Which DC Hero Was The Best Leader of The Justice League?

The Justice League has had more than its fair share of elected, unofficial, and impromptu leaders in its decades-long history. It’s also worth noting that the league functions just as much as a kind of superhero governing body as it does a team, which makes for a complex power structure. So how to answer this question? Does one leader really stick out above the others?

Of the original seven founding members, it’s fair to say that Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Flash are disqualified. All three are powerful and have at one point in the comics canon proven themselves to be able leaders. However, Aquaman and Green Lantern’s loyalties are divided with other leadership roles; Aquaman with Atlantis, and Green Lantern with the Green Lantern Corps, and by extension, the Guardians of Oa. Besides, nobody wants to return to the Justice League Detroit days. The Flash on the other hand - whether the mantle is worn by Barry Allen or Wally West - doesn’t have the patience for leadership, and it’s in his nature to be impulsive.

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In terms of elected leadership, Dinah Lance (aka Black Canary) is widely considered the first chosen chairperson of the league, and one of the best leaders it's had. Though other league members such as Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen (aka Green Arrow) openly challenged her leadership. In issue #32 of Justice League of America, written by Dwayne McDuffie, John Stewart spells out why Lance is the best chairperson the league has ever had: that she has a brilliant strategic mind, is tough enough to deal with the league's strong personalities, but sensitive enough to realize each member has personal needs. Unfortunately, in the same issue, Superman reveals that the whole point of putting her in charge was because he, Batman and Wonder Woman couldn't always be present, which somewhat undercuts the notion of an elected chairperson.

Ultimately, the axis of power in the League swings between three standout figures, a trinity if you will, consisting of: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. In many ways these three characters share the burden of leadership amongst them, and are only really at their best when they're together. Superman is virtually incorruptible and indestructible, Batman is cunning and resourceful, Wonder Woman is wise and just. Together they represent a balance of power. But what happens when that balance is tipped?

The “Tower of Babel” storyline, which appeared in the pages of Mark Waid’s run on JLA in 2000, sees the league tested in a way that it had never been tested before. Each member - the most powerful of Earths heroes - were summarily neutralized by Ras al Ghul and his League of Assassins. Al Ghul achieves this by hacking into Batman’s computer files, specifically those that contain his countermeasure plans for each member of the league. That’s right, Batman had secretly devised ways to take down each of member of the league in case they ever went rogue. The results are catastrophic, and although the league wins out in the end, they vote to expel Batman from the JLA. What we learn is that Superman is so used to being invulnerable that he rushes to confront an opponent that he knows already has traps laid for him and is brought down. Wonder Woman’s competitive nature and inability to surrender damn near kills her. Al Ghul knows the World’s Greatest Detective all too well, and easily distracts him by digging up the remains of his parents. Without the other two as counterbalances, Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman’s ability to lead is effectively dismantled.

The only other character whose name deserves to be mentioned here as a real contender is none other than everyone’s favourite Martian Manhunter J’onn J’onzz. J’onzz neither leads by strength, wisdom, nor cunning but a combination of all three. Like Superman, he is powerful, and a refugee alien from a dead world. Like Wonder Woman he is just, and possesses the experience which comes with a longer lifespan. Like Batman he is methodical, and a detective. Though he may be a reluctant leader, he is a leader nonetheless. All League members respect him, and over the years he has been a mentor to many. Moreover, his telepathic abilities unite the league into a cohesive whole that would otherwise be impossible. He may not be the obvious choice, but he is the best leader of the Justice League of America.

Next: The First Ancient Justice League is Revealed in Endless Winter

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