How I Met Your Mother: 10 Underrated Barney Moments That Aren't Talked About Enough

Barney occupies a unique space as a character in How I Met Your Mother. He's the most exaggerated and ridiculous character in the show, leading some fans to theorize that he may actually be intentionally over-the-top because Ted is the narrator (and Ted was jealous of Barney and Robin). Despite this, his extreme nature, catchphrases, and general exuberance is often what makes him such a popular part of the show.

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His best moments are usually considered the big ones - when he is being particularly funny, when he has a musical number in 'Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit', when he is running an unbelievably complicated play, when he is spending obscene amounts of money. However, under all these flashy moments are some phenomenal ones that show he is so much more than a joke in a suit.

10 When He Goes To San Fransisco

In the episode 'Bachelor Party', Marshall is furious with Barney for ruining his night - until Lily reveals that when she and Marshall were separated, Barney did everything he could to try and get them back together. He tried to stop Marshall dating, and eventually flew to San Fransico to give Lily a ticket and try to convince her to come back.

This is a moment that gets swept under the rug, for the most part - it helps deepen his friendship with Marshall, but beyond that, it's not really mentioned much more than that. However, this is a huge moment for Barney. He has previously talked about wanting all the 'guys' to be single together, but when they were, he put Marshall's happiness above his own.

9 When He Gets Vulnerable About Dating A Stripper

When Barney first starts dating Quinn, he is quick to make a big deal about how awesome it is to be dating a stripper - however, his own jealousy soon starts to show. He eventually reveals to Ted how difficult he finds it to deal with, and explains this is why he wants to go out every night.

This is a phenomenal moment for many reasons. It shows real character development from Barney, as he is able to be vulnerable with Ted. For a character who is often seen as oblivious, this adds real depth. More than that, it also shows how much he respects Quinn. He talks to her, and when she tells him she loves her job, he accepts it, and struggles to deal with his feelings about it on his own.

8 When He Mentions Boundaries To Patrice

In the convoluted plot to propose to Robin, Barney has a fake fight with Patrice, where they storm onto the balcony and have a positive conversation while making very angry hand gestures to fool the gang inside. Usually, the takeaway here is all about his proposal to Robin, but he also tells Patrice "my friends have no boundaries", which is a surprising moment for the character.

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Barney is usually seen as the least self-aware, and the least emotionally healthy member of the gang, especially given how badly he treats women. However, this seemingly minor line shows that he actually may have a better grasp on what is acceptable - and therefore, on who he really is - than anyone would think.

7 When He Reveals His Hippy History

Barney's past came as a huge surprise to fans who were used to the corporate playboy - when the gang found out he used to be an optimistic hippy, hoping to change the world at the side of his one true love. This all changed when his girlfriend dumped him, though, and he evolved into the besuited Barney fans know and love.

This is often seen as a bit of a throwaway gag, but it's one of many times that the show actually builds Barney's character with a sad past. Growing up without his father is the storyline that fans most often talk about, but it's this moment that really shifts him.

6 When He Introduced Robin & Ted

Barney is instrumental to the series in that he is the one who introduced Ted and Robin at MacLaren's. However, Barney often doesn't get enough credit for this one. While his 'have you met Ted' line becomes iconic, it's rarely mentioned that Barney didn't pursue Robin himself.

Throughout the show he is seen trying to seduce the women that his friends are trying to approach, even when he is trying to teach Marshall. He is portrayed as such a womanizer that he would choose a one-night stand over his friends, but this moment in the pilot is the first of many that show the opposite. He does actually live by his bro-code.

5 When He Dyed His Hair To Impress Robin's Father

Throughout the series, Barney shows that he refuses to change who he is for someone else. He even struggles to just wear casual clothing in order to pick up the 'hot bartender' in 'Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit', and he refuses to accept that anything he does is less than awesome.

However, when Robin's father says that he doesn't think adult men should be blonde, Barney dyes his hair dark. He makes it clear that Robin, and only Robin, is enough of a reason for him to change - even if that means changing his appearance to get her father's blessing.

4 When He Tells Robin She's Her Own Daddy

'Baby Talk' is one of the more underrated episodes of HIMYM, as it sees the gang talking about neediness in relationships - and beyond simply saying that neediness is bad, it goes into the idea of wanting to be 'needed'. Within this, Barney spends most of the episode trying to pick up a woman using 'baby talk', and hilariously failing, but that can overshadow his best moment here, when Robin comes to his door to ask him if she made him feel needed.

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His speech, telling her that it is a good thing that she isn't needy, that she can take care of herself, and that he respects her for it, is incredible. He's honest, and truly supportive, and shows how much he still loves and respects her, too. He shows a level of sensitivity with this one that might surprise some people.

3 When He Gets Marshall A Job

In 'The Best Burger In New York', Marshall reveals that Barney got him a job at GNB - something that surprises Lily, because Marshall has always talked about wanting to be an environmental lawyer. It's not just that Barney got Marshall a good job that makes this a great moment, though. It's that he doesn't tell anyone until Marshall wants to, and that he talks up the bank, to try and make Lily see that it's not a bad move for her husband.

Once again, he always has his friends' backs, and is surprisingly considerate and sensitive. He does undermine this a bit later, by showing that he also has some selfish reasons for just wanting to work with his friends, but it's a sweet moment, nonetheless.

2 When He Respects Robin's Decision With Kevin

Robin and Barney's arc while Robin is with Kevin and Barney is with Nora is a heartbreaking one - but once again, Barney's sensitivity and respect is often downplayed. After Barney and Robin cheated together, they decide to break up with their partners and give it another try, but Robin changes her mind.

Barney, if he were really the selfish, childish, womanizer that he is often seen to be, would not have reacted the way he did. Despite his own heartbreak, he accepts Robin's decision, without any more explanation than a headshake, instantly. He does nothing to try and sabotage them for his own gain, either. Yet again, Barney proves that there is more depth here than expected.

1 When He And Robin Break Up

Barney and Robin have many makeups and breakups throughout the series - and yet they manage to remain friends throughout. This is largely because they manage to have a refreshingly mature breakup in 'The Rough Patch', and one that shows that Barney is surprisingly emotionally capable and considerate of Robin. They are both aware that they are unhappy, and talk about wanting to see it as 'friends getting back together', instead of as a breakup. The two may not always have a smooth ride ahead, as it's not easy to go back to being friends, but this scene is a truly meaningful one.

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