Star Wars: 10 Best Quotes From Return Of The Jedi | ScreenRant

It's always challenging for a story to nail the third and final installment of a trilogy. This is part of what makes Return of the Jedi so impressive as years later, it remains a deeply satisfying and thrilling conclusion not only for the Star Wars original trilogy but also for the whole story of Anakin Skywalker.

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Part of what makes Return of the Jedi such an enduring and satisfying film is its many memorable quotes. The film features a variety of quotes that capture some of the most important themes and character development in Star Wars, along with quotes that remain staples of popular culture decades after the film's release.

10 "Keep Your Distance, Though, Chewie, But Don't Look Like You're Trying To Keep Your Distance."

This line is classic Han Solo. His advice to Chewbacca sounds ridiculous at first, but it does make sense, and Han says it confidently and as if it's the most logical thing in the world.

The line has taken on more relevance recently as society engages in social distancing. His advice is humorous, but an accurate way for people to stay safe while also maintaining appropriate conduct during social distancing.

9 "The Emperor Is Not As Forgiving As I Am."

Before the release of Return of the Jedi, fans only saw Emperor Palpatine once via hologram in The Empire Strikes Back. The big bad of the original trilogy is shrouded in dark mystery and intrigue, made even foreboding by Darth Vader's line about his master at the beginning of Return of the Jedi.

"Forgiving" is not a word that anyone would use to describe Vader. If the ruthless Vader is "forgiving," then Emperor Palpatine must be the epitome of downright evil. The line has aged well as it encapsulates that Vader is only the tip of the iceberg and that Palpatine's is the real evil that has no bounds.

8 "What I Told You Was True, From A Certain Point Of View."

Luke criticizes Obi-Wan for lying about Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan famously responds that what he told Luke was true from a certain point of view. This idea has gone on to influences a great deal of Star Wars as the truth is rarely subjective and is often dependent on one's perception.

This has been embodied in other stories like The Last Jedi where fans see the fateful scene between Luke and Ben Solo from multiple perspectives the night Luke's Jedi Temple is destroyed. The concept has also been embodied in the anthology books fittingly titled From a Certain Point of View, the first of which showed the events of A New Hope from 40 new perspectives, the second of which will do the same for The Empire Strikes Back.

7 "Young Fool. Only Now, At The End, Do You Understand."

Emperor Palpatine is a master of manipulation. Fans are used to seeing him manipulate other characters and observing how he takes advantage of their deepest desires and insecurities.

When Luke rejects Palpatine and rejects the dark side, it's both refreshing and terrifying to see Palpatine abandon the mind games and embrace the extent of his power. All pretense is gone as the merciless, ruthless, enraged, genuine Palpatine is on display. It is a true moment of despair as the villain unleashes his worst self and the hero is helpless.

6 "The Force Is Strong In My Family. My Father Has It. I Have It. My Sister Has It."

Because of how much this line resonates with fans, it was used more than three decades after it was first uttered as a crucial piece of marketing for The Force Awakens.

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It encapsulates how the Skywalkers have always been at the heart of the episodic Star Wars films and how their relationship with the Force has reshaped the galaxy on multiple occasions. It's also the moment where Leia realizes she's Luke's sister and the bond between them changes forever.

5 "I Love You." "I Know."

Not only is this exchange a callback to The Empire Strikes Back, but it also shows development in Leia and Han's relationship. In The Empire Strikes Back, she's the one to say, "I love you" and he's the one who says, "I know."

As they're pinned down by stormtroopers, with Han seeing that Leia has concealed a blaster that she's about to use, this time it's Han who says, "I love you" and Leia who says, "I know." It shows how much Leia and Han both respect and admire each other and that the love between these resourceful and resilient heroes is mutual.

4 "Tell Your Sister, You Were Right."

Part of what makes Return of the Jedi such a satisfying film is that it is a tale of redemption, hope, and faith. Luke refuses to give up on his father, even when he's given up on himself. It's never too late for someone to start doing the right thing again. Luke's faith pays off as his father finally does the right thing and chooses to save his son.

Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side in a desperate attempt to save his family's future. Everything comes full-circle as he now saves his family by turning back to the light, fulfilling the Chosen One prophecy, and by affirming the power of Luke's hope and faith.

3 "Let The Hate Flow Through You!"

Part of what makes Palpatine such a fantastic villain is that he revels in destruction. He is not a reluctant villain who feels conflicted about what he must do.

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His glee is palpable as he tells Luke to let the hate flow through him, ecstatic at seeing his manipulations unfold, and seeing the dark side take hold of others. Palpatine is an unapologetic villain who has no qualms about egging others on and manipulating their emotions.

2 "It's A Trap!"

This is easily the most quoted line from Return of the Jedi. Admiral Ackbar's stunned and emphatic exclamation is a perfect response to the revelation that the Rebel fleet has flown straight into Palpatine's machinations.

The line is commonly referenced for humor, but also for situations that involve deceit or unexpected plot twists. Admiral Ackbar's leadership when responding to the trap and the uniqueness of his character make him a fan-favorite who is best remembered by this iconic line.

1 "Never. I'll Never Turn To The Dark Side. You've Failed, Your Highness. I Am A Jedi, Like My Father Before Me."

The best line in Return of the Jedi is when Luke rejects the dark side and embraces the path of the Jedi. It's a powerful lesson that heroes aren't necessarily the ones who strike down the villains.

True heroism is about doing the right thing, about rejecting hate, fear, and anger, and instead embracing love, family, and hope. This is Luke Skywalker's best moment and where he proves to be a true Jedi Knight.

NEXT: Star Wars: The 10 Worst Things The Empire Has Ever Done

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