Lord of the Rings: 10 Scariest Characters, Ranked | ScreenRant

The Lord of the Rings exists in a land full of strange races such as elves and Hobbits and even stranger creatures such as Balrogs and dragons. The world of Middle-Earth is full of some rather scary and dark people and beings, and some of these characters can be rather scary.

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The series is rather heavy and deals with themes of war, death, and loss. Because of this, it’s no wonder that this fantasy world is full of some terrifying and powerful characters. Here are the scariest ones of all, ranked.

10 Treebeard

Treebeard isn’t an evil character, but he can be rather scary. He represents the magic and power of the forests along with the other Ents. When Merry and Pippin first run into him in Fangorn, he is rather intimidating and seems like he could be evil.

In the end, the Ents are concerned with protecting the natural world, but they aren't bad creatures. However, they are very powerful which is what makes Treebeard a bit scary at first.

9 Galadriel

Galadriel is another character who is on the side of good, but she’s so powerful that she can be scary. In the scene where Frodo tries to give her the Ring, it’s clear that she is stronger than she lets on and that she does have a side of her that wants power even if her intentions are good.

Galadriel is one of the most powerful elves in the history of Middle-Earth, and her sheer age, wisdom, and power make her scary even if she’s good.

8 Grima Wormtongue

Grima Wormtongue would definitely take the cake for being one of the most creepy characters from the series. He is a gross, sneaky character who does Saruman’s bidding.

The worst thing about him is the creepy way he treats Eowyn, and he clearly is trying to make advances on her that she has no interest in. Grima is someone who delights in darkness and the shadows which is why he is so off-putting.

7 Gollum

Gollum is one character that is rather complex. He can be pitiful, funny, and scary by turns. During The Two Towers, there are moments where he seems redeemable, and it's easy to feel sorry for him. But, in the end, the Ring is the only thing he will ever really care about.

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He can be exceptionally sneaky and malicious, and the way that he looks is rather scary even while it’s also comical. Gollum is definitely not a character that you’d want to encounter in a dark cave, and he would just as soon eat you as talk to you.

6 Lurtz

Lurtz is the leader of the Uruk-Hai who ends up killing Boromir. While he is then killed by Aragorn, he’s quite the scary monster. All of the orcs and Uruk-Hai are definitely nightmare fuel, and they are beings that thrive in darkness and evil.

The Uruk-Hai are even scarier than the orcs because they have been made by Saruman to be even bigger and more powerful. They are also more intelligent. Lurtz as the leader is one of the scariest of them all.

5 Balrog

Balrogs are ancient beings that are extremely powerful. They were originally Maiar that were corrupted by Melkor. This means they have immense strength and also immense evil.

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When the Fellowship encounters the Balrog in Moria that the dwarves woke up, it’s a scary moment. Even Gandalf with all of his power, as he is another powerful being as an Istari, can barely defeat him and has to undergo basically a resurrection in order to survive. Balrogs are definitely rather scary and demonic.

4 Shelob

While a Balrog is extremely scary, as far as pure fear factor, Shelob is even worse. She might not be as powerful as the Balrog, but she is an evil, intelligent being.

She is the daughter of Ungoliant, the mother of spiders, who was a being made of pure darkness. For many people, encountering a giant spider would be one of the scariest things they can imagine. And, she’s much sneakier and aware than a real spider could ever be.

3 The Witch-King

The Witch-King of Angmar is another extremely powerful evil being. The shrieking noise that he makes, his terrifying steed, and the Morgul blades he wields make him terrifying.

The Witch-King is not a being that’s easily defeated, so Eowyn being able to slay him was quite the triumphant moment. The fact that the Witch-King used to be a human man who was then corrupted by a ring of power adds to the creepy element. Also, his face basically looking just like a giant black hole is scary.

2 Saruman

Saruman is scary because he is someone that started out on the side of good. This is terrifying because it shows the power and influence that Sauron and the Ring have on Middle-Earth. Saruman was sent to Middle-Earth as one of the five Istari.

All of the Istari were sent with the purpose of aiding those who opposed Sauron. The fact that Saruman literally went against his gods-given purpose and betrayed everyone he was closest to and supposed to care for is rather scary.

1 Sauron

Sauron is a character that is made scarier by his absence. While in his humanoid form he can look scary, his all-seeing power is the truly haunting thing about him. The fact that he literally is usually in the form of the Eye of Sauron brings to mind being watched and tempted, and there are many metaphors that can be made here.

Sauron is the most powerful evil being in The Lord of the Rings films. He is so powerful because he was originally one of the Maia (primordial spirits with god-like power) before he became corrupted as a sort of fallen angel.

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