Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 10 Characters & What Dungeons & Dragons Classes They Would Play

Much like Dungeons and Dragons, the world of Star Wars has a history of categorizing its characters based on personality, politics, and their distinct morals. There are the tranquil and enigmatic Jedi Masters and the Sith that purposefully give in to their anger. There are Rebels fighting for freedom, and a fascist First Order thirsting to wring every bit of power they can from free worlds.

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The sequel trilogy carries on these traditions, teeming with a broad array of unique personalities from meek to bold. There are pilots, soldiers, political leaders, and those just looking to lend a helping hand to friends. Many of the sequel trilogy's characters are a perfect fit for specific DnD classes.

10 Kylo Ren - Warlock

Gifted with magic through a pact made with a mysterious being known "patrons", Warlocks are often willing to make a deal with the devil if it means forwarding their pursuit for knowledge and power. One of the more versatile classes, they are skilled in magic as well as combat. Though Warlocks can be good, they are prone to serving dark entities.

In a way, Kylo Ren enters into a pact with a patron through his tutelage under Supreme Leader Snoke - and by extension, Emperor Palpatine. He finds himself falling deeper into his service with every cruel deed Snoke requires.

9 Finn - Paladin

Heroes bound by sacred oath and sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves, Paladins bravely stand between the innocent and forces of evil. Strong survivors that can hold their own in a fight, they protect the weak even if it means sealing their own fate.

Stolen and brainwashed by the First Order, Finn was once a stormtrooper, but he fought his programming, knowing that what he was being forced to do was wrong. Despite struggling with what to do next, Finn eventually rose to become one of the greatest heroes of the Resistance.

8 General Hux - Cleric

A Cleric's magic comes from a divine power that is bestowed on those that are deemed worthy of such an honor. They are both cunning and useful in the fight, serving both to support, inspire, and fight, often through skilled spellcasting.

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General Armitage Hux's indeed has his own higher power that found him worthy from a young age - the First Order. A brilliant strategist and loyal servant, Hux rose to the rank of General at a young age and has no problem with reciting commanding, self-serving speeches to inspire his troops.

7 Rey - Sorcerer

Unlike Wizards or Warlocks, a Sorcerer's magic is inherent, either through an innate gift, or passed down through a powerful familial bloodline. Magic is as real a part of them as their fingers or their toes. It flows through every inch of their bodies, waiting to be called upon for use.

Rey's incredible skills with the Force initially seemed like a natural gift, but led fans to wonder if it did have something to do with her mysterious parentageThe Rise Of Skywalker confirmed her bloodline as a Palpatine, which likely has to do with the sheer strength of her abilities.

6 Captain Phasma – Fighter

Masters of a wide range of combat styles and skilled with a variety of different weapons, Fighters are warriors to their very cores. They train tirelessly mentally and physically to be stronger, faster, and more deadly.

Standing over 6 feet tall, Phasma hails from a primitive tribe of warriors but has worked her way into high standing with the First Order. She is always seeking to further train her mind and her body, memorizing all of the troopers' numbers under her command to keep her memory sharp and engaging with as many weapons and combat training as her body can physically take.

5 Poe Dameron - Ranger

According to DndBeyond, Rangers are a wild sort of warrior that boldly combat threats at the edges of civilization. They fight the monsters of the world, making lands safer for those who inhabit them. They are defenders.

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Poe Dameron was born to a family of a different type of defenders. His mother and father both fought with the Rebel Alliance, instilling in him a desire to fight for freedom against the monsters in his own life. Fiercely independent and not fond of being told what to do, like Rangers, he is not always the best of team players, but he gets the job done.

4 DJ – Rogue

Scoundrels fond of using thievery and manipulation to solve their problems, Rogues are masters of stealth that rely on their smarts over their physical strength. Preferring to live on their own, they are survivors that do what they feel what they need to do in order to survive, even if that might go against morals.

DJ is a loner with allegiance to no one. He serves whoever happens to make him the best offer, even if it means betraying the last people that he made a deal with for a few extra coins.

3 Rose Tico - Druid

Druids are driven by their connection with the world around them. Spiritual beings with a profound respect for animals, they are highly empathetic and focused on the precarious balance between life and the nature around them.

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A dedicated member of the Resistance, Rose is bound both by her commitment to her cause and to the softness of her heart. Compassionate and sweet, she has a natural joy that she brings to all around her, but she doesn't let kindness stand in the way of her morals and commitment to making the world a better place for all creatures.

2 General Leia Organa - Sorcerer

Gifted by birthright, Sorcerers are rare and adventurous, never far from a fight. Much like Rey, Leia's power stems from her blood relationship to Anakin Skywalker, but it also comes from the determination in her own heart to fight for the freedom of the helpless.

Though her connection to the Force is not heavily emphasized in the original films, it was expanded upon in the sequel trilogy as well as novels. Fans may not have seen it as clearly as in Luke or Vader, but her gift was always flowing through her veins, waiting to be tapped into when she needed it most.

1 Luke Skywalker – Monk

Monks' magic does not come from making pacts with dark entities or years of study. They turn inwards, harnessing the strength that comes from within. Solitary creatures, Monks focus on their learning privately.

In another time, Luke Skywalker may have been a Paladin, but a long and sometimes tragic life changed him. One of the last of a religious sect, Luke lives a life of hermitage after the loss of his school and his nephew's turn to the Dark Side. Jaded and guilt-ridden, his focus turns to honing his own connection with the Force, rather than teaching others, but he eventually finds hope again.

NEXT: Star Wars: Novel Characters That Deserve To Be Explored In Movies/TV Shows

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