Parks & Rec: April's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)

April Ludgate is a beloved character for her dry sense of humor and sarcastic attitude. She is the youngest employee of the Parks Department and initially very apathetic about her job. However, as the series went on April grew into a very smart and confident young woman.

RELATED: Parks And Rec: 10 Hilarious April Memes Devoted Fans Will Love 

Her friends and husband often came to her for advice on difficult decisions and work-related issues. At times, April had some surprisingly wise words to say. Unfortunately, at other times she reverted back to her old self and gave an insincere or sarcastic comment.

10 Best: The Parks Department Should Absorb Animal Control

When the Animal Control Department needs a new director, Leslie suggests that April apply for the job. The following hearing doesn't go so well, but April comes up with a genius plan in the process.

Because it is ineffective and has a tiny budget, she advises that the Animal Control Department be absorbed into the Parks Department. No one can argue that this isn't a great idea.

9 Worst: Telling Tom To Get A Hello Kitty Tattoo

April is pretty famous for her sarcastic comments and hilarious one-liners. However, they can get a little old when her friends need real advice. For example, when Tom gets an offer from someone wanting to buy out Rent-A-Swag, he holds an investor's meeting and asks April for her opinion.

Instead of giving him business advice, she suggests that he get a Hello Kitty tattoo.

8 Best: Suggesting Ann Go On A Date With Tom

In the episode "Operation Ann," Leslie sets up a Valentine's Day dance with the goal of finding Ann a soulmate. Unfortunately, the night doesn't go so well for Ann and she doesn't end up making a connection with anyone.

RELATED: Parks And Rec: Why April And Chris Aren't Real Friends 

In a rather out-of-character gesture, April notices that Ann has been having a good time talking to Tom and suggests that the two of them go on a date. Even though this relationship doesn't work out, it's a pretty good idea for Ann to go out with the only person to make her laugh all night.

7 Worst: Getting Ann And Tom Back Together

Going on one date might have been a fun idea, but Tom and Ann ended up being in a terrible relationship. In the episode "Sweet Sixteen," April gets drunk while Tom and Ann fight and points out that everything that the two of them fight about is stupid.

Although her goal was to break them up, this actually ends up getting them back together.

6 Best: Revealing To Andy That Everyone Is Faking It

When Andy freaks out about not knowing what he is doing at his job in London, he of course goes to April for advice. April wisely tells him that secretly no one knows what they are doing at work.

She tells him most people just fake it until they figure it out, and that Andy will figure it out too. It's pretty great advice and honestly very true.

5 Worst: Advising Subservience To Men

When the women of the Parks Department meet with Pawnee's first female city councilwoman, they discuss the inequalities of women in government. April then goes off on a tangent saying, "I think men are better than women."

Although she is obviously joking, her advice to "always walk behind the men" is probably the worst she's ever given and very unhelpful in the situation.

4 Best: Teaching Ann To Trust Her Gut

Ann is excited for April when she gets into veterinary school, so she doesn't understand why April decides not to go through with her studies. When the two take a trip to Bloomingdale for her orientation, April explains that she had a gut feeling that veterinary school wasn't right for her.

RELATED: Parks & Rec: April Ludgate's 10 Most Badass Quotes

When Ann asks April how she gets her gut to talk to her, April replies, "You don't get your gut to talk to you. You just listen when it says something." This advice helps Ann to realize she wants to raise her baby somewhere other than Pawnee.

3 Worst: Her Feedback On Leslie's Speech

April does something nice for Leslie by nominating her for the International Coalition of Women in Government award.

Leslie then practices her speech for April, who returns to her usual self by saying, "I think you should lose the first line and the last line and all of the other lines. And instead, just walk up to the mic and meow really loudly for eight minutes."

2 Best: Helping Andy With Career Decisions

When Tom offers Andy a job with his company, the first person he goes to for advice is his wife April. In this hilarious scene, April replies with, "So take it" in regards to all the positive aspects of the job, and "so don't take it" to all of the negative aspects.

She then tells Andy that she also does not know what he should do, to which Andy replies, "You give such good advice. Babe, I love you." It might seem strange, but sometimes the best advice is to just have someone listen to your confusing dilemma and not be bombarded with opinions.

1 Worst: Convincing Jen Not To Intern At The Parks Department

When April is tasked with welcoming a group of potential interns to the Parks Department, she latches on to a girl named Jen who reminds her of herself as an intern. April advises her not to take this job and to go do "something fun" instead. This advice seems to come from a place of April feeling that she has wasted her time in the Parks Department.

However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Craig helps her to realize all the amazing work she has done and April realizes she made a mistake sending Jen away.

NEXT: Parks & Rec: 10 Ways April Got Worse & Worse 

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