Money Heist Season 5: 5 Things We Want To See (& 5 We Don't)

Netflix's hit show Money Heist has garnered fans around the globe. After originally being canceled following part 2, the show was given new life following its Netflix success. Now, the show has announced they have begun filming their 5th and final season.

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This announcement has led to much speculation about how the next season will play out. While there are some things fans would love to see happen during the next season, there are plenty of things the fans would not enjoy.

10 Don't Want: Alicia Turns In The Professor

Season 4 of Money Heist ended with Alicia finding The Professor's hideout and putting a gun to his head. This has led many to believe that Alicia will turn in The Professor to try and earn back good favor with the police. However, this is probably the least exciting option. The Professor is one of the most interesting characters and what he can do while imprisoned seems limited.

9 Want: More Julia

Julia was introduced in season 4, however, the show implied that she had always been silently in the background. While she immediately seemed like an interesting character, the show barely utilized her.

She was often shown in the background before becoming a named character. But even once named, she only popped in every once and a while to warn the other heist members of troubles, only to be ignored. Julia seems to be one of the most controlled and levelheaded members of the heist, and fans would love to see her play a larger role in the next season.

8 Don't Want: Helsinki And Palermo Romance

Though quiet and stoic, Helsinki is one of the more compassionate members of the group. The complete opposite of him is Palermo, a loud-mouthed egocentric man. The one thing these men have in common is that they are both gay, and while they did "boom boom ciao" together, this relationship was anything but sweet.

Palermo treats Helsinki horribly, regularly teasing him and using him. Towards the end of season 4, they tried to make it seem as though Palermo was lashing out due to pain and gave him a touching moment with Helsinki. But this doesn't mean that these two should be together. As Nairobi would say, Helsinki deserves to be loved.

7 Want: Insight Into Tokyo's Past

Tokyo is the narrator of the story. Though she often references her life before she joined The Professor's group, little of this past has been shown. Other flashbacks have been shown throughout the series providing insights into characters like Berlin, Palermo, and The Professor.

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It is clear that Tokyo's past has played a large role in shaping who she is as a person, and fans would love to see what led her to become who she is and what she was like before.

6 Don't Want: Death Of Denver

Money Heist is not afraid to kill off their main characters, no matter how beloved they are. In fact, two of the most well-liked characters -- Moscow and Nairobi -- were both killed off. During season 4, it constantly seemed like the show was flirting with Denver's death.

The show loves tragic deaths and Denver's would certainly be tragic, especially considering he didn't want to go on this heist in the first place. Though it seems likely that season 5 will be a bloody one, fans hope that Denver can make it out alive.

5 Want: Monica Becomes A Leader

Monica has had an amazing character arch. She has gone from a woman with little control and power in her life to a woman who takes action and fights for what she believes in.

Money Heist has consistently shown Monica stepping up to the plate to assert herself more in situations. She is now a valued member of The Professor's clan. It even looked as though she was stepping up to take charge of Nairobi's responsibilities following her death. Fans would love to see Monica continue to grow on this journey by becoming a leader in this next and final installment of the show.

4 Don't Want: Lisbon Clashes With The Group

Lisbon has had little screentime with the members of the heist. In fact, the only time they shared the screen together, there was clear tension between her and the group. As Lisbon actively worked to take The Professor and the heist members down during their first operation, it makes sense that there would be some lingering hard feelings between them.

RELATED:  Money Heist: Every Episode In Season 3, Ranked (According To IMDb)

An elaborate plan was put in place to insert Lisbon into the current heist, but there is a possibility this could backfire. With the current lack of leadership, it is possible Lisbon will try to take control only to meet resistance for the group. But for the benefit of the heist, fans hope that this group can get along and work together.

3 Want: Successful Heist

It is clear that the Bank of Spain heist is not going as smoothly as the Royal Mint heist went. And it seems that the group's troubles are far from over. The Professor is in a difficult situation and the group has begun to splinter.

From Tokyo's narration, it seems clear that things will continue to go wrong. Still, the show is known for their bittersweet moments and while fans don't expect a perfect happy ending, they would like to see some of the gang successfully complete their heist.

2 Don't Want: Angel Redemption Arc

When Angel was first introduced, it seemed like he had good intentions. This quickly dissipated, though, as Angel became abusive and possessive, launching vicious attacks at Raquel. But instead of being demonized, the show gave Angel a chance to earn back favor with the fans by apologizing and assisting her.

When Angel was sent to help track Raquel, it seemed that there would be a big showdown between the two but Angel was barely featured. Though the show loves to introduce characters that are both problematic and sympathetic, this can become a dangerous narrative. Angel has made some mistakes that should be unforgivable, and it's best to leave him as a dislikable character.

1 Want: Arturo's Death

What fans want more than anything from season 5 is the death of Arturo. This character started off awful and has progressively grown worse as the show has gone on.  There is nothing that can be done to improve this character in any way and as fans have grown to hate him, they would rejoice in his death. Perhaps Monica could be the one to kill him, providing the most satisfying death in the entire series.

NEXT:  Money Heist: Every Episode In Season 4, Ranked (According To IMDb)

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