Clone Wars: 7 Things Fans Loved About The Finale (& 5 That Ruined The Show)

Series finales are typically not words audiences want to hear. Yet, when it was announced that Star Wars: The Clone Wars was finally getting its final season, fans were filled with joy at seeing their favorite series finally reach its conclusion.

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When the end arrived, many fans were left in awe, amazed at the beautiful and phenomenal ending mastermind Dave Filoni managed to craft. Few, however, felt that season seven didn't live up to the hype and actually ruined the show. Here are seven things that fans loved about the Clone Wars finale and five that ruined the series.

12 Loved: Maul’s Rampage

Nothing's better than watching a baddie rain chaos and death upon heroes. As twisted as that may sound, it's the truth. Many times, instead of rooting for the villain to get what's coming, one can't help but cheer as the villain does something truly badass.

When Ahsoka let Maul loose in a desperate bid to buy time during Order 66, no one was prepared for the destruction Maul brought upon the clones. From force tossing Clones to destroying the main reactor, fans couldn't help but root for the Sith.

11 Ruined: No Maul Resolution

While Maul was a standout force throughout the last half of season seven, many fans couldn't help but feel a little let down by how the show ended things with everyone's favorite Sith. Following his epic duel with Ahsoka and then being freed, fans waited with anticipated for what they hoped would be a final showdown.

However, a serious rematch or some kind of resolution to Maul never came, with fans being forced to watch him simply fly off without any resolution or tie-in to future encounters.

10 Loved: Connections

Connections and references are part of what make a film or series work. Without some kind of reference or callback to a future or past event, some scenes can be left feeling lifeless, without any real payoff to them.

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Throughout the finale of Clone Wars, connections and callbacks popped up everywhere, from the members of the droid squad returning to a small and somewhat unfulfilling and yet intriguing tease at Maul's future, these easter eggs made many a fan squeal in joy.

9 Ruined: Cliches

Now, no matter how hard they try or work to avoid them, cliches will always find their way into a show or film. Even if the creator does their best to avoid them, they always have a way of popping up and weakening a story just a little.

During the finale, small moments filled with cliches continuously popped up. From ex machinas to last-minute villain arrivals, these tiny cliches muddied an otherwise perfect finale, ruining the series just a little bit.

8 Loved: Order 66

It was a moment everyone knew was coming, a moment everyone dreaded and yet, it was surprising and devastating all the same. Considered to be one of the most deadly events of the Star Wars universe, none were prepared for when order 66 finally reached The Clone Wars.

Watching Rex almost kill Ahsoka was bad enough, but when the duo was confronted by an armada of clones, led by Jesse, Rex's brother, it was enough to make a grown man cry. A terrible moment yet one that captivated many.

7 Ruined: Shortness

A show's worst enemy isn't always the script or actors, but sometimes, the runtime. Depending on what kind of show a studio is dealing with, the runtime can vary, from twenty-four minutes being the prime time length for most animated shows.

While the series finale worked wonders and exceeded many fans' expectations, a few couldn't help but wish that the final episode be a little longer in length. Perhaps an hour instead of a mere twenty-four minutes.

6 Loved: Rex And Ahsoka

"In my book, experience outranks everything." Since the moment Rex said those words to Ahsoka during their first meeting all those years ago, fans have watched them go from being reluctant allies to the closest of friends, a bond on full display in the finale.

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With their backs against the wall, Rex and Ahsoka battled their way through a ship full of their brothers and friends, sharing emotional and poignant moments that were followed with jaw-dropping action that showcased how close the two had become.

5 Ruined: Anakin And Ahsoka

Despite giving Ashoka and Rex a perfect send-off, there was one reunion that audiences had hoped would happen on a larger scale which was the meeting of Anakin and Ahsoka. While the Padawan and master met in the follow-up to the finale, it was brief, leaving many hoping for a final moment between the pair.

Sadly, the moment never came. Instead, the last fans ever saw of Anakin and Ahsoka was Anakin racing off to save the chancellor.

4 Loved: Action

Every now and then, animated shows deliver action even better than any live-action film could. The case can be made even, that some action scenes in animated shows are the best out there and the finale of Clone Wars is a worthy contender of the title.

After the opening title fades, the finale kicks off with action that would make anyone's mind explode. From Maul's rampage to Rex battling his brothers to Ahsoka's flight through the debris, the series finale delivered mind-shattering action unlike anything seen before.

3 Ruined: Few Resolutions

Spin-offs and sequel related shows can do wonder for a series that's been canceled. They can easily answer long-gestating questions left by many fans and offer a semblance of closure. Despite the sequel show Rebels providing several answers, many questions remained for the finale to answer.

Unfortunately, the finale didn't answer everyone's questions, leaving much, such as how Ahsoka became a gray Jedi. While not every question was going to be answered, it would've helped if a few had been.

2 Loved: Victory... And Death

Since the moment Revenge Of The Sith ended, fans had been wondering, speculating, how the Clone Wars would end. They knew that it wouldn't be an uplifting or happy affair and yet, there was a glimmer of hope that something would give the heroes hope. Sadly, hope never came.

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In a devastating and beautiful final scene, fans watched through teary eyes as Ashoka and Rex laid their friends and brothers in arms to rest, in a conclusion to a show adored and loved by all Star Wars fans.

1 Loved: Darth Vader

"Show, don't tell," is a rule exercised by many in the film world. It's believed that showing exposition through images instead of dialogue can make a scene even powerful.

Being the master that he is, Dave Filoni took those words and utilized them for one of the best scenes in the entire show. Audiences couldn't believe it when Darth Vader arrived in Clone Wars for the first time and after he surveyed the scene and picked up Ahsoka's saber in dead silence, no eyes were dry during the quiet moment.

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