New Girl: Every Holiday Episode, Ranked | ScreenRant

Beloved sitcom New Girl is known for its incredible friendships, long-running gags, and hilarious holiday episodes. The seven-season Fox comedy actually features several episodes centered on the holidays, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.

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In fact, 14 of the show's 100+ episodes focus on different holidays. From gift exchanges to awkward dates to family drama, New Girl has something for every sitcom audience member in its array of hilarious holiday-themed episodes. Get ready for the festivities!

Updated by Amanda Bruce on February 18, 2021: New Girl might have come to an end in 2018, but fans new and old are able to continue to enjoy the series on digital platforms. With all the ways to enjoy the series, it's no surprise new fans are being introduced to the show through binge-watching experiences and finding plenty of hilarity to keep them coming back for more.

14 *Last Thanksgiving (S6.E07)

The final Thanksgiving celebration in the loft for the series, this episode is more bittersweet than the others. Most of the holiday episodes tend to focus on expanding the relationships between characters, but this particular one sees roadblocks in all of them. That should be par for the course in a sitcom, but the bitter tends to outweigh the sweet here.

Schmidt wants to reconnect with his father, but with Gavin wallowing in his own sorrows after a breakup, connecting with Schmidt isn't at the forefront of his mind. Nick spends the day disappointed that Reagan bails on the celebration as well. Jess is, of course, wrapped up in the drama of Robby being interested in her, which leads to a relationship the audience isn't really interested in.

13 *Keaton (S3.E06)

It's Halloween in the loft, but Jess' party plans don't go well with Schmidt still in a bad place after his breakup with Cece. To get around his melancholy, Jess gets Nick to help her give Schmidt some advice.

They do that by using a technique Schmidt's mom started: catfishing her own son into believing he's corresponding with Michael Keaton — because that's a totally normal thing for a mom to do! Nick channels the actor to email Schmidt, which works for a little while until Schmidt discovers the truth.

12 *Operation: Bobcat (S6.E16)

Initially, Jess plans on spending her Valentine's Day alone, having dinner prepared for her by Gordon Ramsay, something she won in an auction. When that doesn't go exactly as she hopes, she ends up helping Winston in his elaborate plan to propose to Ally, continuing the tradition of Jess being present for every proposal in the series.

Of course, Jess isn't the only one to end up in the middle of someone's relationship. When Cece decides to surprise Schmidt on their anniversary, they end up stuck on the roof at his work, asking Nick to help them.

11 *Halloween (S2.E06)

Nick reconnects with a woman he had a crush on in college while Schmidt deals with the fact that Cece has a new boyfriend and Winston ends his relationship with Shelby. But all of that pales in comparison to Jess working in a haunted house as one of her temporary jobs.

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Just as Jess decides she's ready to get serious with Sam, Sam reveals to Nick that he's still seeing other people, thinking he and Jess are on the same page about not wanting a relationship. Nick braves his fear of the haunted house to warn Jess — and ends up completely terrified of everyone in costume, even punching zombie-Jess in the face! It's definitely the funnier of the Halloween episodes.

10 Christmas Eve Eve (S6.E10)

This season 6 Christmas episode sees Jess trying to keep Secret Santa alive in the loft. She gets crazy-excited about the holiday season despite her roommate’s objections and unintentionally raises the gift-giving-stakes through the roof. Winston also gets freaked that his present for Cece won’t arrive on time, so he goes on a shopping spree with Schmidt.

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And Furguson wearing reindeer antlers? The cuteness is too much to handle.

9 Thanksgiving III (S3.E10)

The gang's third Thanksgiving together has them trading in the comforts of the loft for the great outdoors. While Nick is excited to embrace a camping-style meal, Winston and Cece bond over their dislike of the wilderness. There's also a huge chance they may or may not sneak away and come back with food from the grocery store, letting Nick believe they scavenged it from the forest.

Jess feels bad for how they've tricked Nick and tries to make it up to him by eating the rotten fish he's brought back. She also happens to end up in the hospital because of it. Memorable Thanksgiving, right?

8 Valentine’s Day (S1.E13)

The first of the Valentine’s Day episodes has Jess enlisting Schmidt to help her find a date. The guy she comes across is attractive but boring, which leads Schmidt to follow Jess back to his house and make things totally not awkward. Who can blame him, though? Their only commonality Jess has with her date is that they both like lunch.

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Meanwhile, Nick tries to take his girlfriend Julia on a perfect date but ends up being forced to hang out with her assistant for most of the evening when she has to work overtime.

7 The 23rd (S1.E09)

The loft attends a Christmas party at Schmidt's workplace in "The 23rd." Schmidt continues to try to impress Cece, giving her a custom-made perfume and returning as the office's sexy Santa. Their moments together really give Cece and Schmidt fans hope for their relationship early in the show's run.

Jess has stresses of her own to deal with. When her boyfriend Paul gives her an expensive gift, she believes he's getting too serious too fast. And no, things don't get better when Nick spoils this.

6 Parents (S2.E08)

This Thanksgiving episode sees Jess trying to “parent trap” her parents back into a relationship. She does so by accidentally-on-purpose scheduling them to arrive for dinner at the same time. This plan may or may not backfire when Nick and Jess’ mother start hitting it off.

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Meanwhile, Schmidt and his cousin (who also goes by Schmidt) get into a fight over which of them is the manliest.

Jess learns her lesson about trying to manufacture situations, and the rest of the gang gives the audience one hilarious Turkey Day performance.

5 The Crawl (S4.E15)

Post-break-up Nick plans a Valentine’s Day pub crawl after a new establishment opens in the neighborhood.

The other single people in the gang including Cece and Winston join in on the fun, while Jess has to decide what the fate of her and Ryan’s relationship is after he accepts a job back in England.

Oh yeah, and Cece attempts to out-drink Nick through most of this episode.

4 Santa (S2.E11)

This season 2 Christmas episode sees the gang hopping around multiple Christmas parties. While Sam tries to win Jess back, Nick attempts to come to grips with his girlfriend Angie’s adventurous personality. Additionally, Schmidt and Cece face tension of their own after Cece believes Schmidt gives her a gift intended another woman.

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The episode is full of quirky drama and a Christmasy feel, making this holiday episode as festive as ever.

3 Thanksgiving (S1.E06)

Jess invites her fellow teacher friend Paul to Thanksgiving dinner, but the boys have other plans. Schmidt, Winston, and Nick want a “Dudesgiving” where they can just watch football and drink beer, but when Paul arrives and starts singing with Jess, they realize he is much more like her than the guys.

Because the turkey is frozen, the gang tries defrosting it in the dryer, which of course, fills the apartment with smoke and they end up trying to eat at the neighbor's apartment. Nick and Jess also happen to have a highly embarrassing argument outside the door, believing no one can hear them.

2 LAXmas (S4.E11)

"LAXmas" sees the gang trying to make their respective Christmas flights. Jess is headed to visit Ryan in England, Cece and Schmidt are traveling to New York, Winston and Nick are destined for Chicago, and Coach is taking himself on a vacation to Hawaii in lieu of visiting his family. Unfortunately, a slew of canceled flights throws a few twists into what could have been the perfect parting.

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The episode ends poignantly, with the gang heading their separate ways as a dreamy rendition of "God Only Knows" plays in the background.

1 Thanksgiving IV (S4.E09)

The best holiday episode of New Girl is "Thanksgiving IV," otherwise known as "Bangs-giving." In this Turkey Day special, Schmidt gets the loft to invite single people to the annual Thanksgiving bash so that everyone can couple up.

His idea was for everyone to draw names out of a hat and invite a date for that person, but things get out of hand when Coach invites the teacher Jess is trying not to have feelings for and Nick draws himself and invites Tran.

The jokes in this one are more satisfying than any turkey meal could ever be.

NEXT: New Girl: Jess's 5 Best (And 5 Worst) Relationships

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