Game Of Thrones: 10 Things Book Fans Only Know About Cersei

Although it remains to be seen what Cersei Lannister's fate will be in George R.R. Martin's hit book series A Song of Ice and Fire, it's safe to say that when it comes to Game of Thrones, she nearly won the titular game and even gave the mother of dragons a run for her money.

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Of course, when any book is adapted for the screen, changes and omissions will be made. Ergo, there are many things about Cersei Lannister that only readers of the books are privy to. What exactly is it that book fans know about Cersei that show fans do not?

10 Cersei Sometimes Pretended To Be Jaime As A Child

When Jaime and Cersei were children, they looked so freakishly similar that almost everyone had difficulty telling them apart.

And given that Cersei has always harbored fantasies of having the power and status that Jaime did, it comes as little surprise that she would sometimes dress up in his clothes and take martial lessons from the master at arms of Casterly Rock.

9 She Almost Married Prince Oberyn Martell

For most of her life, Cersei's father Tywin harbored dreams of her becoming queen, but that doesn't mean that other potential betrothals weren't considered.

One of the most interesting potential matches that were offered to the Lannisters was the possibility of Cersei marrying Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne, and Jaime marrying Princess Elia. However, when the Dornish made this offer, Tywin turned it down.

8 She May Have Killed Her Friend When She Was Little

Although Game of Thrones did show a portion of the prophecy of Maggy the Frog that Cersei heard when she was little, some of the more disturbing elements of that story were omitted.

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Undoubtedly the most frightening part of that little vignette into Cersei's young life is that her companion to visit the witch died shortly after they saw her, with a heavy implication that Cersei was the one to kill her.

7 Tywin Wanted To Marry Her To Rhaegar Targaryen

Cersei did eventually become queen as a result of Tywin's machinations, however for most of her life Tywin had his eye on a different king. Tywin had always hoped to marry Cersei to Rhaegar Targaryen or at least marry her into the Targaryen family.

After Rhaegar married Elia, Tywin still had his sights set on a possible match between Cersei and Viserys, or more gruesomely he thought that if the already frail Elia died in childbirth then Cersei could become Rhaegar's next wife.

6 And Cersei Was Keen On The Match

Despite the fact that Cersei seems to be inseparable with Jaime, there was a time where she actually dreamed of marrying Rhaegar Targaryen.

She became infatuated with him shortly after meeting him, and she had such an affinity for him for so long that when she was with Robert Baratheon she would sometimes imagine that he was Rhaegar Targaryen instead.

5 She Wanted To Take Arya's Hand For Hitting Joffrey

Game of Thrones makes no bones about showing how cruel Cersei can be early on, as demanding Lady's death for her sister's crime was unimaginably terrible in it's own right.

However, in the books Cersei's desire for punishment and revenge is even more violent. She tries to convince Robert to punish Arya with the old punishment that comes with raising a hand to the royal family, which is having a hand cut off.

4 Miscarrying Robert's Child Wasn't Accidental

In Game of Thrones after Jaime throws Bran from the tower, Cersei visits Catelyn and tells her the story of a child that she and Robert lost.

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And while Robert did get Cersei pregnant at least once in the books, she finds someone who can end the pregnancy in order to ensure that none of the children that she ever has belongs to King Robert.

3 Cersei Burns The Tower Of The Hand With Wildfire

Although Cersei has yet to blow up the Sept of Baelor with wildfire in the books (and it's still up in the air as to whether or not she actually will take this drastic action), she certainly has shown an affinity for the destructive power of wildfire already.

After Tommen and Margaery's wedding, she sets fire to the Tower of the Hand and spends quite a lot of time watching it burn, to the discomfort of those around her.

2 Tyrion Poisons Her To Make His Job Easier

Obviously Tyrion doesn't give Cersei enough poison to actually kill her, but when he arrives in King's Landing with the duties of Hand of the King awaiting him, Cersei does not make his job easy.

As a way of working around Cersei's tempestuous nature, Tyrion actually poisons her to make her so ill that she cannot attend things like council meetings or court and keep making things more difficult for him.

1 She's Obsessed With The Idea That Tyrion Will Kill Her

The show did include portions of Maggy the Frog's prophecies for Cersei, but it seemingly omitted the most important part (at least in terms of explaining Cersei's characterization and her relationship with Tyrion).

Maggy also told Cersei that the valonqar would kill her. Valonqar is the High Valyrian word meaning "little brother," and although that could also apply to Jaime, Cersei has been convinced that Tyrion would be the one to kill her for quite a while, and treats him accordingly.

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