The MCU's New Captain America Timeline Plot Hole Explained

Warning: This article contains spoilers for What If...? episode 2.

Marvel's What If...? episode 2 looked at what T'Challa would be like as Star-Lord, but one confusing moment may have created a Captain America timeline plot hole. In What If...? episode 2, the Ravagers kidnap T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) as a kid, leaving Peter Quill (voiced by Brian T. Delaney) on Earth. The change has far-reaching effects, as T'Challa goes on to alter the entire galaxy. The Ravagers change their ways, fighting for the less fortunate rather than filling their own pockets. Also, Thanos (Josh Brolin) gives up his genocidal tendencies, realizing that his deadly finger snap in Avengers: Infinity War isn't the only way to bring balance to the universe.

The T'Challa change also has dark consequences. Because he was left on Earth, Quill becomes a Dairy Queen employee instead of an outer space outlaw, making him an easy target for his Celestial father, Ego (Kurt Russell). Ego wants to use Quill's Celestial power to help him recreate the universe in his image. It's a disaster that could be worse than Thanos' finger snap, and now the Guardians of the Galaxy aren't at Quill's side to help him. Additionally, the Collector (Benicio Del Toro) fills the villain void left behind by Thanos changing his ways. Without anyone to oppose him, he massively expands his collection of Marvel artifacts, bringing devastation to the galaxy to get his way.

Related: How T’Challa’s Morag Entrance Proves Peter Quill’s Weakness

A plot hole involving Chris Evans' Captain America may be another consequence of What If...?. In What If...? episode 2, T'Challa gets into a fight with the Collector, and the galaxy's new crime lord brings out all his toys. In addition to apparently using Korg's arm to fight against T'Challa, the Collector reveals several other trophies taken from Marvel characters. These include Hela's helmet, Thor's hammer, and even Captain America's shield. However, considering the timeline presented in What If...? episode 2, the shield creates a problem. The Collector shouldn't be able to collect it.

What If...? seemingly forgets Captain America's timeline. In What If...? episode 2, T'Challa and the Collector's brawl takes place 20 years after the Ravagers kidnaped the new Star-Lord from Earth in 1988. That means the fight happened in 2008. Unfortunately for What If...?, Captain America should still be under the ice during that time. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Cap went into the ice in 1945, and SHIELD unfroze him in 2011. So somewhere along the line, Marvel apparently forgot that Cap was still supposed to be frozen for three years.

Of course, What If...? doesn't seem overly concerned with timeline-breaking plot holes. Besides Cap, the episode also makes an even more egregious error. In the show, T'Challa arrives on Morag for the Power Stone in 2008, which means the planet should've been underwater. (Floodwaters on the planet only subside six years later in 2014.) But a series that alters the timeline always has Multiversal changes as an excuse. Because of the differences in Marvel's timeline, numerous modifications can happen without the MCU ever bothering to explain. At the end of the day, Marvel doesn't care how the Collector got Cap's shield. However, Cap probably does.

More: The MCU Just Set Up A Worse Disaster Than Thanos' Infinity War Snap

Marvel's What If...? releases new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+.

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