PlayStation: The Best & Worst Thing About Each Console

Second only to Nintendo and their line of systems, the PlayStation lineage is perhaps the most iconic in gaming console history. This is not only because they have constantly brought gamers exemplary consoles, but also have an array of spectacular exclusive games, too. Yet, that does not mean that gamers should ignore their top-of-the-line third party games, too. This mix of positive elements is what allows this company to remain immensely successful when it comes to its overall sales. Its latest console, the PS5, also effectively displays just how much they are progressing as a company, too.

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Yet, even with this being the case, it also is important to take note of the negative qualities, as well. No console is perfect, and, while the PlayStation lineage had some incredibly high highs, it will be a while before fans forget about some of its lowest lows. Every company makes mistakes in their history, so it is understandable. Yet, gamers simply cannot gloss over them, as they can cause a bit of agitation once they present themselves. At the end of the day, though, PlayStation has had far more positive moments than negative ones. This is evidenced by the immense loyalty of their supporters.

14 Best Thing About The PS1: It's The Beginning Of The Story

The PS1 is an especially important console for Sony's history. This is because it is what would jumpstart this iconic series of consoles. Thus, it will forever hold a special place in the hearts of gamers. If the PS1 were never released, the amazing consoles that would come after it would not exist, too. Its origin is the best thing about the PS1, and that will forever cement its legacy.

13 Worst Thing About The PS1: Its Outdated Graphics

With the PS1 coming out way back in 1995, it is easy to understand that it does not possess the best of graphics. Given how nostalgic it is for gamers, it's hard to point out many other negative qualities with it.

Playing this system today creates a monstrous contrast when comparing it to every other console from PlayStation. Also, it just does not age well in this aspect, unlike other legendary consoles of its time.

12 Best Thing About The PS2: Its Array Of Great Games

The PS2 is easily one of the most popular consoles from Sony. It is easy to understand why when looking at the vast amount of spectacular games that would come out on it.

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Classics like God of War II, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 2 are just some of many that showcase this clear fact. It seems as though every big series really hit their primes on this console, which is why many of them are still active at this juncture.

11 Worst Thing About The PS2: Overheating Problems

The PS2 is also older hardware, so it does have a tendency to overheat quite easily. This, in turn, can result in serious damage to the console if its owner does not pay close attention to it. This is not necessarily a the worst of problems a console could have, though. It is apparent that this system is given attention over its positive qualities far more than its bad ones.

10 Best Thing About The PS3: Its Upgrade In Quality

The PS3 is a massive step forward for the company, as it would introduce the HDMI to this franchise. Thus, this makes the graphics on PS3 games remarkably better than its previous installments.

It also possesses far more storage room than them, too. Overall, this console is the true beginning of modern gaming from PlayStationMany elements that this system introduced is still present in today's consoles as well.

9 Worst Thing About The PS3: Its Original Price

The worst thing about the PS3 is actually its beginning stages on the market. This is because Sony would make its starting price far too high for consumers. Its 60 GB model was $600 when it was initially released in 2006.

RELATED: 10 PlayStation 2 Games That Still Hold Up Today

This would make gamers sour over the idea of owning one, which is entirely justifiable because of the Xbox 360 being far cheaper. Although the console would grow in popularity as its price dropped, this was a blunder by the company.

8 Best Thing About The PS4: Its Superior Than Its Competition

Though none of the eighth-generation game consoles would get off to particularly good starts, we would argue that the PlayStation 4 was the quickest to recover and garnered the most praise from fans and critics.

This would result in this console becoming more popular than the already solid Xbox One. However, one cannot ignore just how powerful this specific system is. It will go down as one of the best to ever come from the company.

7 Worst Thing About The PS4: It Isn't Backwards Compatible

It is strange that the PS4 is not backwards compatible. When seeing as how the Xbox One offers this, it is hard not to criticize this feature being missing on the PS4.

It does not ruin the overall success of the console, but it certainly is a negative aspect of it. The PS4 is one of the most beloved systems out there, but this shortcoming impossible for gamers not to be agitated about.

6 Best Thing About The PS5: Its Speed

The first thing that gamers notice when playing the PS5 is that it works at far faster speeds than any other console. Menu screens move at the blink of an eye, while simulation games can finish seasons in just a few minutes. It truly shows just how much this console is a step up from the PS4, which already is a marvelous in its own right.

5 Worst Thing About The PS5: $70 Games

A sudden change that seems to be making its way to the PS5 is the fact that many games are now starting at $70. This is extremely annoying for gamers who are aiming to save their finances. Sixty dollars has been the industry standard for decades, and Sony's sudden insistence on raising the price of premium titles by ten dollars may have some gamers thinking twice about option-in on the new generation of gaming hardware.

4 Best Thing About The PSP: It Can Be Played Anywhere

The PSP is a handheld system that allows gamers to play virtually anywhere they choose to. This is something that people like to take advantage of even to this very day, as it can be a great distraction when on long trips.

The importance of this console also cannot be measured, as it is the first console of its kind from PlayStation. Thus, it is fair to say that it is a very innovative release from them.

3 Worst Thing About The PSP: Not Many Iconic Games

The primary issue with the PSP is that there are not many iconic games on it. This is due to the fact that game developers never really made a long and worthwhile story on this specific system.

This is exactly the opposite of the Nintendo DS, as games like Mario Kart DS and New Super Mario Bros. offer fantastic and in-depth gameplay. This is what would make the PSP less popular.

2 Best Thing About The PS Vita: Its Better-Built Than The PSP

The PS Vita is essentially a better-built PSP, as it is far easier to hold and control. This also meshes well with its incorporation of online access, so it is the superior console out of the two.

They essentially fixed everything that is wrong with the original PSP's construction, as well. This is why it would become the more popular handheld console out of the two.

1 Worst Thing About The PS Vita: Lack of Support

The PS Vita would come out at the wrong time, though. With the PS4 on the horizon, Sony would soon dedicate all of its effort on this console rather than the PS Vita.

As a result of this, not too many big-name games would come forth through this console. It leaves gamers to wonder how fantastic it could have been if it came out earlier, and it's left many wondering if there is a future for handheld gaming consoles at all.

NEXT: 10 Of The Best Racing Games On The Original PlayStation, Ranked

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