Game of Thrones: 10 Plot Holes That Aren't Actually Plot Holes

Though Game of Thrones started as one of the most acclaimed shows on television, it's no secret that the show's reputation suffered near its final seasons. Many fans pointed to the writing as a particular issue once the show veered away from the source material and things got a little messy.

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Certainly, there are a lot of things worth criticizing the series for, including some glaring plot holes. But sometimes the backlash by the fans was unwarranted. Some of these plot holes felt more like fans reaching for something to complain about and they could actually be explained rather simply.

10 Benjen Can't Cross The Wall

When Benjen Stark returns in season 6, he explains that he was killed by a White Walker but resurrected by the Children of the Forest. This also means he cannot cross the Wall. But when Jon Snow leads an expedition Beyond the Wall in season 7, both he and Beric Dondarrion are able to cross despite also being resurrected.

However, it is not Benjen's resurrection but rather the fact that he was killed by a White Walker that prevents him. He is technically part of the Night King's army, only the Children of the Forest stopped his transformation into a wight.

9 Myrcella's Assassination

In season 5, Jaime travels to Dorne to bring home Myrcella. After briefly departing, it is revealed Myrcella was poisoned by Ellaria Sand against Prince Doran's wishes. Given that Jaime's boat is still right offshore by the time Myrcella dies, fans wondered why he didn't immediately go back and seek justice.

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That would not have been a wise thing for Jaime to do. At that time, he didn't know if Prince Dorne or his soldiers were in on the assassination. He came to Dorne with only one hand and Bronn by his side so he was in no position to fight.

8 Melisandre Finds Gendry

Needing Baratheon blood for a sacrifice, Melisandre leaves Stannis Baratheon's castle to go find his illegitimate nephew Gendry. The fact that she managed to find him while he was hiding out with the Brotherhood Without Banners struck some fans as too convenient.

While the Brotherhood is good at remaining hidden, Melisandre has dark magic on her side. While that seems like an easy explanation, if she can see glimpses of the future in the flames, it's not wild to imagine she could get a location on one specific person.

7 Varys Fails As A Spy

In the first few seasons of the show, Varys seeming one step ahead of everyone else at all times. He had spies all over King's Landing as well as a network of them that reached across the Narrow Seas. However, upon returning to Westeros with Daenerys he fails to be ahead of anyone in terms of information.

While this does make the character less interesting, it actually makes sense. Varys' spies in Essos are now useless to him and Qyburn has taken control of his spies in King's Landing so Varys' spy network is completely shut down.

6 Arya And Sansa's Fake Fight

Given how long they had been apart, fans were quite frustrated when Arya and Sansa reunited in season 7 only to immediately turn on each other. Littlefinger seemed to be manipulating their feud only for them to reveal they were onto his schemes and have him executed.

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Many fans pointed out how ridiculous it is that Arya and Sansa would carry on their pretend fight even behind closed doors. But this is a misunderstanding of the events. The fight between Arya and Sansa was not all fake; it was only in Sansa's final conversation with Littlefinger that she realizes this was all his doing.

5 The Night's Watch Accepting Jon Back

Shortly after becoming the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow makes the unpopular decision to save the remaining Wildlings from Hardhome and bring them to Castle Black.

Fans pointed out that when Jon returns with the Wildlings, Allister Thorne reluctantly lets them in only to assassinate Jon shortly after. While it might have been easier to just not let him in, Thorne likely hadn't decided to kill Jon yet or he was still looking for support from other Night's Watch brothers.

4 Varys Sending Assassins After Daenerys

In season 1, Robert Baratheon finds out Daenerys Targaryen is pregnant and orders her assassination. Varys uses his connections to hire someone in Essos who nearly succeeds in poisoning her.

Some fans wondered why Varys would do this if he was secretly backing Daenerys all along. However, while Varys was scheming to put a Targaryen on the throne, it was Daenerys' brother Viserys he wanted initially, unaware of Daenerys' power.

3 Violent Takeovers Going Unpunished

While there are plenty of shifts in power throughout the show, some are more dramatic than others. In Dorne, Illaria Sand kills Prince Doran and takes over as ruler. In King's Landing, Cersei Lannister blows up the sept and names herself as queen.

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Fans wondered why anyone would allow this to happen. However, violent overthrows of the throne are part of Westeros' history, including Robert's Rebellion. Also, it is not as if the rest of Westeros just accepts this. There is still a war raging to determine who will ultimately sit on the throne.

2 Bronn Saving Jaime From The River

While the Loot Train Attack was thrilling, fans had considerable issues with its aftermath when Bronn manages to pull Jaime from the river far away from where the battle happened. How did they get so far away and why would Daenerys not be looking for such a valuable prisoner?

However, just because the episode begins with Bronn pulling Jaime from the water doesn't mean it was the first thing that happened. Given the chaos of the battle, it's possible two men could have floated away undetected. And given where she was standing, it's entirely possible Daenerys thought Jaime was killed by her dragon.

1 Melisandre's Necklace

In season 6, a shocking secret is revealed about Melisandre when she removes her necklace and is suddenly shown to actually be a very old woman. However, many fans then pointed out that there were several earlier scenes in which she is not wearing the necklace yet looks young.

Though it might be implied, there is nothing that actually states she needs to be wearing the necklace. She could simply draw power from it when needed. In her death scene, when Melisandre drops the necklace on the ground, the shimmer of the gem dies out which suggests it is more the gem than the necklace that is important.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Biggest Flaws In The Final Season That The Books Can Fix

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