The Big Bang Theory: Why Fans Would Love To See A Spin-Off Of Leonard's Family

Given that The Big Bang Theory itself was recording-breakingly popular, and the existing spin-off, Young Sheldon, is also doing well, what other potential spin-offs might fans like to see from the show? One possible option is to focus on Leonard's family - who appear in part on the show, but don't get nearly enough attention.

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Leonard's mother appears on the show most, and has a great story arc and friendship with Sheldon. However, his father only appears twice (and attends the wedding). Leonard also has a brother and sister, who are frequently referenced (as more successful than him) but never seen. Given what little we do know of these characters, getting to know the Hofstaders better would be a great concept for a show.

10 Beverley Grows, But We're Not Done With Her

Beverley, Leonards's mother, is clearly the family member who has the most complex relationship with Leonard and his friends, and she actually appears quite often (sixteen episodes). Over time, she and Leonard start to build a more genuine relationship, and at the end, he even tells her he forgives her, and she thanks him. It's an amazing moment, but fans are not done with her - or seeing her challenge herself to be more involved in Leonard and Penny's lives.

9 Seeing Leonard Challenge His Family Dynamic Would Be Amazing

At the start of The Big Bang Theory, Leonard is cowed by his family, and feels like the black sheep and the least successful. Over time, though, he grows as a person, gains confidence, and it able to stand up to his mother and express his feelings. It would be amazing to see him follow this up by talking to each of his siblings, and starting to really challenge the family dynamic over time. This would also make for a relatable show, as everyone has some kind of complexity in their family relationships!

8 We Never Got To Meet Michael...

Michael is Leonard's brother, and over time fans learn that he is a tenured law professor at Harvard, married, and has argued a case before the Supreme Court.

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He also built a hospital in Rwanda, according to one episode, which sends Leonard into a shame spiral about his own lack of charitable work. However, this is the sum total of what fans know, and there's definitely more to see here!

7 ...Or Leonard's Sister

When it comes to Leonard's sister, fans learn even less about her than they know about Michael! She isn't even given a name in the series, but is described as a medical researcher. She is also married, and has multiple children: Neil, Jeffrey, Scott, William, and Richard. Seeing more of the life of a woman who is a mother to five, yet kept her own name and is on the verge of curing diabetes sounds like a great show even without the Leonard connection.

6 Want To See The Childhood Home

Leonard talks about his childhood relatively often, and while it doesn't sound like a happy one, fans definitely want to know more. It would be amazing to see his childhood home, or to get more stories from his past. Telling a spin-off story entirely set in his childhood might be too similar to Young Sheldon, but flashbacks could definitely work (and who wouldn't want to see a young Beverley)?

5 Penny And Beverley Are A Fantastic Dynamic

It may be unexpected, because Penny is a warm and fun-loving woman who isn't particularly academically inclined, while Beverly is a cold woman whose academic achievements are everything to her... but these two make a great pair. In 'The Maternal Congruence', Penny and Beverley even end up going to a bar and getting drunk, which is one of their funniest moments as a pair, but seeing more of these two together in any circumstance would be phenomenal.

4 Can They Be Better Grandparents?

There is no denying that Beverley and Alfred were not the greatest parents to Leonard, and he even claims that his mother did psychology experiments on him for her work! However, it would be interesting to see if this might change when Leonard and Penny start a family (as Penny was pregnant in the finale).

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They are already grandparents to Leonard's sister's children, as well, and this would be a great story - to see how their life experiences have changed how they deal with kids.

3 His Father Is Barely Seen

As mentioned, Leonard's father appears only twice on the show - in back to back episodes for Leonard and Penny's family wedding day. Given that he is otherwise mentioned, and fans know that he had an affair (that ended his marriage), there's definitely some room to explore the character here - and to see how he's coping, post-divorce.

2 Generational Romantic Advice

Leonard's parents might not be great on the romance front, but it would be amazing to see how the relationships of his parents and siblings compare to his with Penny, and to see how they might be able to help each other out. Love and relationships are one of the central parts of any sitcom, and given that Leonard's parents are divorced in the end, seeing the kids giving them dating tips would be hilarious.

1 An Excuse For More Leonard and Penny

At the end of the day, a Leonard spin-off could really just be an excuse to see more Leonard and Penny, as the show's best-loved couple! Of course, this may not be quite practical, as Kelly Cuoco (who plays Penny) is extremely busy these days, starring in The Flight Attendant and voicing Harley Quinn in her animated series, but perhaps she could be convinced to return...

NEXT: The Big Bang Theory: 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore

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