Gwen Stacy is Marvel's Most Compassionate Vigilante | Screen Rant

Potential spoilers for Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1 ahead!

In the world of Heroes Reborn, Gwen Stacy is Marvel’s most compassionate vigilante. Readers meet the new Gwen Stacy in Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1, on sale June 9 in print and digital.

Over the past month, the Heroes Reborn event has presented readers a world without the Avengers, and in their place, the Squadron Supreme has become Earth’s premiere superhero team. This bold new world has given fans fresh twists on classic characters, and Gwen Stacy is one of them. In this world, she is a clinical psychologist, and a one-time associate of Nighthawk, Marvel’s riff on Batman. In her role as a psychologist, she works to rehabilitate society’s worst criminals and is on staff at Ravenscroft Asylum (Marvel’s version of Arkham Asylum) with villains such as Bullseye. This line of work calls for someone who is compassionate and caring, and in a special preview for Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1 by Vita Ayala and Farid Karami readers see that Gwen Stacy might be the compassionate vigilante ever.

Related: Spider-Man is Finally Trying to Make Up for Gwen Stacy's Death 

The preview opens with Gwen having lunch with her friend Misty Knight, a Captain in the Washington DC Police Department. The two discuss the city’s criminal element, as well as Gwen’s time as Nighthawk’s sidekick. Gwen tells Misty about her work at Ravenscroft and expresses a desire to heal Bullseye, despite all the evil he has done. Misty Knight has trouble believing in Gwen’s ideals, but Gwen stands by them. Later that evening, Gwen Stacy hears of a crime in progress, and as she suits up to investigate, she expresses sorrow for the victim. Yet, as she roars out into the night, she reaffirms her belief in helping heal criminals, saying she will find who did this and give them the help they need, ensuring it does not happen again.

The preview ends there, and readers must wait until June 9 to find out if Gwen Stacy is successful in her goals, but based on the preview, it is clear she is perhaps the most compassionate superhero ever, who is focused on helping not only the victim but the criminal as well. She sees criminals like Bullseye as broken, and in need of healing. Gwen does not deviate from her principles, even in light of what she sees at Ravenscroft Asylum. These convictions are so strong she repeats them heading into battle. In the hyper-violent world of Heroes Reborn, heroes like Gwen Stacy are crucial, as they offset Hyperion, Nighthawk, and the rest.

The Heroes Reborn event will conclude soon, so Gwen Stacy’s days as Nighthawk’s sidekick may be numbered, but in Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen, fans learn she is Marvel’s most compassionate vigilante.

Next: Spider-Man: Gwen Stacy's Death Was Changed in Mexican Comics

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