Big Brother 22: All-Stars contestant Kaysar Ridha has a legacy in the show that's surprisingly strong for a player who has never made it into the jury phase of a season. As one of the few people to play more than twice, and across different eras of the show, he's proven to be a beloved personality that fans still remember, and a strong catalyst that injects a lot more interest into the dynamics of a season due to his desire to actively try and bring the underdogs together.
He originally competed on Big Brother 6 in 2005. Kaysar was 24 at the time and was brought into casting when his neighbor Michael Donnellan was cast, but needed a partner to play as well for the season's twist where each person in the house had someone else who they knew there. He didn't seek out the show himself, but when the opportunity came along he thought it might be a chance to be a positive role model because he was the first Muslim to appear on the show, and he hadn't seen many other people who looked like him on television elsewhere. Throughout all of his seasons, he would continue to try and play a positive role in that way, and is still praised for it.
As for how the game went for him, he became a more active force in the season once his relationship with Eric Littman grew strained in the second week. Eric targeted and eliminated Kaysar's partner Michael, which also began Kaysar's famous friendship with Janelle Pierzina, who had already lost her partner in the first week. By that point the two of them were feeling very much on the outs and wanted to gather more allies, so when Kaysar won the following HOH he created a new alliance called the Sovereign Six to combat Eric's side of the house. The alliance consisted of himself, Janelle, Howie, James, Rachel, and Sarah, and together they eliminated Eric from the game that week.

Kaysar had thought that he successfully knocked down the leader of the opposing side, but really Eric's partner Maggie quickly took his place, won the next head of household competition, and sent Kaysar home by nominating him next to Janelle. If that were the end of Kaysar's story then he would still be remembered fondly, but not seen as quite as iconic within the franchise as he is now. Thankfully one week later Kaysar won a fan vote to return to the game overwhelmingly, where he rejoined his alliance and fought it out in an absurdly long endurance competition with Jennifer, someone from the other alliance, only to eventually let her win after making a deal that she would target James, who Kaysar's core allies have drifted away from. Inevitably, Kaysar was infamously stabbed in the back and sent right back out the door, but his second eviction was the event that made the divide in the house irreparable and kept an alliance war going until the end of the season.
He returned one season later for Big Brother 7: All-Stars where he reconnected with past allies Janelle, Howie, and James. Their alliance won most of the competitions early on, but this time instead of trying to start a war, Kaysar attempted to eliminate the players in the middle of the house and made a deal with Dr. Will that he'd do the same. In a way though, Kaysar made the same mistake in being too trusting of a deal, since Dr. Will soon helped the Big Brother 3 runner up Danielle Reyes earn power and target Kaysar's alliance. Janelle was initially the target, but when she won the veto, Kaysar became the backup plan and for the second season in a row he was sent home the week before jury started.

Most of the moments that fans remember from Kaysar stem from Big Brother 6. One of them is a quote that comes during his HOH reign. James wins the power of veto as was planned, and his enemy Maggie seems to be the main target for eviction. She tells Kaysar that he just sealed her fate, but Kaysar responds with "I sealed your partner's fate," revealing that for the first time that Eric was his true target. Along with that, his performance in the pressure cooker competition once he returned to the game is also well remembered. It lasted for 14 whole hours on the live feeds before Kaysar let Jennifer win, and now not a season goes by without fans hoping that it will be used again.

Kaysar's core strategy in Big Brother and how he naturally plays no matter what involves being the figurehead of his own alliance. He's arguably one of most loyal players out there. The Sovereign Six would have probably not fallen apart had he not been absent for a week, because he's very clearly the glue to his alliances and always tries to push for what's best for his people as a group rather than selfishly doing what's best for him and throwing others under the bus in order to scrape by. Is that incredible long term gameplay? Not at all. It's not a coincidence that he's so far been voted out three different times and never made a jury. This is a player who sets himself up to be one of the first casualties of his alliance because he's so visible and can't manage his own threat level. He has several strengths like how he can clearly view the general dynamics of the house and tell who are the people who are currently in the best position, but he sometimes thinks that Big Brother is as purely strategic as chess when really it's a much more complicated and layered game than that.
It doesn't matter that Kaysar isn't a perfect player though. He has strengths and weaknesses just like anyone else, but throughout his past seasons and even in his current season despite his failures, he's proven to be someone who is willing to lead a group into war regardless of what the opposition looks like. That is exactly what fans hope for when a single alliance is controlling the game as is so often the case in modern seasons with giant groups creating predictable boot orders, and that's why Kaysar was a fan favorite back then and is still beloved to this day.
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