The 100: Why Clarke Is The Main Character (& Why It's Octavia)

Viewers were introduced to Clarke Griffin before anyone else on The 100. At the time, her voiceover explained the apocalypse as she sat in solitary drawing on the floor. Over the years, Clarke was at the center of nearly every event. Although Clarke has done good and bad things, she was looked at to make the most prominent choices for humanity.

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However, one of her most significant competitors for the main character is Octavia Blake. While this may not be easy to see in the first season, collectively, Octavia grew so much from the series premiere to the finale. Beaten, bruised, and came out the other side, Octavia has dealt with many emotional and physical storylines. While Octavia may not have always made the best decisions, she did have her moments of knowing the right thing to do.

10 Clarke: Commander Of Death

Clarke did not take down the Mountain Men alone. Monty allowed irradiating Mount Weather to be possible, and Bellamy pulled the lever with Clarke. Yet, Bellamy and Monty's parts of the event are ignored by the majority of the population.

Instead, Clarke gets all the credit for taking down the mountain and earned the name "Wanheda." Even when others help Clarke, she seems to take on the bulk of the responsibility and aftermath of what occurred as the focal point of the show.

9 Octavia: Larger Character Arc

Octavia's arc takes her from the girl under the floor to the savior of the human race. It is not a straight path for Octavia as she goes through plenty of different things before finding who she is and wants to be. Her journey as a fighter begins in season two when she trains with Lincoln and Indra.

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Octavia is a different person nearly every season as she continues to evolve and find where she fits in the grand scheme of things. She goes from innocent to warrior to ruthless and eventually to someone who helped save everyone.

8 Clarke: Mount Weather

After Charlotte's death, Clarke and Bellamy decide to work together to keep the delinquents alive. With that choice, Clarke becomes more involved in how their camp is run, and later on, she and Bellamy make many monumental choices together.

When Clarke and the others end up in Mount Weather, Clarke is immediately suspicious. She spends some time in the mountain gathering information before escaping with Anya. Clarke spends the rest of the season tirelessly devoted to rescuing the rest of the delinquents from the Mountain Men.

7 Octavia: Conclave

When Roan and Indra agreed on a final Conclave to determine who would survive in the bunker, Skaikru's only real chance was Octavia, who luckily arrived just in time. Mixing her experience as the girl under the floor with the woman she had become, known as "Skairipa," Octavia fought and hid her way through the Conclave until she beat Luna.

Then, Octavia opened the bunker up to everyone rather than just Skaikru. Octavia's decision would place her in a power position for the six years Wonkru spent in the bunker.

6 Clarke: Josephine

Season six temporarily killed Clarke Griffin for a few episodes, leaving Josephine Prime walking around in Clarke's body. The 100 has killed numerous characters, and all of them (except for Emori's resurrection in the finale) have remained dead. Clarke Griffin is placed in the backseat of her mind, fighting her inner demons and for control of her body.

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This arc lets Clarke explore her own struggles while also understanding her enemy in a very intimate way. No other character has been in this type of position. A relationship between a protagonist and antagonist has never been explored in the same depth as between Clarke and Josephine.

5 Octavia: Dark Side

If any main character took a detour to the dark side, it was Octavia. Most notably during the Dark Year and throughout the war for Eden, Octavia is destructive. She had become "Blodreina," showing how dangerous and far Octavia was willing to go to keep humanity alive.

The fighting pits were meant to ensure people followed the rules and eventually became a source of protein. She burned the hydro-farm to give Wonkru an incentive to follow her lead toward a dangerous battle. She was ruthless but like Clarke, showed that she could lead.

4 Clarke: Relationships With Other Characters

Throughout the series, Clarke is heavily involved with nearly every character. Good or bad, Clarke has clear relationships with Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Murphy, and several others. She spends time developing relationships with many of the show's most significant characters.

Unfortunately, Octavia does not. Octavia spends time with Bellamy, Clarke, and Indra and had more direct friendships with Jasper and Monty at the beginning. Although Octavia did appear in big group battles, she did not have as much to do with the likes of Raven or Murphy.

3 Octavia: Side Quests

Octavia spends plenty of time separated from the rest of her people. A majority of season six finds Octavia away from everyone else and in close quarters with Diyoza and Gabriel. Their storyline, while a subplot of season six, is essential to understanding season seven. Octavia's time spent away from Skaikru is documented and shows how she is changing or dealing with life.

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When Clarke left at the end of season two, a time jump showed Clarke toward the end of three months away and did not devote time to showing how she had dealt with her previous choices.

2 Clarke: Self-Sacrifice

Octavia does get a few self-sacrifice moments, but this is an area that Clarke spends more time with. Clarke sacrifices herself countless times, including making sure her friends had a space station to reach as the death wave arrived.

In other situations, it was more about sacrificing her soul than her body. Clarke made numerous choices so that her friends didn't have to. Clarke bore the responsibility and protected her friends from what such a decision felt like.

1 Octavia: Season 7

Out of everyone, Octavia is the evident main character in season seven. Bellamy is absent for most of the season, and Clarke's story seems to move forward or stagnate at various points in time. Octavia, on the other hand, is more consistent once the timeline gets her more involved.

She goes from living peacefully on Sky Ring to flashing through her time on Bardo. In the end, it is Octavia who is responsible for saving humanity, convincing everyone to put their weapons down.

NEXT: The 100: 10 Storylines That Could Be A Spinoff Show

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