is his worst, he abandons her.

10 Cahir

Cahir is the leader of the Nilfgaardian army as it attacks Cintra. He is responsible for the death of Queen Calanthe's husband, King Eist. His worst action though is the murder of an entire crowd in a tavern just to make sure they were not the doppler. He has some rage issues he may need to work out.

9 Princess Renfri

Hunted by Stregobor because of when she was born, Princess Renfri has every right to be angry and hostile. However, that doesn't always lead to the best choices. She probably should not have threatened to slaughter the town of Blaviken until she got to Stregobor, though she accomplishes neither.

8 Sabrina Glevissig

Sabrina is an initiate at Aretuza who studies alongside Yennefer.

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She is the first initiate to bottle lightning. She grows up and goes on to take part in the Battle of Sodden Hill. Her worst actions happened when she was under the influence of a parasite, that made her stab Yennefer with an arrow.

7 Fringilla Vigo

Fringilla studied at Aretuza at the same time as Sabrina and Yennefer before becoming a full sorceress and being sent to serve Nilfgaard, after Yennefer doesn't want the position. She fights against her fellow mages at the Battle of Sodden Hill and takes part in mutilating Queen Calanthe's body after the attack on Cintra to help find out where Ciri has escaped to.

6 Tissaia de Vries

Tissaia is the rectoress and head of the Aretuza school where new sorceresses are trained. Tissaia is a very powerful mage but not a very kind teacher. She often yells and belittles Yennefer. Even though she claims to do so so that Yennefer will fulfill her potential, it still makes her a bit of a villain, despite her attempt to assist Yennefer and others at the Battle of Sodden Hill.

5 Mousesack

Mousesack is one of the better druids we come into contact with over the course of the first season. He is good at what he does and loyal to the kingdom he serves, Cintra, both advising Queen Calanthe, aiding Ciri in her escape from the city, and using his magic to defend the castle. Perhaps, had he worked harder to convince Geralt to stay in Cintra before Ciri's birth the kingdom might not have suffered the way it did in the end, but we'll never know.

4 Queen Calanthe

A ferocious warrior, Queen Calanthe ran her kingdom well for most of her life, until Nilfgaard attacked. She lived through the death of her daughter and son in law and raised her granddaughter, Ciri, in their absence. What were some of this great Queen's worst qualities? Well, secrecy for one (not telling Ciri about her destiny until the last moment, not telling Pavetta she wanted her to marry Crach). She's at her worst when we watch her try and split Pavetta and Lord Urcheon, but destiny cannot be avoided.

3 Yennefer of Vengerberg

Yennefer is perhaps the most powerful sorceress of the age, but that's because she's often not very nice. Her obsession with power and control over her life often leads her to walk all over people and use them to her own ends (Geralt included).

RELATED: The Witcher: 10 Worst Things Yennefer has Done, Ranked

She doesn't care that trying to absorb a djinn might bring down a whole city, or that using Geralt for revenge on those who have wronged her might end with him in imprisoned. Yennefer's need for power usually finds her at her worst.

2 Ciri

Ciri is young, confused, and spends much of season one on the run after Nilfgaard sacks her kingdom. She's just trying to find safety, and Geralt. But, it's hard to forgive her for how she treated Dara, despite his doing everything he could to help and protect her as they both fled Cintra and encountered the dryads together.

1 Geralt of Rivia

Geralt was just trying to rid the world of monsters and make enough money to live on, but now he must protect a Cintran princess. That's a lot to ask, and yet all Geralt wants is to do what's right. The trick is, sometimes he takes too long thinking about what's right to actually do it, as we see when he is forced to kill Renfri and her band and becomes the Butcher of Blaviken.

NEXT: The Witcher: 10 of the Best Memes so Far

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