Modern Family: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Phil

One of the things that makes Modern Family such a delightful sitcom to watch is that it doesn’t seem to dislike its characters. In contrast to some of the other sitcoms that have become classics, which veer into the cynical, this show always tried to see what was good about its characters.

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In particular, Phil Dunphy is one of the most well-meaning and good-natured men to have appeared on television in recent years, and it’s no wonder that he was a popular character. However, as kind and big-hearted as he is, there are still a few things about Phil that still don’t make a lot of sense, even now that the show has ended.

10 His Weird Crush On Gloria

It’s probably not totally surprising that Phil would have a crush on his mother-in-law, Gloria. She does seem to exert a particular hold on the men in her family, including, and especially, Jay.

However, it does seem a little bit strange that Phil would have feelings for her, not only because she’s literally married to his father-in-law, but also because he seems to have such a strong and enduring relationship with his wife, Claire.

9 Why He’s So Awkward

One of the most noteworthy aspects of Phil’s personality is his awkwardness. In fact, he sometimes seems to go out of his way to make situations awkward, even when they don’t have to be.

One would think that, given how many strange situations he’s managed to get into as a result of his weirdness, he’d figure out a way to make himself a little more normal, if only for the sake of his wife and kids.

8 Peerenting

There’s no question that Phil loves all three of his children (even though his strongest bond seems to be with his son, Luke). However, he does tend to see his kids more as friends than as his children, which often blurs their relationship in ways that are, it has to be said, a little less than productive.

Sometimes, the audience can’t help but wish that Phil would be more insistent on maintaining the boundaries between himself and his kids, for their sakes and for his own.

7 His Relentless Optimism

Everyone loves an optimist. After all, with their ability to always look on the bright side of life, they can make life a bit more bearable for everyone. However, it has to be said that Phil is a little excessive when it comes to his ability to see the best in everyone and in every situation.

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There are times when it becomes just a little too unbelievable, especially since he so rarely seems to be willing to look on the darker, or just the more realistic, side of life.

6 His Seeming True Love Of Realty

It’s great that Phil is such a successful realtor. He clearly takes his job very seriously, and he loves being able to provide for his family.

However, it is awfully strange that someone with Phil's personality would find such genuine joy in a profession that isn’t always exciting, although it can be. It’s just one of those things that makes Phil a unique (and uniquely inexplicable) character.

5 Why He Wasn’t Just Honest With Jay To Start With

One of the ongoing tensions in the show is between Phil and Jay. While Phil does everything in his power to get in good with Jay and to prove himself a good son-in-law and husband for Claire, it never really seems good enough.

Unfortunately, given that Phil is one of those people who doesn’t seem able to confront people, even when they deserve it, the situation just boils away. One would think that, at some point, he’d just stand up for himself, but alas, no.

4 Why He Just Can’t Seem To Grow Up

There’s a reason that Claire often refers to Phil as the kid that she married. Though he is very kind and optimistic, Phil does have a tendency to act like a child, and it’s easy to see why Claire gets more than a little irritated with him at times.

Sometimes, it really does seem like Phil just holds onto his childlike demeanor because he’s rather afraid of what would happen if he actually started to grow up and act like an adult.

3 Finding A Dead Clown In The Woods

As the show goes on, it’s revealed that Phil has a deep fear of clowns. This, in itself, is sensible since a lot of people in the world are absolutely terrified of clowns. What’s a little bizarre is the reason for this fear. As it turns out, he actually discovered a dead clown in the woods.

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While this is, of course, absolutely hilarious, it’s also a bit over the top, and it seems like there could have been a more sensible reason for Phil to be afraid of clowns.

2 His Refusal To Recognize Boundaries With Luke

Phil’s tendency to view his kids as friends is particularly pronounced with Luke. There are a lot of reasons for this, but one of them is certainly that Phil sees a lot of himself in Luke.

Sometimes, it’s hard not to think that Phil really doesn’t make a lot of sense, since his refusal to establish clear boundaries tends to get both of them in trouble. He would really do both of them a service if he’d be a parent rather than just a friend.

1 His Belief That Being A Cheerleader Is Cool

It probably came as a surprise to absolutely no one that Phil was a cheerleader. There’s obviously nothing wrong with him being one, but what’s a little more confusing is why he thinks that he was cool for doing so.

Frankly, it’s really hard to imagine Phil being cool at anything, but it is kind of cute that he would still hold onto these old images of himself (even if it doesn’t make a lot of sense).

NEXT: Modern Family: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Cam & Mitch

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