Sex Education: What Your Favorite Character Says About You

Your Sex Education character preference can say a lot about your personality. Since 2019, when the first season was released, this quirky comedic TV series saw its success reaching a high ranking on Netflix's top-ten most popular series. A winner teen-focused show set in the fictional town of Moordale, this is where all kinds of teenagers deal with their high school challenges.

RELATED: Sex Education: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

While the majority of the narratives and plot stories are centered around Otis Milburn and Maeve Wiley, Sex Education didn't reach acclaim because of these two alone, but rather because of a cornucopia of excellent characters. Everyone has their own favorite person on the show and fans can relate to each character's unique traits.

10 Vivienne Odesanya: You're Smart But Insecure

Viewers were introduced to Viv during the second season as one of the smartest kids of the school. Her appearance on the show has become closely related to her friend (and potential lover) Jackson, as she started to help him with his studies.

Being the nerdy, hardworking type of person, Viv is a responsible young girl who tends to be quiet and closed in her own world due to her insecurities. If she is your favorite character, most likely you're a person who is passionate about academia, and statistics in particular, and simultaneously eager to reach your goals when you set your mind to something.

9 Aimee Gibbs: You're Likable But Naive

While Aimee doesn't rank high on the intelligence scale of all the students within Sex Education, she is certainly one of the funniest. Aimme's random comments about people and their actions are often hysterical and she isn't afraid of being herself (even if it means to sound a bit ridiculous at times).

Unpredictable by nature, one can never really know what to expect from her aside from the fact that she is always ready to throw huge parties within her big social groups. A bit naive, Aimme is surrounded by people who aren't really her friends. If she is your favorite character, then you might be a person who seems superficial and shallow upon first glance, but in actuality, you're quite interesting and can have deep conversations.

8 Jackson Marchetti: You're A Nice Person But Selfish

If anyone is a Jackson fan, perhaps they're somebody who is truly compassionate with the pressures of being the "number one" on a specific skill and has to please others' expectations about that unique talent. In season 2, viewers saw a darker side to this character's arc after the first season is focused on his relationship with Maeve.

Besides being extremely energetic and popular at school, Jackson has been confronting his deepest feelings about his family struggles and he has revealed a sensitive side as he struck an unlikely friendship with Vivienne. He is growing into a genuinely good person, but he often acts selfishly or without thinking about the consequences of his actions.

7 Adam Groff: You're Mysterious But Bold

As the son of Headmaster Groff, Adam doesn't follow his father's steps when it comes to the importance given to education. For a long while, audiences see this character being a bully, tormenting his peers, or causing trouble at home. He always acts cold and mysterious and purposefully doesn't let others in. When fans finally realize that his persistent harassment over Eric is to fight his attraction for him, there's empathy for him and the repressed life he has been living.

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Later, his bold action on confessing his feelings, made fans love him. If he is the character someone loves the most, perhaps they're a person who is generous to those who need help to be their real selves, unmasked.

6 Lily Iglehart: You're Confident But Strange

Ok, let's face it: Lily Iglehart is extremely eccentric and has a distinctive personality. Her unique fetishes, wild fantasies, and personal style make her seem an awkwardly funny but captivating character at the same time. She's creative, intellectual, and thinks "outside the box" while keeping a focused attitude in the tasks assigned to her.

Everybody needs a Lily in their life to shake their lives a little bit as her energy is so raw but so genuine. So, anyone who likes her best is probably a free spirit, who doesn't like to stick to the status quo, and is peculiar when making comments about others.

5 Eric Effiong: You're Charismatic But Too Friendly

It's a delight every time Eric is on screen. Enthusiastic by nature, he wants to live life to the fullest and loves to connect with new people. As one of the most charismatic characters, Eric usually comes off with an over-the-top attitude. Yet, his biggest weakness is being too friendly towards his bullies and that makes fans feel unsure of how Eric and Adam's relationship will develop in season 3.

Eric is very in tune with his sexuality but he can get easily hurt when attacked for being who he is. If someone loves him more than any other character, chances are they're a person who is capable of blending into a crowd easily, yet are just as capable of making themselves the center of attention when they want to.

4 Ola Nyman: You're Open-Minded But Sensitive

Ola Nyman is considered one of the most likable characters of the show, and for good reason. She is a really fun, positive, upbeat character who knows how to express her opinion without needing to offend others. Hence, she is an incredibly mature girl for her age and she is also a brilliant student.

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If Ola happens to be your favorite character then there's a high probability that you're a clever person who tends to be non-judgmental and very loving towards most people. You may take things a little too personally when the wrong thing is said to you but your open-mindedness and unselfishness make you truly special.

3 Maeve Wiley: You're A Genius But Suspicious

There's definitely a lot to admire about Maeve and fans who rate her highly are likely the perfect blend of academic geniuses and sensitive guarded people. They enjoy helping others out of situations that they might not be able to on their own, even if they are sorrowful with their own life circumstances.

While Maeve tends to be passive-aggressive with others when she feels hurt, she has gone through a lot of personal dramas and has learned to protect herself by not trusting easily. She doesn't want to fit in society's expectations of her - as her rebellious nature propels her to follow her own path. Wise beyond her years, she can be witty and has a dark sense of humor.

2 Jean Milburn: You're Empathetic But Overbearing

Otis's unconventional mother is a confident woman who loves her profession. Played brilliantly by Gillian Anderson, her interaction with her son's total opposite predisposition in life (as a shy, nervous teenager) makes their relationship awkwardly funny in most scenes.

While she is a modern lady, her role as a mother can be very traditional as she is an overbearing parent who worries too much about Otis' life. If she is the character someone loves the most, perhaps they give great advice and are extremely empathetic because they understand human psychology and why people sometimes act the way they do.

1 Otis Milburn: You're A Good Person But Awkward

Otis is the main character of Sex Education. He is a complex one, that can at times be inspiring and others be selfish when making decisions that end up treating others poorly (even if doesn't mean to). His most evident quality is to try to do the right thing, acting with as many good morals as possible. But in his pursuit to be a nice guy, he inadvertently tends to create awkward but hilarious moments that make the audience relate to him.

If Otis happens to be your favorite character then there's a high probability that you are sensitive, intuitive, and a supportive friend but you can also be reserved and odd at first glance due to your lack of self-confidence.

NEXT: Sex Education: 10 Funniest Quotes

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