Friends: Joey's Exes, Ranked By Likability | ScreenRant

The exes of the hit TV show, Friendscarried more importance than most viewers think. As the main characters dated different people, they ended up learning more from each experience and figured out what they preferred in a partner.

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The all-time favorite handsome and funny dedicated actor, and friend, from the show, Joey Tribbiani, dated quite a high amount of women on the show, one being a central character. Joey's well-known slick and smooth demeanor had fans and his dates swooning over him. Some of his relationships were very brief and weren't even being considered relationships, but a lot of his exes had an impact on him. A few of the ex-girlfriends even broke his heart. However, in terms of how likable each woman is, fans can agree to disagree about a few.

10 Ursula

This girl was so terrible in the end to Joey that her twin sister, Phoebe, felt the urge to end it with him in place of her because of how heartless Ursula acted. Phoebe attempted to make her sister look like a good person, but fans knew, all the while, that she wasn't.

Joey developed some stronger feelings for Ursula over time, which she responded to by basically leading him on. When she avoided his calls for two days, he desperately sought help from Phoebe and the gang, which caused Phoebe to meet with her sister and tell her she needed to be honest with Joey. Since fans know how that ended, Ursula didn't seem like such a likable person in the end.

9 Janine

Janine would have been easier to like if only she hadn't had judged Monica and Chandler so quickly, and so harshly. She and Joey started out as just roommates, then became romantically involved. This was fun while it lasted until she threatened his friendship, or his family, rather as Chandler and Monica were always considered.

Janine expected Joey to move out with her and follow her, but Joey proved to her and to fans that he wasn't going to forego his best friends for a woman that wasn't genuinely a good person overall. Janine's audacity to argue with Chandler and Monica, because they were too "loud and blah" for her taste, was completely ridiculous and uncalled for, so it was no wonder how Joey recognized her true colors and let her go.

8 Katie

Katie's overall ignorance is what made her unlikable, especially by Joey. Her playful arm punches resulted in Joey's actual pain and then he didn't want to date her anymore after seeing how her playfulness was really abusive.

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Not only did she hit her boyfriend, but since she had also hit Rachel, it can be inferred that Katie was abusive toward anyone in general. Although it can be argued that she just didn't understand that her actions were abusive, it was still a sign of ignorance. Carelessness isn't an easy-to-like trait in a person, so Katie's carefree character didn't seem so sweet in the end.

7 Erika

Erika wasn't a terrible person at heart. The label she received was that of a stereotypical "crazy" fangirl who thought Joey was actually his character, Drake Ramoray. 

Her obsession with his character did most definitely create a toxic relationship for the duo, as she didn't intend to date the real Joey Tribbiani. However, her fixation on his character shouldn't be deemed "insane," even in a comical way.  If Erika had gotten the help she needed, she probably could have been a likable partner for him.

6 Charlie

Charlie was a smart and strong woman that could have been great for Joey in the long run, but seeing her make out with Ross showed some viewers that if she was willing to date someone else without much hesitation, then this probably wasn't the best quality of hers.

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While it will be argued that romantic feelings for someone shouldn't be suppressed, along with a bunch of other factors in this certain case, Charlie barely interacted with Joey in a friendly manner. Some fans agree to this day that she could have acted much nicer to Joey even when she was officially dating Ross.

5 Melanie

Although viewers only saw Melanie in one episode, she was the smiley and sweet girlfriend of Joey's that was so attracted to him that she filled his and Chandler's apartment with fruit baskets (provided by her job).

At the time, Joey was donating his sperm and therefore couldn't engage in any activities with his at-the-time girlfriend, but this didn't stop her. She was happy with him and wanted to thank him for how he did some very nice favors for her, to put it simply. While the reason was because of the sperm donation, Melanie's fun and cheerful persona led him to understand the importance of giving something to someone in a relationship.

4 Cecilia

Cecilia was definitely the stereotypical "perfect" girl for Joey because of the fact that she was an actress. Joey's dedication to his career served up a lot of comedy but also respect for his character. Audiences ate up the scenes when he would struggle to land roles and then practice lines in front of the gang.

When he landed a role in Days Of Our LivesJoey met Cecilia and was enthralled to learn from her how to play her character. When Joey encouraged her in pursuing other roles, calling her "hot" left her shocked and interested in Joey upon finding out that a young actor found her attractive. Even though they didn't last, Cecilia's powerful presence in a room was certainly liked by Monica and Rachel when they met her. Her choice to leave Joey was, of course, because of her career options but this was a respectable part of her because of how driven and ambitious she was.

3 Kathy

While this girlfriend didn't last very long with Joey, her relationship with him was notable because she was at the center of Joey's nearly-destroyed friendship with Chandler. She and Chandler later hooked up and began a relationship, but her character became a likable one because of how she clearly understood the importance of friendship.

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When Kathy recognized how she was getting in the way of Chandler and Joey's strong brotherhood, she left Chandler for Joey's sake out of respect for their friendship. When both men saw this, Joey urged Chandler to go after her and start a relationship with her. Thanks to Kathy, Joey and Chandler mended their friendship. She was ultimately not just "that girl" that got between them. She was rather the smart woman who made her own choice and acknowledged how important a friendship is.

2 Erin

As both a person in general and as a girlfriend, Erin was probably one of the best. She was cool and up for anything, except a serious relationship at the time, as fans recall. Joey knew initially that their relationship wouldn't have a future, but that didn't stop Rachel and Phoebe from befriending her briefly.

Erin was liked so much by the girls that they were equally (if not more than Joey) heartbroken that she and Joey didn't last. The women bonded with some beer and shared personal details about themselves. Erin was an intellectual since she apparently knew how to speak four different languages as Rachel and Phoebe were eager to mention. Her award-winning, infectious smile lit up the room of both Joey and the girls.

1 Rachel

Rachel has been argued to have been an awful match for Joey. Her whole rollercoaster mess with Ross had a serious effect on both of them, to the extent that they both hide their relationship briefly and tiptoe around Ross when he found out.

However, regarding how likable she was as a person, Rachel continues to be a fan-favorite. Her comical and witty behavior as well as her fearless approach to telling Joey that she had some feelings for him contribute to who she was as an individual, not just a girlfriend. Rachel grew into an independent and caring person, and although their relationship was considered the ultimate taboo by Ross and Rachel fans, she told Joey the truth and never wanted to hurt him.

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