Supernatural: 5 Funniest (& 5 Scariest) Episodes Of Season 15

It is the beginning of the end for Supernatural fans. The show is all set for a final hurrah as it entered its final season this year, and that means it is aiming to come up with some of its funniest, scariest episodes left to say goodbye.

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It is time to take a look down memory lane over the 15 years that the cult fantasy drama has been running. Let us find out about the funniest and the scariest episodes of season 15, although there is a handful of episodes that are yet to be aired in the final season featuring the brothers Winchester.

10 Funniest: "Raising Hell"

The battle turns ugly when the ghosts who had been released from hell, including those of some of the most violent killers in history like Jack the Ripper, start murdering people brutally. However, in true Supernatural style, the episode shifts from being just dark to dark humor soon enough.

Amara (Emily Swallow) makes an appearance for the first time since season 11. The Darkness, it seems, has blended in pretty well with the human experience, pampering herself in a spa. Unlike her brother who is egotistic and sulky for the most part, she appears quite zen, having clearly taken to spiritualism, not bent on destroying the universe anymore.

9 Scariest: "Back To The Future"

The season premiere is meant to be foreboding. The Creator has revealed himself as the ultimate villain in the season 14 finale, "Moriah", unleashing upon the earth every monster the brothers have killed over the years.

Old foes of the Winchesters like the Lady in White and Bloody Mary are wreaking havoc once more. In a way, this is the writers reliving the show's past, bidding farewell to favorite monsters from the early years. The brothers, however, manage to put up a veil which the ghosts are unable to pierce for a while, despite leaving no stone unturned. However, that does not prevent them from brutally murdering the stray human who crosses their path.

8 Funniest: "Proverbs 17:3"

The episode steers between exceptionally funny and dark at the same time. For instance, it shifts from three girls getting attacked in the woods by some creature or creatures unknown to Dean doing everything to keep the smoke from coming out of his ears after very confidently eating a ghost pepper jerky.

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From there it swings once more into the dark with Sam dreaming about another possible fate that might befall the brothers, where he is Lucifer's vessel--very pre-season 5-- and sets Dean on fire. However, dark as it is, it's difficult to forget Dean's face after eating the ghost pepper jerky and Sam reacting to it with unadulterated joy, like any ordinary sibling. The episode also takes fans back to when the brothers' journey started when they pull out the same fake IDs they had used way back in the very first season.

7 Scariest: "Atomic Monsters"

The episode opens with a dream, more like a nightmare really. The bunker is infested with demons and a brooding, bearded Dean is going all Bruce Wayne on them until he meets Sam. But it really isn't Sam at all, but presumably, some very powerful demon possessing him, and he snaps Dean's neck without batting an eyelid.

It turns out to be a nightmare that Sam is having, or it could be a vision, seeing how prone to visions the younger Winchester had always been. If it is a vision and is based in reality, then that would suggest a potential heartbreaking ending to the brothers' story. The episode itself is also rather dark, involving a family where the parents are trying to shield their young son who has become a vampire.

6 Funniest: "Our Father, Who Aren't In Heaven"

God is amusing himself at a slot machine in a casino where he has killed everyone except one lone waitress, while Eileen Leahy, back from the dead, is acing it as a hunter. It's heartwarming to watch Sam connect with someone after years. Dean is not blind to the obvious chemistry between Sam and Eileen and encourages his brother to take it forward.

It's also fun to have some other familiar faces back-- Donatello, the elderly prophet, is wolfing chicken wings while trying to decipher the demon tablet and Rowena, the witch-turned-queen-of-hell is reigning supreme, with a lovely new hairstyle and a legion of terrified demons at her command.

5 Scariest: "The Rupture"

Two of the supporting characters who had become something of fan favorites over the years, despite starting out as obnoxious, were Ketch and Rowena... and the show bids adieu to both of them in this episode.

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Ketch is killed rather horrifyingly, if not unceremoniously, by a random demon while Rowena gets a more emotional send-off. She coaxes Sam to kill her so that she could absorb all the souls that had broken loose from hell in herself and then release them back where they came from. The price she has to pay is to die herself. The episode sees the loss of yet more friends and allies of the Winchesters.

4 Funniest: "The Heroes' Journey"

In one of the most hilarious episodes of the 15th season to date, Sam and Dean go from being the heroic, invincible hunters who save the world, from needing some saving themselves.

Dean suddenly develops a mouthful of cavities, and of course, the hunter who killed Lucifer, turned Death into dust and last but not the least, killed Hitler, is scared of the dentist's chair!  Sam, too, develops sniffles and cries in unison with two newborns after downing a glassful of cayenne pepper. But fans of Ackles are bound to drool over the highlight of the episode, where Dean tap dances to 1920s jazz in a dream sequence.

3 Scariest: "Last Call"

Dean goes hunting on his own, possibly to leave Sam alone with Eileen for a while. His investigation into a missing girl leads him to a bar where he meets an old friend, Lee, an ex-hunter who has left that life and moved on.

Unfortunately, the moment Dean seemed to be sharing some light moments with his old buddy, things go south, as they always do with the Winchester brothers. Lee is harboring a monster in his backyard and needs to be put down. The show reiterates yet another time that friendship isn't something the brothers are fated to have, except perhaps that of Cas.

2 Funniest: "Destiny's Child"

Over the years, there have been a few alternate versions of Sam and Dean, some hilarious, others just boring. In "Destiny's Child", fans get to see a funny, albeit a slightly toxic version of the brothers who appear from another world after God goes on a rampage and starts destroying the various world he had created.

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The alternate Sam is possessive of his man bun and it's obvious that the brothers are used to a posh lifestyle, not the cheap beer and an old bunker for a home. They owe their luxurious lifestyle, complete with personal aircraft and trust funds, to their father (and they know it). However, by the end of the episode, the grass turns out to be greener on the other side after all as the brothers from the alternate reality soon start envying their counterparts for the kind of lives they lead.

1 Scariest: "The Trap"

Chuck/God has lured Sam and Eileen into a trap and is taking a kind of sadistic pleasure in torturing the former by showing him all the possible versions of how the brothers' story ends. Unfortunately, none of the versions God comes up with end on a pleasant note, and in almost all of them, they lose everyone they ever cared about, whether that's Bobby, Jody, Claire, or Castiel.

Either Claire gets killed by a pack of vampires and Jody is near death, or Jody and Bobby decide to put down Sam and Dean who are now vamps themselves. If this wasn't heartwrenching enough, Dean decides to finally hang up his boots, except that he accompanies Sam for one last hunt, which, ironically, does turn out to be the brothers' last hunt. The episode teases fans with the various different ways in which it could finally go down for the brothers, all of them sad and all horrifying.

NEXT: Supernatural: 5 Funniest (& 5 Scariest) Episodes Of Season 1

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