Rick And Morty: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Planets They Visit

Rick And Morty is one of the most inventive science-fiction shows of the modern age. Quirky, funny and full of totally bizarre ideas, the series has continued to go from strength to strength as its fifth installment continues production, aiming to release sometime in the near future.

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One of the most overlooked elements of the show though, is the locations that Rick and Morty actually visit. The characters and the wacky scenarios usually take center stage, but the planets that these adventures are set on are really the unsung heroes of the piece. While many of the best episodes take place on Earth, there's also a great number of other planets that have been explored.

10 Honorable Mention: The Micro Worlds

While not technically planets, it's difficult to ignore the Micro worlds that Rick created to power his car. With a whole civilization shrunk down so small that the human eye can't even see it, problems started to arise when they refused to do the work themselves.

Thus each new world created a smaller one to power their own planet. There's no telling how many planets were linked into this infinite line of endless Micro civilizations. Strangely, each world had a version of society that Rick had set up, yet they all had their own quirky differences contributing to the nature vs nurture argument.

9 Bird World

One of Rick's best friends happened to be an alien named Birdperson. Now going by the villainous alter-ego Phoenixperson, Rick's former friend is far from the bird that he had first met. Birdperson's home planet is actually briefly seen in the show.

As might be expected, the planet is perfectly designed for a bird-like species. Despite their advanced technology (egg-shaped hologram projectors for instance) the species have actually built their structures into trees, just like their devolved cousins would do on Earth.

8 Froopyland

In the incredibly strange episode, "The ABC's of Beth," it's revealed that for much of her childhood Rick's daughter actually spent time in an artificial land which he created. The planet is an absolute fantasy land, designed for any child with an active imagination.

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From the strange creatures to the castles and fairytale like designs, it's clear that this was all created with Beth's former self in mind. Rick briefly mentions it although it's often overlooked; other Ricks across the Multiverse actually created their own versions of Froopyland for their Beths. So there's no telling what horrors they may hold.

7 Rick's Toilet Planet

In the Season Four episode "The Old Man and the Seat," Rick makes his quiet escape to an unknown planet for a moment of peace. It turns out that this location contains an isolated bathroom for Rick.

The planet must have been in use by Rick for a number of years thanks to the technology he has built up there and he believes he is the only one using it (asides from a secret second user). That means that not only has Rick has constantly jumped back to the planet through the whole show, but there must be hundreds across the galaxy all for the other Rick's to go to the toilet in peace.

6 Alphabetrium

There was once a rapper named Iced-T who shot to stardom on Earth. He eventually was allowed to return to his home planet which he was exiled from and became his truest form: Water-T. That planet was Alphabetrium, home to the rivals of the Numbericons.

The planet runs based around a strict council and is designed on the alphabetical symbols that the species represent. What's interesting about the species is that despite being an alien planet it has people who look like all sorts of alphabets from Earth; not purely just that of the English language.

5 On A Cob Planet

It might not matter where they set up their family, the toxic relationship between Beth and Jerry means that they will have some problems getting along. However, On A Cob Planet might not be the best location to start over.

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As the name suggests, absolutely everything on this planet is shaped like a cob. The planet is actually based on this structure on a completely microscopic level. Fortunately, there's plenty of food and this is one of the many worlds in the galaxy that resembles Earth; even if the cobs are overrunning the place.

4 Unity

It's very rare to see Rick in a vulnerable place, but that's what happened when the surprisingly heartbreaking relationship between him and Unity started to unfold. The backdrop to this was the planet that Unity had taken hold of, initially against the will of its inhabitants.

The strange thing about this planet is that its currently uninhabited in the Rick and Morty universe. Without Unity's control they would quickly descend into a race war. Once Unity decided to leave the planet, its species completely disappeared. Did they kill each other or did something more mysterious happen?

3 Screaming Sun Planet

It might seem like quite a strange name, but this Earth-like planet has been given the nickname for a reason. The 42 hour days are full of one thing: a screaming sun, drowning out every other noise in this world.

It might seem pretty and idyllic, but it appears that this star is in incredible pain from burning up. The planet is devoid of any life which is odd considering it has all of the components necessary. It's probable that as soon as a species was evolved it moved away from the horrible noise.

2 Planet Squanch

The home planet of Squanchy is also the location that Birdperson and Tammy decided to hold their wedding. That is, of course, until it was ambushed. The planet itself is one of the stranger ones in the universe.

Since the inhabitants of the planets are catlike people, the houses actually resemble the toys for felines on Earth. The plants on the planet are very dangerous, though, with some able to suck the blood out of humans.

1 Post-Apocalyptic Earth

There's plenty of Earths across the multiple dimensions featured in Rick and Morty and Rick, Summer and Morty happen to end up on one that looks suspiciously like the world of Mad Max. This post-apocalyptic Earth comes complete with a death zone and a resource problem.

This planet actually has a series of mutant creatures who roam freely. The humans that are left sometimes hunt them for sport. This is a similar fate to some of the other Earths that Rick and Morty have been to; perhaps another Rick and Morty could have caused the chaos on the planet.

NEXT: Rick & Morty: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

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