Marvel Reveals Why Doctor Doom Joined the Guardians of the Galaxy

Potential spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #14 ahead!

Doctor Doom shocked the Guardians of the Galaxy when he arrived to claim the Sword of Space, a move that would lead to him joining the team. Now, in a preview for Guardians of the Galaxy #14, readers learn why Doom is so interested in the Sword, and the Guardians.

Doctor Doom has been quite active lately. His recently concluded solo title saw him attempt a heroic career - a move that ultimately failed. In the pages of Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom is preparing to marry his herald Victorious, and now he has turned his eye towards the Guardians of the Galaxy. In the previous issue of Guardians, Doom made an epic entrance, dispatching the team one by one before taking Hulkling’s Sword of Space for himself. The issue ended with Doom floating above the defeated Guardians, Sword raised high. It was a striking scene, but readers were left wondering what about the Sword attracted Doom? It is a powerful weapon to be sure, but why this particular one? Now fans get the answer in Guardians of the Galaxy #14.

Related: Doctor Doom Would Rather Destroy A Universe Than Forgive Mister Fantastic

The preview opens on Throneworld II, the home of the Kree-Skrull Alliance. Doctor Doom lords over the Guardians and reveals why he wants the sword: he senses that some balance has shifted, and “something is coming.” Doom is convinced whatever it is must be fought, but he feels his power may not be enough to stop it. Therefore, he is taking weapons that he needs to fight whatever threat he perceives is coming - including the Sword of Space. Doom also feels he is the one most worthy of wielding the sword, though Hulkling has a few things to say about that, leading to Hulkling attacking Doom. The Sword slips out of Doom’s hands and back into Hulkling’s, but Doctor Doom then somehow switches bodies with Hulkling, ensuring he still has the Sword! Check out the preview pages below.

These five pages illustrate why Doctor Doom is one of the greatest villains in comics. Doom likes to boast and pontificate on his greatness, and he actually can back it up. Hulkling thought he had Doom defeated, but Doom came prepared, using his vast knowledge of both sorcery and science to swap bodies with Hulkling, and thus keeping control of the Sword. Yet, despite his villainous nature, Doom wishes to stop whatever threat he feels is coming, which could make him a hero in some eyes. His methods, as usual, are extreme - stealing objects like the Sword, for instance. In true Doctor Doom fashion, he justifies his actions by calling them a “moral necessity.”

Doctor Doom continues to be one of the most complex villains in comic history and joining the Guardians of the Galaxy furthers that complexity even more. Guardians of the Galaxy #14 is written by Al Ewing, with art by Juan Frigeri, colors by Federico Blee, and letters by Cory Petit; it will be on sale in print and digital May 12.

Next: Doctor Doom Can Be Redeemed With the Guardians of the Galaxy (By Leaving Earth)

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