The Mandalorian: 5 Reasons That Mando Should Be With Cara Dune (& 5 Why Omera Is Perfect For Him)

In its two season run so far, The Mandalorian has covered a lot of territory, ranging from conventional science fiction, old-fashioned westerns, heist dramas, family comedy, and more. But an area the series has been sorely lacking in is the romance department, despite multiple opportunities to develop a romantic relationship for its titular character.

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It makes sense that the series has not done so just yet, as Din Djarin has been focused on taking care of The Child and finding more information about his own people at the same time. But two clear opportunities for romance have been presented so far, in former Rebel Shock Trooper Cara Dune, and the lovely widow Omera from the planet Sorgan.

10 Cara: Rivals to allies

When The Mandalorian and Cara Dune first meet on the planet Sorgan, they hardly did so on the best of terms. The two thick-headed fighters quickly clashed, physically fighting one another for so much as being on the same planet.

But over the course of the first season, and even that first episode alone, Din and Cara quickly become allies for one another, fighting as a well-oiled machine and counting on each other in times of crisis.

9 Omera: Fiercely protective from the beginning

When Omera is first introduced in Season One, she is immediately depicted not only as a protective mother, but also as a completely competent fighter. Just like Din, she has what it takes to be protective and self-sufficient head of an unlikely family.

She impresses Din right away in both areas, with him particularly taken aback by her fighting prowess and her ability to navigate between the world of battle and the typically feminine world.

8 Cara: Calls Din out when he needs to be kept in check

In his role as a bounty hunter, and in his role as a quasi-father to Grogu, Mando often allows his emotions to run unchecked, leading him to make foolish and often impulsive decisions.

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Whenever Cara is present, she is able to keep him in check and rein him back in to the moment at hand. In times when he is unable to be held back, she is also willing to join him no matter the risks.

7 Omera: Unexpected connection

As Din and Grogu spend time in Omera's home, including Grogu bonding with Omera's young daughter Winta, the episode allows the two characters the necessary time to connect and reveal more of their pasts to one another.

Omera is one of the first characters to learn about Din's clan and creed, and Omera offers sparing details about her own life as a mother and widower. They connect warmly, and the series doesn't shy from hinting that there would be more opportunities to connect in this way if only the directors allowed more time.

6 Cara: Great teamwork

As should be clear by now, Cara and Din are perhaps the two most equally matched characters in the series so far when it comes to fighting prowess and ability to work together as a team.

And when it comes to potential romantic pairing, what is better than someone who is your equal, your partner, and the help you never knew you needed? Though their personalities may clash in their strength, it's clear that these two have each other's backs.

5 Omera: Natural chemistry

It's a true testament to the strength of actors Pedro Pascal and Julia Jones, that even with Mando's helmet in the way, these two actors are able to develop some of the series' most natural, warmest chemistry in the few scenes they are allowed to share.

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The moment when Omera attempts to remove Din's helmet, something that he has never allowed anyone to do, is arguably the series' most romantically charged moment to date.

4 Cara: They're both battle worn

There's no denying that both Din and Cara have substantial amounts of trauma they've not yet been able to disclose to anyone in their lives.

Din endured the siege of Mandalore and the loss of his parents, before he was taken by the Watch as a foundling. Cara lost everyone and everything in the destruction of Alderaan. Perhaps these two could finally find some well-deserved solace and comfort in one another.

3 Omera: He would have trusted her to raise Grogu

When Mando and Omera first met, Mando was only just trying to navigate his complicated emotional response to having an unexpected bounty in his care. As a bounty hunter, he didn't feel equipped to care for the little green child, even though he would come to love him.

But as soon as he met Omera, he trusted her with the possibility of raising Grogu as her own, even when he wasn't sure he would be able to do the same.

2 Cara: She dropped everything for Grogu

When The Mandalorian reconnected with Cara in the latter half of the second season, she had made a surprising career change, now working as a Marshal with the New Republic. She had rules to abide by now that she never had before.

But as soon as Mando told her that Grogu was in danger, Cara was willing to throw all the rules out the window in order to help the little green guy she had come to love, too.

1 Omera: She saw who he was, even with the helmet on

As already discussed, Omera is the first character to come close to seeing Mando without his helmet on. But more than that, even with the helmet in the way, Omera was able to read Din's feelings and sense what he really wanted and needed, such as the chance to settle down and live a normal life with Grogu.

Though Mando would not be ready at this point in time to accept such an offer, it's still comforting to imagine a future in the series where Din makes the decision to return to Sorgan, and to do just that.

NEXT: The Mandalorian: The Main Characters, Ranked By Intelligence

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