One of the most exciting variants of Star-Lord appears in the What If..?, animated series, when T'Challa becomes the character through a strange twist of fate. Many more unusual versions of Star-Lord exist in Marvel Comics, including in numerous alternate realities and within the continuity of the Marvel Universe itself.
Star-Lord doesn't have quite the comic book history as some of his peers, so his alternate versions are fewer but no less spectacular. Some of them are among the most powerful characters in any universe, reaching god-like status while others might even hint at the future of the MCU version of the character.
10 Gamora 2061

In the alternate reality of Earth-TRN421 set in the year 2061, Gamora leads the Guardians of the Galaxy as Star-Lord. She has all of Gamora's powers and abilities from primary continuity, making her one of the most powerful versions of Star-Lord. Gamora has superhuman strength, stamina, and agility, all a product of experiments performed on her by Thanos. She also has a healing factor, making her very hard to defeat in battle. Like Peter Quill, she's an expert marksman and hand-to-hand fighter.
9 Nova Corps

For a period of time, Peter Quill abandoned the Star-Lord persona and stopped using the superhuman powers he inherited from his father, J'Son of Spartax. During this time he joined the Nova Corps and fought against the Annihilation Wave unleashed on Earth-616 by Annihilus, one of the most powerful Fantastic Four villains in the comics.
While he didn't rely on his powers at this time, he utilized the laser blasters and armor of the Nova Corps, making him a highly effective soldier in the fight against Annihilus. He was present when Nova used the Quantum Bands to destroy Annihilus.
8 Earth-616

Some fans may be surprised to know that the Star-Lord in the current comics, and the basis of the MCU version, is actually a variant himself. The Earth-616 version, imbued with hybrid human-Spartax physiology, is far more powerful. He is nearly immortal, thanks to the significantly longer lifespan of the Spartax people.
The Earth-616 version of Star-Lord has superhuman strength, stamina, and heightened reflexes. He also has a healing factor that contributes to his long life. The original version of Star-Lord introduced in Marvel Preview #4 in 1976 existed in an alternate reality.
7 Cyborg

The cyborg version of Peter Quill from Earth-616 is enhanced with robotic components, giving him somewhat heightened abilities. This version of the character only lasted a brief time after his return to continuity in the early 2000s.
He began augmenting himself with cybernetic implants while imprisoned in the Kyln, an intergalactic prison. His primary implant at this time was in his eye, which allowed him to see virtually every aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. He also had cables that ran from his neck into his arms.
6 Age Of Ultron

Age Of Ultron is one of the darkest future timelines in the Marvel Universe. The Star-Lord in this alternate reality where Ultron has successfully take over the world is the same in terms of powers and abilities as his Earth-616 version. In addition to his physiology, he's also an expert marksman and tactician, making him an ideal asset in the battle against Ultron.
His powers wouldn't be the difference in the battle, however, as Wolverine and the Invisible Woman would change the past to save the present. In this reality, Star-Lord isn't a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but a member of the Defenders, who replaced the Avengers as the main superhero team.
5 Old Man Quill

Old Man Quill from another dark future in Marvel Comics lore is much older than the Earth-616 Star-Lord but no less powerful. He relies on his alien strength and fortitude to power his way to revenge for the death of his family and people. Though he's older in this reality, Quill remains an expert martial artist and master of firearms. He uses these skills to hunt down members of the Universal Church of Truth, who were responsible for the wholesale slaughter of the entire world of Spartax.
4 Kitty Pryde

In the main Marvel continuity of Earth-616, Peter Quill stepped away from his role of Star-Lord to become Emperor of the Spartax Empire. When he did, his friend and lover Kitty Pryde took over the role. Her mutant ability to phase instantly made her one of the most powerful versions of the character.
Her intelligence and skill as an engineer also make her uniquely gifted. Kitty Pryde is among the most powerful mutants in Marvel Comics, and for a brief moment during her time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, was cosmically powerful thanks to her interaction with an ancient artifact known as the Black Vortex.
3 Original Star-Lord

Comic book fans know Star-Lord was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Steve Gan in 1976, with a very different history and set of abilities than the current version. He was more of a space cop, who had superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and the ability to fly at near the speed of light. This made him far more powerful initially than the Earth-616 Star-Lord and would have become even more so if Englehart had the opportunity to realize his plans of making the character a truly cosmic being.
2 Master Of The Sun

One of the most powerful variants of Star-Lord is also one of the most powerful cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe. For a brief time, Star-Lord became the Master of the Sun, who had the power of cosmic awareness and the ability to manipulate matter and energy.
He could channel cosmic energy through his Element Gun, making the weapon insanely powerful. While Master of the Sun, he was also immune to telepathic influence or perception, making him imperceptible to major mindreaders like Moondragon.
1 Lord Starkill

Lord Starkill is an evil variant of Star-Lord from an alternate reality. He wields the power of the Reality Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, and is consequently one of the most powerful beings in his reality. With the Stone, Starkill has the ability to craft reality at his whim.
Though he can remake reality however he chooses, arguably he doesn't take full advantage of it. This version of the character is initially an ally of Thanos the Just, working for him to acquire the Stone, but things go sideways thanks to Captain Marvel, who is also on the hunt for the Stone.
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