Big Brother: 10 Best Fights Between Contestants | ScreenRant

Living in the same space with the same people for an extended amount of time can be a recipe for disaster on Big Brother. In the reality show, houseguests share the same bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms, and living space, so of course, it's inevitable for people to get annoyed with each other when they're in such close quarters.

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Between pretty much living on top of each other and the stress of the game, it's normal for Big Brother contestants to reach their breaking point and fight with the people they don't see eye to eye with. Whether it's a clash of personalities, someone not cleaning up their dishes, or strategic gameplay, there have been some epic fights and heated arguments between Big Brother contestants over the years.

10 Bayleigh & Tyler - Season 20

One of the most dramatic Big Brother fights took place in season 20 between Tyler Crispen and Bayleigh Dayton. There are always twists and secrets in the Big Brother house, which makes it easy for people to point blame and frame people for things that they didn't do.

Haleigh Broucher won a secret Hacker power, which gave her the ability to put Tyler up on the block without anyone knowing it was her. While no one knew who the Hacker was, Bayleigh was being accused of nominating Tyler for eviction. When Haleigh eventually came clean about her power and revealed the truth, Bayleigh wanted an apology for being accused, which resulted in a yelling match between Tyler and Bayleigh. In fact, there was so much yelling and screaming that Bayleigh's mouth started to bleed.

9 Russell & Jeff - Season 11

In season 11, Russell Kairouz was known for his explosive personality, so it was no surprise that he and Jeff Schroeder didn't see eye to eye during their time in the game. One afternoon, Russell decided to stir things up by telling Jeff how he really felt about him and his gameplay after Jeff betrayed his alliance.

Along with making comments and attacks about Jeff's game, Russell came at Jeff for spelling a non-existent word in a recent spelling competition and telling him that he was sliding his way through the game because he couldn't win any competitions. The yelling match between the two ended up stirring up the drama in the house and Jeff's "showmance" partner, Jordan, couldn't help but speak up and defend him, which resulted in Russell telling Jeff to fight his own battles.

8 Dick & Daniele Vs Jen - Season 8

Father and daughter Dick and Daniele Donato had a rocky start to their relationship before entering the Big Brother house and were estranged before entering the game. This didn't stop them from working together in season eight of Big Brother and even though they had many fights of their own, Dick stood up for Daniele during a fight between her and Jen Johnson.

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Daniele confronted Jen about constantly being rude to her and Jen accused her of cheating on her relationship back home with fellow houseguest, Nick Anton. Dick being the evil game player that he was, ended the fight by dumping a drink on Jen's head.

7 Da'Vonne & Paulie - Season 18

Da'Vonne Rogers and Paulie Calafiore from season 18 waited until they got outside of the Big Brother house to hash out all of their problems. But even if contestants make it to the Jury House, they still face the problem of living with the same people every day, and to make it even worse, they find out exactly who didn't like them, who evicted them, and who backstabbed them in the game.

Da'vonne and Paulie's fight started after Da'vonne was reminded about the fact that Paulie didn't use his power of veto to save his "showmance" partner, Zikayah, which backed up Da'vonne's point that he is disloyal. There was no turning back once they started fighting and making personal jabs at each other. They were in each other's faces yelling and you could even see the producers stepping in to try and break them up.

6 Ragan & Rachel - Season 12

Ragan Fox and Rachel Reilly didn't get along during season 12 and Rachel was seen as the villain of the season. During one of their fights in the backyard, they were personally attacking each other. During their long fight consisting of insults, they both used the word "disgusting" to describe one another.

Rachel asked Ragan if his character had anything to do with the fact that he couldn't get a boyfriend or why his family wouldn't talk to him and he made comments to her about her bad hair extensions, the pimples on her face, and her overall physical appearance.

5 Christmas, Da'vonne & Bayleigh - Season 22

Tensions are generally high between the head of household and the nominees after their nomination. While Christmas put Bayleigh and Da'Vonne up on the block, this particular fight in season 22 stemmed from Tyler asking Christmas to use her power of veto to backdoor him and send him home because he was ready to leave.

Christmas didn't end up using the veto to save one of the girls and put Tyler up on the block because it wasn't good for her own game. When Da'vonne found out about this plan, she confronted Christmas about it while being skeptical as to why Christmas wouldn't send Tyler home if he was offering to go. It all came down to Christmas being scared of Bayleigh and Da'vonne's relationship as a duo and ultimately the fight ended up in a screaming match between all three of them.

4 Rockstar & Brett - Season 20

During an eviction night in season 20 when Brett Robinson was on the block, he tried to call "Rockstar" Landry out and frame her for flipping on her alliance and changing her eviction vote last minute. The two of them never got along in the house and definitely couldn't get on the same page, so it was no surprise that during Brett's speech at the eviction ceremony, he made these accusations to try and stir the pot.

Rockstar was unimpressed with Brett lying, which resulted in her yelling at him in front of everyone. Calling him names and questioning his character, she was clearly extremely angry that he would backstab her on her daughter's birthday.

3 Christie & Nick - Season 21

While there have been many different strategies and attempts for a houseguest to save themselves from being voted out of the game, in season 21, Christie Murphy decided to try and do it by blowing up fellow houseguest Nick Maccarone's game. But it didn't just happen in the spur of the moment, as she actually planned to eventually call him out and start a fight on purpose -- she was just waiting for the right time.

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So when she was on the block with nothing to lose, along with some encouragement from other houseguests, she called him out and started a big fight during Taco Tuesday.

2 Dick & Jen - Season 8

Dick Donato was known for his erratic behavior in the Big Brother house during season eight, causing many house guests to have a problem with him. While there were a lot of altercations between Dick and other houseguests, the cigarette scene between him and Jen Johnson was one of the worst.

Jen was so fed up with Dick smoking that she decided to throw all of his cigarettes in the garbage, which set him off. They were in the backyard and Dick blew cigarette smoke in Jen's face on purpose, so she fought back by trying to grab the cigarette out of his hand. Jen was working hard to try and get the cigarette from his hand, getting burned by the cigarette in the process, and the two needed to be split up.

1 Josh & Mark - Season 19

Not only is Josh Martinez remembered for being one of the most recent winners of Big Brotherhe was also famous for his pot-smashing disturbance in the house in season 19. A yelling match broke out between Mark Jansen and Josh after Mark defended Cody Nickson, who was stirring things up in the house. Josh expressed that he thought Mark was hiding behind Cody and defending the wrong people.

Things got heated and Josh brought out the pans and started smashing them together and Mark quickly stood up to rip them out of Josh's hands. They were starting to get physical, so producers told them to stay on opposite sides of the house.

NEXT: 8 Big Brother Contestants That Didn't Deserve The Hate

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