MCU: 10 Characters Who Would Have To Appear In A Captain America Show

With Marvel dropping TV shows left, right and center, there's been rumors about a possible title involving Captain America. Fans thought they had seen the last of the character when he waltzed with Peggy Carter at the end of Avengers: Endgame, having returned the Infinity Stones to their correct timelines following the deaths of Tony Stark and Thanos. And while Chris Evans has played down talk of him potentially reprising his role, the prospect of Steve Rogers returning to the MCU certainly can't be ruled out.

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Say it does happen. Say Evans does return for one final fight, fans are hoping that some of these characters will make an appearance or have to be involved in some way or another...

10 Peggy Carter

Starting with the obvious. Hayley Atwell has won many plaudits for her performances as Peggy Carter over the years, from the MCU movies to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And, given she's the love of Captain America's life, it wouldn't feel right to have Steve return without her by his side.

It now seems as though they lived out many happy years with each other and, if a TV show was to reveal how Steve's journey with the Infinity Stones panned out, then a cameo is needed for the finale at the very least.

9 Bucky Barnes

Steve and Bucky are brothers in all but blood. They grow up in Brooklyn together, with the latter often saving his close friend when he becomes embroiled in a spot of bother. And Captain America is able to save his friend from the clutches of HYDRA, who take control of his mind following his fall down the mountains during the events of Captain America: The First Avenger.

Due to how close they are, Bucky is another character who would have to appear. They have gone through far too much as a duo to end on the flat note they did in Endgame and, due to the many possibilities there are about returning the Stones, a previous version of Bucky could even serve as one of the antagonists.

8 Sam Wilson

While Cap insists he has faith in people, he still has an inner circle of individuals who he trusts more than anybody else. Sam Wilson is part of that elite club, with the pair's paths first crossing during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. From then on, they team up on multiple occasions, with Sam also the first to reach out to Steve after returning from the dead in Endgame.

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Therefore, if Rogers is to embark on a dangerous quest, Falcon is another ally he could call on. He could even use the time stone to recruit a version of his friend, given he has clearly been a good guy throughout his life. Who knows, that could even be teased when The Falcon And Winter Soldier hits the small screen in March.

7 Nick Fury

Steve isn't always keen on the majority of his fellow Avengers, having run-ins with the likes of Iron Man, Thor, and Spider-Man during his appearances in the franchise so far. Yet, one person he always seems to get along with is Nick Fury.

Despite Samuel L. Jackson's character lying to him straight after he's broken out of the ice, Nick and Cap clearly have huge respect for each other - one they tap into when the odds are often stacked against them. Fury is so well-connected, and currently so mysterious after that post-credits scene in 2019's Spider-Man: Far From Home, that an appearance from him in a rumored show would also make sense.

6 Red Skull

Like with the first Captain America movie, Avengers: Endgame appeared likely to be the last fans would have seen of the Red Skull. Having appeared to die in The First Avenger, his return in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War was a real bolt from the blue. In both that movie and the sequel, he guards the Soul Stone, a fate bestowed to him following his failure to control the dangerous object many years previously.

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But if Cap has to return the stones, this may involve him crossing paths with his old enemy. That's a reunion fans would definitely love to see, not least because of the epic showdown during the MCU's early stages. There is, however, a problem that another character can address...

5 Heimdall

Captain America may also need to enlist the help of some people he hasn't even met yet. And Heimdall, who served Thor so faithfully prior to his devastating death in Infinity War, would fall under that category.

In order to get to Vomir, Steve would need to find a way of navigating himself through space. He could use Heimdall to get to the location, going back in time to meet Thor's ally prior to his death. One can't imagine Idris Elba's character would have any issues with assisting, especially given how he can always see the bigger picture. Quite literally.

4 Odin

Odin is another who Cap may need help from. If he’s to drop the Soul Stone to Vormir, as mentioned above, he could also need help from Thor’s father.

Odin is alive in 2014 and could be used to get to the mysterious place. He’s capable of similar to Heimdall and, given how much Marvel loves cameos, a return for Anthony Hopkins’ character can’t be entirely ruled out.

3 Jane Foster

Fans thought they had seen the last of Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster after the events of Thor 2: The Dark World. However, with it confirmed the Star Wars actress will reprise her role for Thor: Love and Thunder, that certainly means the door is open for her to appear in other Marvel projects. And a cameo in the Captain America series would certainly be logistical.

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After all, Rocket Racoon needs her to extract the Reality Stone in Avengers 4. So, because of that, Cap would need to put it back so that events unfold as they should. Given he’s not as small as Rocket, however, this could be a task easier said than done.

2 The Ancient One

Speaking of cameos, it was certainly surprising to see Tilda Swinton’s Ancient One cameo in Endgame. In that movie, she and Bruce Banner tussled over the Time Stone, with Swinton’s character eventually relenting, providing it’s returned to the correct timeline in order to avoid creating multiple other timelines and dimensions. Which is pretty understandable, given what’s at stake.

Cap could return to 2012 New York to give it to her, therefore ensuring it’s around by the time Doctor Strange comes onto the scene. It would tie things up nicely, offering closure to her character’s story in the process.

1 Howard Stark

Last, but certainly not least, is Howard Stark.

He and Cap became friends during the events of The First Avenger and it’s possible their paths will cross again when Steve Rogers has to return the Space Stone to the military base in 1970. It could be pretty awkward but they could offer further closure on Tony Stark’s character by having Steve hint at all the amazing things Iron Man does in the future. This seems a stretch, given that would probably cause problems for the timeline, but it’d be a satisfying scene to see nonetheless.

NEXT: MCU: 10 Moments That Divided Fans

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