It’s hard not to love a show like The Crown. After all, it has all the things that make for a successful prestige costume drama, with scheming royals and bickering and hidden plotting. What’s more, it has characters that are full of depth and richness, revealing new aspects of their personality with each subsequent season.
Since they have so many different facets, it’s rather interesting to see how they would compare to the four houses that comprise the famous wizarding school of Hogwarts. While some are pretty predictable in terms of their affiliation, some might surprise even the most devoted viewer.
10 Elizabeth: Ravenclaw

Elizabeth is, of course, the center of the show. Even when an episode isn’t about her, it’s still about how various other characters respond to her. While in some ways Elizabeth would be a Gryffindor, in reality, she’s much more of a Ravenclaw.
Like members of that house, she puts a lot of stock in wisdom, and this is particularly true as she grows older and recognizes that she has become something like a mother, both to her actual children and to the nation that she leads (which leads her to do things that make her both very lovable and dislikable).
9 Philip: Ravenclaw

Sometimes, it seems as if the show goes out of its way to make Philip into the villain. He’s often saying rather mean things, both to Elizabeth and to his children.
However, anyone who’s seen the third and fourth seasons knows that there’s another side to him, one that really does aspire to something more than just being the consort (and great credit for this goes to Tobias Menzies). He’s a fiercely intelligent person, and he’s always looking for new ways that he can challenge himself intellectually.
8 Anne: Ravenclaw

Like her mother and father, Anne falls squarely into the Ravenclaw persona. She largely eschews the sort of grandstanding and glory-seeking that one might expect as the daughter of the monarch, preferring instead to pursue her passions of horsemanship and trying to find romance and love.
Like her father, she has a fierce sort of intelligence, and one gets the sense that she is often very frustrated with the limits imposed by being a member of the monarchy.
7 Diana: Hufflepuff

Everyone knows that Hufflepuffs are supposed to be the kindest of the various houses, and they put a lot of stock in loyalty. That’s definitely true of Diana who, despite the fact that Charles spurns her every chance he gets, still sticks to him and continues to love him, even though it makes her a very sad character.
She also has a fiercely protective attitude toward her son William, one that puts her at odds with the way that royals are supposed to behave toward their children and how they are supposed to behave in public.
6 Charles: Hufflepuff

While Hufflepuffs are often very kind, loyal, and hardworking, there’s no question that they can also have an edge to them, particularly when they feel like they’ve been crossed or betrayed. Charles repeatedly shows that he is a hard worker, particularly when it comes to trying to live up to the enormous expectations of being the Prince of Wales (which is part of the reason viewers sometimes love him).
Given that Hufflepuffs also value justice, it’s not surprising that Charles would rail against what he sees as the injustice of being kept away from Camilla, who is definitely the love of his life.
5 Lord Mountbatten: Slytherin

There’s no question that Lord Mountbatten would fall into the category of the Slytherin. He’s a very ambitious man, as is made clear when he tries to lead a coup against the government.
It’s also indisputably true that he’s a very assertive kind of character, the type of man that will always take the leadership role in a given situation. While this makes him a dynamic sort of personality, it also means that he can be seen as more than a little abrasive.
4 Margaret: Slytherin

Perhaps it’s because she’s portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter, well-known for playing the famous Slytherin Bellatrix Lestrange, but it’s hard not to see Margaret as a perfect Slytherin. Of course, it’s also true that she does have a lot of ambition, and it’s pretty clear that she resents Elizabeth for having had the good fortune to be born first, when she, Margaret, would definitely have made a good sovereign.
In fact, it's this thwarted ambition that is one of the saddest things about her. This unfortunately leads Margaret to do some things that aren’t exactly responsible.
3 Camilla: Hufflepuff

Camilla is, as everyone knows, the woman that Charles really loves, and she becomes a more pronounced part of his life as the third and fourth seasons progress. She’s very loyal to Charles, and she seems to know him, and all of his foibles, better than almost anyone else that he knows (including Diana).
However, her loyalty to him doesn’t mean that she’s always willing to give into his demands, and she makes it pretty clear that she’s determined to live her life on her own terms, which is partly why she tells him to marry Diana.
2 Margaret Thatcher: Slytherin

Inimitably portrayed by Gillian Anderson, Margaret Thatcher is a truly dominating personality in the fourth season--due in no small part to Gillian Anderson's impression--where she repeatedly clashes with Elizabeth about the direction that she is taking the country. She’s a woman who knows what she wants and is willing to do almost anything to get it.
Sometimes, in fact, it seems as if there really isn’t much to Margaret Thatcher other than ambition, which often puts her at odds with everyone around her, up to and including her own family (including her daughter).
1 Winston Churchill: Gryffindor

Winston Churchill has gone down in history as one of the most inspiring leaders of the 20th century. By the time that he appears in this series, he’s still a formidable person, but it’s clear that he’s lost a bit of his steam.
Nevertheless, it’s still true that he is a towering person and, regardless of how brash he can be, it’s clear that he has all of the Gryffindor traits that one has come to associate with that house, particularly his emphasis on a particular form of courage that only he can truly exhibit.
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