No More Heroes 3: Everything Travis Strikes Again Foreshadows

When Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes was revealed not to be the sequel to No More Heroes 2 that fans were expecting, some feared that another numbered installment in the series would be dependent on the new game’s success. But after Travis Strikes Again’s release, there’s evidence to suggest No More Heroes 3 might have been planned all along.

There are several allusions to the next entry in the series throughout Travis Strikes Again, with the game’s two DLC packs containing plenty of teasers for upcoming content. With No More Heroes 3’s release date rapidly approaching, those who skipped Travis Strikes Again may want to note some tantalizing bits of foreshadowing.

Related: Everything We Know About No More Heroes 3

The most obvious look at No More Heroes 3 comes at the end of the base game’s campaign. The player’s reward for sitting through the entire credit sequence is a "playable demo" of No More Heroes 3, though there isn’t much to do besides walk around an empty area and swing Travis’s beam katana. Even approaching an enemy will have Travis rebuke the player for interrupting the game-in-development. Still, the fact that it was included at all might mean that No More Heroes 3’s chances of development were higher than fans were initially led to believe.

Surprisingly, Travis Strikes Again provides a lot of information regarding the identity of Damon Riccitiello, the little boy from the 2019 Game Awards trailer for No More Heroes 3. Travis first meets Damon in the game-within-a-game virtual novel within Travis Strikes Again, confusingly named Travis Strikes Back. It’s revealed that Damon was an intern on the development team for the game Serious Moonlight, led by designer Dr. Juvenile. It’s also revealed that Damon may not be the wholesome child the Game Awards trailer depicts him to be, as he explains that he beat Dr. Juvenile mercilessly over disagreements with the game’s design and stole the unfinished product. Travis serves a similar punishment to Damon as an act of justice, causing Damon to swear his revenge, making it seem likely they'll face off again in No More Heroes 3.

The final chapter of the visual novel, tucked into the Bubblegum Fatale DLC pack, goes out of its way to introduce a number of odd characters. The superhero Notorious, who shows up after detecting villains in the area, and Mr. Blackhole and Mr. Wormhole, two aliens sent by a prince to take over the Earth - likely Damon’s friend FU. It might seem random, but Shinobu mentions that this is foreshadowing coming events. The final chapter of Travis Strikes Back also introduces Travis’s daughter Jeane, a massively popular V-Tuber despite being about 10 years old. Considering her mother, recurring No More Heroes character Sylvia Christel, will no doubt be a player in the plot of No More Heroes 3, it stands to reason that Jeane and Travis’s other child could make an appearance as well.

It’s clear game director SUDA51 had high hopes for Travis Strikes Again. While it could be assumed he have included these teasers to satisfy hungry fans, it’s more likely that No More Heroes 3 was part of his creative vision from the start.

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