Money Heist: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Tokyo (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

In order for a story to work, it needs to have multi-dimensional characters. Money Heist is successful in this regard, as it has many multi-dimensional characters, including Tokyo. She can be hotheaded, spiteful, impulsive, and has made some rash decisions. At the same time, she is deeply loyal toward certain individuals and her audacity is impressive to behold.

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She is a character who has suffered many injustices and endured her fair share of tragedy and heartbreak, yet she's also made a number of selfish, reckless, and even unforgivable decisions. These are five times Tokyo was worthy of sympathy and five times she was worthy of hate.

10 Felt Bad For Her: The Final Conversation With Her Mother

Money Heist wasted no time making Tokyo an empathetic character. In one of her first scenes, Tokyo called her mother and had what would be their final conversation before her mother's death. It was clear that Tokyo and her mother loved each other, but their relationship had no future with Tokyo on the run for murder.

The police surrounded Tokyo's mother in her home and were listening in on the conversation that was meant to draw Tokyo into a deadly trap. The Professor saved Tokyo from the trap and the conversation became an emotional farewell between Tokyo and her mother.

9 Hated Her: Mocked The Professor

Concerned by Rio's immaturity, the Professor decided to take him off of the heist. Tokyo wouldn't stand for this and resorted to mocking the Professor in order to make Rio part of the heist again. She mocked his choice of clothes and his numerous origami figures, arguing that his eccentricities were no different than Rio's supposed immaturity.

It was immature of Tokyo to resort to a cruel mockery of the Professor's innocent quirks just so she could get her way, even though the Professor's concerns about Rio were justified.

8 Felt Bad For Her: Rio Broke Up With Her

When Rio was captured by the authorities, Tokyo reached out to the Professor so they could save Rio. The Professor brought the gang back together - along with some new members - for a heist that could accomplish this goal.

Shortly after Rio was released by the authorities, though, Rio broke up with Tokyo. It was cruel of him to break up with her after the enormous guilt she felt for her role in his capture. It was also cruel considering that it was only because of Tokyo that Rio was saved from his torturous imprisonment in the first place. Rio should've at least waited until the heist was over to end the relationship.

7 Hated Her: A Coup & Russian Roulette

When the Professor was seemingly compromised and unable to communicate with the team, Tokyo knew the heist was at risk and despised how Berlin was handling the situation. She staged a coup in response. She rallied Rio and Denver to her side, took Berlin captive, and then played Russian roulette with him.

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Tokyo's fear and frustration were understandable, but staging the coup was an impulsive and reckless decision that only managed to create havoc and divide the group further in what was already a dangerous situation.

6 Felt Bad For Her: Berlin Gave Her To The Authorities

After Tokyo played Russian roulette with Berlin and failed to usurp his leadership, he punished her insubordination by turning her over to the authorities. He strapped her to a table and rolled her down the front steps of the Royal Mint, as if he was sending a lamb to the slaughterhouse.

Berlin was understandably angry after what she did and felt like he needed to reestablish his authority, but he went too far in this instance. Despite her hotheaded and sometimes reckless nature, Tokyo was part of the team and dedicated to the heist. She didn't deserve to be exiled and have her future jeopardized by being put into the custody of the authorities.

5 Hated Her: Insulted Nairobi About Her Son

Before the heist at the Royal Mint of Spain, Nairobi confided in Tokyo. Nairobi revealed the costly mistakes she made as a mother and her plan to reunite with her son after the heist. When staging her coup against Berlin, Tokyo betrayed Nairobi's trust by uttering these secrets out loud and shaming her for them.

Tokyo spoke about how Nairobi used her son as a drug mule, that Nairobi's plan to get her son back was nothing more than a foolish fantasy, and that Nairobi lost her chance to be a mother ever again. Tokyo said these things in the heat of the moment while staging a coup, but that doesn't excuse her breach of Nairobi's trust.

4 Felt Bad For Her: Her Reaction To Nairobi's Death

Most of the gang witnessed Nairobi's death at the hands of Gandía. Tokyo was in captivity when it happened and only learned about it later. She and Nairobi had their differences and shared some hostile moments, but they also became close friends who shared respect, admiration, and were willing to take incredible risks for one another.

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Tokyo broke down and sobbed hysterically after learning about Nairobi's death. In addition to the tragedy of losing a dear friend, Tokyo felt responsible. If not for Tokyo, Rio might never have been captured in the first place, and the heist where Nairobi lost her life would've never happened.

3 Hated Her: Her Return Led To Moscow's Death

Tokyo enacted a bold and daring plan to reenter the Royal Mint of Spain. She posed as a police officer and drove past the authorities as they shot at her, taking her motorcycle all the way to the entrance of the Mint.

When Moscow saw her coming back, he ran outside without a bulletproof vest on and begin firing his gun in order to provide Tokyo cover. His cover allowed Tokyo's plan to work, but he was shot multiple times and these wounds led to his death. It was Moscow's choice to protect and help Tokyo, but that can't erase the fact that her plan led to the death of the wise and lovable Moscow.

2 Felt Bad For Her: Stayed By Moscow's Side As He Died

After he was shot, Tokyo never left Moscow's side for a single second. At one point, the dying Moscow thought she was his wife and he apologized for abandoning her. Tokyo pretended to be Moscow's wife, accepted his forgiveness, and emphasized that he was a wonderful father, all of which removed a tremendous weight from Moscow's conscious in his final hours.

Tokyo had already lost her mother and now she had to lose the man who had been like a father to her, the man who saw her potential and forced her to confront hard truths about herself in order to become a better person.

1 Hated Her: Sexually Assaulted Alison

Tokyo didn't like that the hostage Alison Parker seemed to be growing closer with Rio. Tokyo reacted by cornering Alison in the bathroom, intimidating her, and then sexually assaulting her by fiercely kissing her without Alison's consent.

Tokyo's jealousy could never justify her assaulting Alison. Fortunately, Moscow called out Tokyo for this later and forced her to confront her vile behavior.

NEXT: Money Heist: D&D Moral Alignments of the Main Characters

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