Arwen and Aragorn are the main romantic pairing most people think of from The Lord of the Rings, but at certain points in the series, Aragorn and Eowyn seemed like they might have been the better match. This is especially the case in the movies where Aragorn and Eowyn seem like they could have been better together - and the eventual match between Eowyn and Faramir isn't explicitly shown (although it is hinted at).
From the fact that they were both humans to the chemistry between them, it might have made more sense for Aragorn to marry Eowyn once he was crowned king.
7 Arwen Wouldn’t Have To Lose Her Immortality

While this point doesn’t relate as much to Eowyn specifically, it’s worth taking into consideration given how Arwen has to give up so much to be with Aragorn. She has to give up her immortality and her place in the Undying Lands like her kin. This is quite the sacrifice to make, and this makes their relationship rather bittersweet.
If Aragorn had ended up with Eowyn, on the other hand, she wouldn’t have had to give up a key part of herself. She would have been able to remain with her family, and it would have felt more egalitarian.
6 Eowyn Was Around For Pivotal Moments

While the story of Aragorn and Arwen is told in more detail in the appendices of the books, most of their relationship in the canon story is only shown in brief moments or flashbacks. They aren’t there for each other during important moments, but this isn’t the case for Eowyn and Aragorn.
Eowyn and Aragorn are both fighting to protect the world of men from the evils of Saruman and Sauron. They both fight at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, and Eowyn is an important player in many scenes in both Rohan and then Gondor. This allows time for their dynamic to develop on screen.
5 Because Eowyn Was Able To Hold Her Own

While women don’t have to all be warriors in a fantasy series to be strong or interesting, the way Arwen is portrayed in the story makes her come across as something of a damsel waiting around for Aragorn. Eowyn, on the other hand, is an active participant in the narrative. While she does somewhat see Aragorn as someone who can save her, she’s also willing to do what needs to be done to save herself. She comes across as less passive than Arwen and has some iconic moments such as slaying the Witch-King, and this makes her seem like a better match for Aragorn who is also a person of action.
4 They Had Great Chemistry

While Eowyn and Aragorn don’t ever kiss or actually date one another, they still have great chemistry in the movies. Eowyn is clearly attracted to Aragorn, and Aragorn does seem to have feelings for her to some extent, even if they aren't completely romantic. There are scenes, such as when she tells him about her nightmare, where it seems like they could easily have kissed. It wouldn’t have been difficult to imagine them as a romantic couple.
3 Because They Could Rely On One Another

While Aragorn doesn’t know Eowyn very well, she sees right away that he’s someone with a good heart who can be trusted. Eowyn is dealing with her uncle Theoden being controlled by Saruman, and she is being pursued in a creepy way by Grima, so Aragorn is someone she can trust in these trying circumstances.
Aragorn quickly shows that he’s willing to have her back and try to help her, and Eowyn also wants to be there for him. She worries about him going into the Paths of the Dead, and it’s easy to see how a romantic relationship of mutual support could develop between the two of them.
2 Because Aragorn And Arwen Had Such Different Lifespans

While Aragorn was one of the Dunedain, giving him longer life than the average human, he still wasn’t immortal like an elf. This does put Aragorn in a strange spot as he’s young compared to Arwen but a bit old compared to Eowyn. However, as far as life experience and being mortal, Eowyn can relate more to Aragorn than Arwen can. If they had ended up together, they would have lived a similar amount of time as long as nothing tragic happened to either one of them.
1 Eowyn Made More Sense As Queen

Arwen might be elvish royalty, but when it comes to uniting the entire world of men under one rulership, Eowyn made more sense. When Aragorn becomes High King, being married to the Lady of Rohan would have been fitting politically. It would have been an ideal way to solidify the relationship between Gondor and Rohan going forward, and, since Eowyn knew so much more about the culture of these kingdoms, she would have been a more reliable queen with knowledge and insight.
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