Modern Family: 10 Times The Main Characters Should Probably Have Gone To Jail

Modern Family was filled with all kinds of adventures, ranging from family drama to pure comedy. Each of the family members crossed boundaries, stepped over lines, and broke barriers in their own ways throughout the years. However, some members of the family went too far from time to time, to the point where they could have been jailed had their circumstances turned out just a tad differently.

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Gloria especially had some close calls that could have meant jail time. While several of these moments were hilarious and iconic, they were also offenses that carried jail time potential.

10 When Phil Pretended To Be Blind

Phil pretending to be blind may have helped him bond with Alex, but it was wrong on all kinds of levels. He was taking advantage of a disability he didn't actually have; not only is it morally wrong, but it could've gotten him in serious trouble.

He did so to get Cam's and Mitchell's present in time and managed to cut in line; he didn't try to defraud anyone of money or anything but had he been caught, charges could have been pressed or he could've been banned from the store.

9 The Time Claire's Coat Got Stuck In The Escalator

In "My Funky Valentine," Claire and Phil are attempting to have a night of romance and seduction, but it all goes horribly awry. Claire gets trapped on the escalator when her coat gets caught up in it. Normally, such a thing wouldn't be a big deal as she could take off the coat and walk away, but unfortunately, she's naked underneath and is stuck.

Gloria came to the rescue and shielded Claire with her own coat, allowing Claire to free herself, but had it not been for Gloria, Claire may have been faced charges of public indecency had she been discovered by security or an offended passerby. Luck was on her side that particular Valentine's Day.

8 Cam's Public Indecency

In the season 9 opener, "Lake Life," Cam is dressed quite eccentrically to ensure he has absolutely no exposure to the sunlight given the antibiotics he's taking. Unfortunately, his outfit gets caught in the boat's motor while he's on an outing on the lake with Gloria, and he's left exposed.

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Once back on land, Cam resorts to hiding behind a tree, and later uses a sign to cover himself. There were several instances in which Cam could have been called out for public indecency, and faced with charges accordingly. Apparently, public indecency is something the family struggles with, given Claire's similar experience.

7 When Gloria Stole The Neighbor's Dog

Gloria, Jay, and Manny were all tired of the constant barking of the neighbor's dog. However, when it mysteriously disappears, Manny and Jay fear the worst in that Gloria may have murdered the poor thing. However, it turns out Gloria took the dog to a better home.

Now, the neighbor explained that the dog was his ex-wife's and that she wasn't coming back for it, but it was still theft on Gloria's part, as the neighbor never gave his consent for her to take it, nor did she even bother to ask.

6 The Entire "Phil's Sexy, Sexy House" Episode

Phil's helping a friend of Mitch and Cam's sell their fancy house, and several members of the family decide to take advantage of this fact by sneaking into it. Haley, Alex, Luke, Claire, Mitch, and Cam are among those to sneak inside, all for different reasons, and because they all choose to sneak in on the same day, they all end up trying to hide from and avoid one another.

While hilarious, it's also illegal to break and enter, even though they know the realtor. It was risky and had they been caught by the wrong people, they could have faced serious consequences.

5 Breaking In And Out

Looking for Manny's backpack turns into a case of breaking in and out, on more than one occasion, for Gloria and Jay. Luckily, Gloria's skilled in that area. Unfortunately for the homes of Cam and Mitchell, and Claire and Phil, it means that while Manny searches for his backpack, Gloria and Jay go snooping through their family's stuff.

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Not only are they invading their family's space and privacy, but they are doing so unlawfully, and poor Manny, a do-gooder by nature, is a participant in this law-breaking venture.

4 Manny And Luke's Joy Ride

It's not surprising that this joy ride was Luke's idea. The two boys wanted to impress a girl, and they conducted a very slow drive-by past her house; she looked both shocked and impressed. Luke and Manny each took turns driving, and while it's a memorable scene on the show, it could've meant big trouble to them had they been caught.

They were driving a car that's obviously not in either of their names and could have received not only grand theft auto charges but also driving without licenses. Luke may not have been too concerned with the consequences, but it certainly would have destroyed Manny.

3 The Unpaid Parking Tickets

Haley's been arrested before, but in one particular instance, her father took the blame for her, though not intentionally. Unknown to Phil, Haley had accumulated quite a bit of debt in unpaid parking tickets, and when he was pulled over for another matter, he ended up in jail once the officer found out about the parking tickets.

Haley's not the brightest character and she's definitely irresponsible, but she should have been the one in jail as she failed to pay for the tickets and to tell her parents about it so they would at least have a heads-up.

2 When Gloria Shot Jay

Gloria shot Jay in the foot with a pellet gun to avoid going to Lily's soccer game. Not only is shooting her own husband in the foot to avoid a little girl's soccer game extreme, but it's also insane.

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Gloria could have got into serious trouble for causing her husband injury; charges of domestic violence could be applied in this situation, for example. Gloria's pretty tough, but she can also be quite brutal when she wants something.

1 When Gloria Outran The Police

Gloria is jealous when the mother of a friend of Joe's appears cooler than her. Things quickly escalate as Gloria runs through a red light to prove she's cool too, but a cop catches her doing it. Instead of pulling over, Gloria puts the pedal to the metal and tricks the cop by swinging into a mall parking lot and hiding.

Joe thought she was cool after that. The thing is, she may have been cool, but she also broke the law on more than one account and could have got into major trouble. Lucky for her, Jay couldn't bring himself to confess to a cop and instead asked where Cinnabon was.

NEXT: Modern Family: Phil's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& His 5 Worst)  

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