The 5 Most Heroic Symbiote Hosts In The Venom Comics (& The 5 Most Dangerous)

With Venom: Let There Be Carnage heading to cinemas very soon, it's important to reflect on some of the previous hosts of these blood-thirsty alien Symbiotes. In the wrong hands, a member of the species can be extremely deadly, but they have also been used for heroic purposes as well.

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While fans are familiar with big-screen anti-heroes like Eddie Brock and the upcoming mass murderer Cletus Kasady, there's a range of other vigilantes and villains who have taken on a Symbiote over their careers; whether they combine with their previous 'super' alias or perhaps create a new identity altogether!

10 Heroic: Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock began life as a criminal and a villain, fuelled by the hatred of the Venom symbiote after failing as a reporter. Across his career, though he has learned to harness the power of the Symbiote and could even be considered to be an anti-hero. He has proven that he is ready to sacrifice himself for the good of humanity.

While he still uses great violence to subdue his enemies, the attack of Knull demonstrated that this Venom was surprisingly wholesome and had the capability of being a more worthy King In Black. With more power than ever before, Eddie Brock showcases that he has come a long way since his Spidey hunting days.

9 Villainous: Mac Gargan

The Scorpion may be one of Spider-Man's most underrated villains in his own right, but Mac Gargan is even more dangerous when attached to a Symbiote. The serial killer is dangerous with any weapon in his arsenal but his traditional Scorpion suit is enhanced by the presence of the alien species.

Malicious and cruel, Mac Gargan was vulnerable to Anti-Venom's abilities but that didn't stop him from causing severe death and destruction. He even utilized the Venom Symbiote to team up with the Dark Avengers under the control of Norman Osborn, with the new black-suited Spider-Man marking a shift in his life to finally be on top of the food chain.

8 Heroic: Flash Thompson

Flash Thompson is another character who has become well known for bonding with the Venom Symbiote. Peter Parker's former High School bully, Thompson wasn't exactly pure of heart. After some time serving his country, though, Thompson learned how to overcome adversity and selflessly protect those around him.

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He has had a varied career with the Symbiote, becoming the new Venom before utilizing his army training as Agent Venom. His shift into Anti-Venom gave him the key to properly disposing of the nefarious Symbiotes and he would even return from the dead to try to take down Knull in one heroic last act.

7 Villainous: Cletus Kasady

Cletus Kasady is a menace to society. The serial killer takes great pride in the pain that he creates and he becomes the perfect host to the Carnage Symbiote, who shares in his bloodlust. Carnage is easily one of the most dangerous villains in the Marvel Universe.

Kasady has lost control of himself and his Symbiote, with the duo continuing to add to their long list of brutal murders. Venom and Carnage have faced off against one another countless times, yet Kasady with and without Cargange will always be a threat.

6 Heroic: Andrea Benton

Andrea Benton joined the Symbiote game early into her life when she was only a teenager. Protected by Flash Thompson with the use of a Symbiote, they would quickly come to work together with Benton dubbing herself Mania. This would be the character's first alias though.

As both a vigilante and an anti-hero, Benton has taken on countless forms. Mania and 'Teen Venom' are perhaps her most well-known, but her recent stint as Scream utilizing a new Symbiote showcases her power to be a controlling host. Throughout the King In Black spin-offs, Benton managed to control the Scream Symbiote even against the viciousness of Knull.

5 Villainous: Knull

Knull is said to be the ancient God of the Void and the father of the Symbiotes. This Deity appeared to exist at the very beginning of time, finding a home within the darkness of reality. He was trapped for an eternity for his sins but rose again.

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As the King In Black, Knull can control almost every single Symbiote. While hosts like Scream have resisted the urge to join the God, his legions of abducted hosts and Symbiote dragons have allowed Knull to submit countless worlds. He is one of the Marvel Universe's most dangerous Deities.

4 Heroic: Anne Weying

Anne Weying's story is more tragic than most. She was completely pure of heart but was corrupted by the Venom Symbiote, after spending time with her former love interest, Eddie Brock. She used the Symbiote for good but was disgusted by the murders she had committed.

As She-Venom she was valiant but deadly and Anne Weying could not come to terms with what she had done. After giving birth to Brock's child, she would commit suicide, unable to fully be at peace knowing that she could once again be taken over by the Symbiote. Despite her struggles, she never allowed the Symbiote to harm anyone innocent, showing her true heroism.

3 Villainous: Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn has reached incredible highs as one of Marvel's most manipulative masterminds. During Osborn's Dark Reign storyline, he learned the power a Symbiote can have, employing his own Spider-Man for the Dark Avengers. His later bond with the Carnage Symbiote unleashed his full potential.

Osborn has always been unhinged, with the Green Goblin alter ego allowing for the madness to take form. Once combined with Carnage however the character became Red Goblin, an even more evil form of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director. These were perhaps the worst hands that a Symbiote could fall into.

2 Heroic: Peter Parker

The Venom Symbiote arrived on Earth alongside Peter Parker, who had been unknowingly using the alien to become the Black Suit Spider-Man. The character would be partially corrupted by its power, but Parker knew he could hold it off and eventually defeated the creature.

Peter Parker is one of the most selfless heroes in the Marvel Universe and could certainly be trusted with a Symbiote again. While he does hate the creatures, he now has a much better understanding of the Symbiote race and would turn to them again (despite his past) if it was the only way to save lives.

1 Villainous: Tyrannosaurus Rex

It isn't just humans that can provide the base to host a Symbiote. Animals are also capable of taking on these creatures if they bond to them properly. There's perhaps no more dangerous beast in the animal kingdom than a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In the 'Old Man' apocalyptic Marvel Universe, a Venom Symbiote had been combined with a T-Rex to form the Venomsaurus Rex, an agile, fast, and almighty creature that seemed almost undefeatable. Dropping a monster like this into the current Marvel landscape would lead to mass destruction on an epic scale.

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