Venom As The King In Black Could Be A Bad Thing | Screen Rant

Warning! Spoilers for King In Black #5

When Venom proclaims that Eddie Brock has become the next King In Black, the symbiote makes it sound like a good thing. He even decides to build the anticipation of what he's trying to convey and thus make a bigger deal than it already is by saying what Eddie has become in more grandiose ways. This includes "the hive mind" and "god of the symbiotes" before finally settling on King In Black.

But is this really a good thing? Creators Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman sure made it look like it at the end of King In Black #5. However, just looking back on the sordid past of the original King In Black, Knull, Eddie could be facing a pretty dark (and black) future if the symbiotes end up viewing him in the same way as they originally did Knull. Of course, this all depends on whether or not the symbiotes later agree with and want to support their new god's initiatives, but if they decide that Eddie is a problem that must be dealt with, then, based on their past actions, they could act on those urges in a rather unpleasant way. And that wouldn't bode well for Eddie, nor Venom.

Related: Marvel Reveals the Greatest Symbiote Hero, And It's Not Venom

Knull originally existed long before there ever was any form of existence. He only decided to create his symbiotes in retaliation to the Light of the Creation that had so rudely awoken him. His obsession with wanting to destroy the light grew to such alarming heights that even his wretched spawns felt their god was going too far. And the best way they felt they could deal with his insanity was to literally contort their own bodies into a cage around Knull to contain him. And there he stayed for eons. It was only a choice that Venom makes in Absolute Carnage that gives the King In Black the ability to break free from his incarceration and wreak havoc on the galaxy and Earth.

Should Eddie and Venom so foolishly succumb to madness and do something so dastardly that the symbiotes feel compelled to act, then the new King In Black could find himself trapped inside a mass of symbiote bodies for a millennium or longer. Of course, Venom and Eddie wouldn't be alone, unlike Knull so long ago. They have definitely accrued quite a few friends in recent years, and their little escapades against Knull definitely contributed quite a bit to their rather extensive list of allies. Apparently, saving the world will make people like you. Who knew?

Luckily, Earth's mightiest heroes have now learned a thing or two on how to defeat symbiotes, so should Venom and Eddie find themselves in such a predicament, these friends will undoubtedly come to their aide. King in Black #5 is in stores now!

Next: How Venom Can Kill The MCU's Sokovia Accords For Good

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