Orange Is The New Black: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters

Every television show has those characters that you just hate, and Orange Is The New Black is no different in that regard. There are several characters in this popular Netflix series that fans simply did not like, whether that was intentional by the writing, or just because they didn't really connect.

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Obviously, in a show that is set inside of a prison, all of the characters should technically be unlikeable. They've all made bad decisions and committed crimes in order to end up in that situation, although some have had tough lives, others really are just horrible people. Having these hated characters really was important for the show though, as it gave audiences clear people to believe in and have hope for. In this list, we will be looking at the 10 most hated supporting characters (so no Piper Chapman) from the entire series.

10 Linda

A common theme that will be shown throughout this list is that a lot of the worst characters in Orange Is The New Black that people hated were those in positions of power. One of those was Linda, who tries to rebrand the whole prison as she works with PolyCon.

She frustrates audiences because Linda clearly doesn't understand what it is like to be working or living in the prison, despite the fact she does hilariously end up as a prisoner for a few days during the riot. She constantly pushes to make the prison more cramped and difficult, which is why people didn't like her.

9 Brooke Soso

Brooke Soso is an example of a character that isn't one of the worst people in the prison, but she was hated by fans anyway. Brooke isn't out to hurt people inside the prison, she's not racist, and she just wants to serve her time and get out of there.

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However, that didn't stop her from being incredibly annoying in the early stages of her character development. While she did start to win people over with her relationship with Poussey (hence the lower ranking) she still had frustrating tendencies that just meant fans never got on board with her.

8 Polly Harper

Another character who wasn't a typical villain that fans should have hated (but did) was Polly Harper. She was Piper's best friend prior to her being sent to prison, however, she proved to not be very loyal as a person, which led to fans hating her.

Not only does she heavily judge the prison and everyone in it (who the fans liked) but she then went on to get into a relationship with Piper's ex, Larry. Even though it wouldn't have worked out for Piper due to her sexuality, it was still a terrible move that meant fans didn't like her.

7 Denning Sisters

The Denning Sisters (Barb and Carol) were two of the latest big antagonists to join the show, and because of that they weren't quite as well developed as other characters. Their story was built over a season which led to all-out gang warfare, but it just wasn't quite as exciting as it should have been.

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The pair of them were clearly twisted and evil, but still harboring all the issues they did at their age wasn't a storyline that everyone enjoyed. Because of that, it only led to the characters being disliked even further.

6 Piscatella

Another character who had power and chose to abuse it was Piscatella, who was the Chief Guard at the prison. He is abusive to the prisoners and believes that brute force is the answer to everything. It's due to his behavior and bullying tactics that Poussey Washington died, and fans hated him for that ever since.

He gave Red an incredibly difficult time as well, and it is under his leadership that the prison goes into a riot which leads to his death. However, that doesn't give the satisfying moment it should either as it leads to Taystee being given a life sentence, despite not being the murderer, giving another reason to hate him.

5 Stella

Stella ranks quite highly on the list because not only did she prove to be a liar within the prison, but her character was also just very annoying. It was clear from the start she was very fake, although Piper ends up falling for those lies as they end up in a relationship together.

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She ends up backstabbing Piper, by stealing her money from the business that they had created together, and that's ultimately why she was hated. However, the fact that she was just false and irritating meant that she never really won over the fans as some other villains did.

4 Abe

When Abe was first added to the show, he seemed like he might be different from the usual guards who just used and abused the prisoners for their own personal benefit. He took a shine to Doggett and the two of them began to form a relationship.

However, fans were quickly given a big reason to hate him in an incredibly difficult scene to watch. It instantly made him hated by everyone, and he proved to be one of the worst characters, despite the fact they end up patching things up.

3 Vee

Yvonne Parker, who is better known as Vee was the ultimate antagonist of this series. While she only lasted one season, which is much shorter than other characters, she certainly made her impact felt. She was a true bully as she caused issues for everyone who got in her way.

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She was dangerous and manipulative and it led to fans absolutely hating her. Thankfully, her death provided fans with a fantastic moment of glee as Rosa simply mowed her down in a van.

2 George Mendez (Pornstache)

Out of all the characters with power, nobody abuses it more than George Mendez. Straight away fans knew he was going to be an untrustworthy guy just by looking at his mustache. However, his behaviors certainly backed that judgment up.

He used physicality to abuse the females in prison and is eventually framed as a rapist by Daya which gets rid of him. His drug trades also lead to the death of Tricia Miller as well, which is another reason that he is hated by people.

1 Madison Murphy

When it comes to the character that people hated the most, Madison Murphy takes the top prize. She had the combination of being one of the 'villains' of the series, while also being generally quite an annoying character that rubbed fans the wrong way.

Madison was loud and brash and believed she was the scariest person in the world. She belittled people and bullied others into doing her bidding, and seeing her be taken down a peg or two was certainly one of the most enjoyable moments of the final season.

NEXT: Orange Is The New Black: 5 Best Rivalries (& 5 That Made No Sense)

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