Halle Bailey has shared a first look image as Ariel in the live-action adaptation of Disney's The Little Mermaid. Bailey will make her big screen debut in the upcoming adaptation, the latest Disney animated hit to get a live-action remake. Joining Bailey is a star-studded cast, including Melissa McCarty as Ursula, Javier Bardem as King Triton, Daveed Diggs as Sebastian, Jacob Tremblay as Flounder, and Awkwafina as Scuttle. Little is known about The Little Mermaid save for what has come out from the production of the film in set photos.
First glimpses at Jonah Hauer-King as a shipwrecked Prince Eric gave audiences a glimpse at what the film could look like, but the underwater scenes remain a mystery. Disney's adaptation of The Lion King leaned heavily into realism, but it is unclear if The Little Mermaid will follow in that film's footsteps. Similarly, The Little Mermaid is currently undated as filming continued in Italy. Production was initially delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but was picked back up in this summer.
Now, Bailey has shared a first look image at Princess Ariel in the upcoming film announcing that production has wrapped on the movie. The actress wrote a lengthy caption describing her experience working on the highly anticipated film, thanking her fellow cast mates along the way. The image itself reflects the beautiful location of Sardinia, Italy where production took place. Bailey can be seen in the water on the rocky beach as the sun sets behind her. Check out the full image below:
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Source: Halle Bailey
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