Red Notice Trailer Breakdown: 15 Story Reveals | Screen Rant

Netflix's Red Notice trailer reveals key story details and plot points for this high-energy action-comedy movie starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds. No doubt, with these three big-name movie stars, Red Notice has generated significant hype leading up to its release, with this also being Johnson's third collaboration with writer-director Rawson Marshall Thurber, following their 2016 release of Central Intelligence and 2018's Skyscraper.

When filming began in January, 2020, Red Notice had to halt production indefinitely by March of 2020 due to the pandemic. After filming resumed on September 14, 2020, production continued across the world, from Atlanta to Rome and Sardinia, Italy. With an estimated production of $160 million -- possibly even upwards of $200 million -- Red Notice ranks as the most expensive film in Netflix history. No doubt, a significant portion of this went towards securing the film's leading star-studded trio.

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After a turbulent production schedule, Red Notice finally set a release date with a trailer that fans have been deftly analyzing for plot details. While ostensibly a pretty straight-forward cat-and-mouse chase between Johnson and Gadot, with Reynolds thrown in for comic relief, the trailer helps fill in a lot of story details while adding further mysteries and potential plot developments into the mix. With that in mind, here are 15 story details revealed in the Red Notice trailer:

The Red Notice trailers opens up to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson stepping out of his car, presumably in Egypt based on the establishing shots, with his voiceover monologue stating, "Special Agent John Hartley, FBI." Similar to his Luke Hobbs character from Fast and Furious, Johnson's Red Notice character is an Interpol agent assigned to stopping dangerous criminal groups and individuals. Judging by Hartley's "let's get down to business" posture when he exits his car, he's both on a mission at this specific locale and a hard-nosed FBI profiler in general, setting the film's action-oriented tone early in this trailer. If Red Notice is a cat-and-mouse chase between the FBI and criminals, it'd seem the movie's story is primarily following and siding with the cat here (Agent Hartley).

After introducing Special Agent John Hartley, the trailer reveals a trio set of Fabergé eggs, a type of jeweled egg that derives its name from the jewellery firm House of Fabergé in Saint Petersburg. No doubt, these eggs -- and all the other luxury art items depicted in the trailer -- are incredibly valuable, suggesting of the treasured objects that Agent Hartley will be tasked with protecting against and/or retrieving from the criminals he's put on notice. These particular eggs recur in the trailer multiple times, perhaps hinting that they possess special value or will attract special attention throughout the film. At the least, they may serve as a set of gorgeous iconic objects for the film's branding purposes, much like the how the bedazzled Furby prop necklace served the Safdie Bros' Uncut Gems.

When the first shot of Gal Gadot's character in Red Notice, Sarah Black, is revealed, Agent Hartley's commentary speaks directly to her character, stating, "I've been tracking your scores for awhile now." While it's unclear if Black has been similarly aware of Agent Hartley prior to the story's events, this short sequence suggests that not only does Black have a criminal reputation, at least among the FBI, but Agent Hartley has paid special focus on her criminal exploits, which, up to this point, are plural. Black having a history of "scores" suggests she's made herself a heist careerist, presumably with enough success and secrecy that she may "hide in the open" at the luxuriant venues she's stealing from. While the mask she's wearing doesn't completely disguise her identity (as in Eyes Wide Shut), it does indicate that Black is hiding in plain sight, consorting and mingling with the high society elites and institutions whom she robs. Agent Hartley and, by extension, the FBI are perhaps the only ones who see through her mask, so to speak.

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A short shot of the Louvre Museum in Paris, whose pyramidal structure echoes Egypt's pyramid silhouettes shown in the trailer's opening, confirms that Paris is perhaps one of many settings in the film, which seems to jump from one exotic locale to another. During this segment, Agent Hartley's commentary provides some brief exposition: "Every city, every heist" -- further suggesting there will be multiple locations, each perhaps with its own heist agenda (à la the Uncharted videogame series). Because this is a heist film pertaining to the upper echelons of elite society, the recurrent images of pyramidal structures is also provocative, suggesting of a possible conspiratorial framework to the various networks involving Interpol agents, global art communities, black market traders, etc. etc.

Explaining the story's central premise over a shot of a "RED NOTICE" insignia being stamped on Sarah Black's Interpol info card, Agent Hartley continues, "Now that you've been tagged with red notices, you become the world's most wanted criminals, and I'm the only one who can bring you in." This essentially functions as the film's "elevator pitch" -- a short, succinct way to explain who and what the story's all about. During this segment, two red notices are revealed: Sarah Black's and one Nolan Booth's (played by Ryan Reynolds). This serves as the official first mention of Reynolds' character in the trailer, completing the introduction trifecta of the movie's three lead stars: Johnson, Gadot, and Reynolds. What's perhaps notable about Agent Hartley's exposition here is that it suggests that these criminals only become the "world's most wanted criminals" after -- not before -- going on red notice; in other words, the FBI is prescribing criminality in the film, not responding to it. How -- and, more importantly, if -- this plays out in the film could be interesting, especially in how it might pertain to Agent Hartley's character arc.

After a mini montage of luxury sports cars, police raids, and art museum mayhem, Reynolds' character Nolan Booth is given a proper introduction as an art thief, presumably mid-heist, being held at gunpoint by Agent Hartley. In typical Reynolds fashion, Booth keeps his cool with a gun to his head, even toeing the line of danger with a flippant remark about Hartley's attire. However, despite his goofball demeanor, the ensuing altercation between Hartley and Booth demonstrates that Booth is still dangerously competent and capable, albeit less capable than Booth, who ultimately succeeds at apprehending Booth. Later in the trailer, the dynamics of their relationship is revealed when Hartley makes Booth an offer: "Help me catch her and I will help you" -- to which Booth offers his hand for a handshake and, in Ryan Reynold's coyly impish tone, announces, "Teamwork!" The ironic tone with which Reynold's says the word suggests he prefers to work solo.

As the first scene showing all three leads together reveals, Agent Hartley, Booth, and Black all have competing interests, even despite Hartley and Booth ostensibly working together in a mutually helpful arrangement. The scene begins with Hartley and Booth approaching one of the Fabergé eggs in an art showroom before being ambushed by Black. The emphasis on the egg suggests that Black stole it, perhaps from the venue where both she and the eggs were first revealed in the trailer, provoking Agent Hartley to announce to Black upon her playful arrival, "You're under arrest." Comedically, Booth ignores the cop-criminal drama brewing between Hartley and Black, instead turning his focus solely on the egg as he tries to dismiss himself from the unfolding fight with the line, "I'm just here for the egg." Naturally, being the super-criminal of the bunch, Black bests both Hartley and Booth, handcuffing them together before making her escape.

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A slightly surprising amount of the trailer following Black's ambush on Agent Hartley and Booth takes place in a remote, wintry prison, a cold setting where seemingly multiple key plot points occur. If the trailer's order of events are true to the story, this is likely where Agent Hartley and Booth are being held captive after Black handcuffs them in the art showroom. The one minor hiccup in this theory, however, is that this is also where Agent Hartley and Booth first make their pact to help each other. Perhaps up to this point, culminating in Black's ambush in the art showroom, Agent Hartley and Booth were working together in a less-than-mutually-beneficial way, that is until Black proved herself dangerous enough to warrant their formal allyship, which they officialize with a handshake in their prison cell.

An agent of justice, Agent Hartley finds himself imprisoned with Booth in the movie's (possibly Siberian) remote, wintry prison with seemingly only one means of escape: fighting. After announcing their agreement to work together, the trailer shows the oddly paired duo duking it out with prison guards. The briefly revealed choreography of the fight scene, wherein Hartley and Booth get pushed back-to-back by two separate prison guards in a fortunate position that allows them to leverage each other's weight to take care of each other's respective guard. This provides a neat visual cue for the two's strained cop-criminal arrangement: while their motivations are not only mutually exclusive but in direct conflict with one another, their yin-yang, good-guy-bad-guy dynamism is mutually beneficially -- in a way that will likely see the collision of these polar opposites manifesting in both characters complementarily aiding each other in their respective character arcs.

To the surprise of no one, Ryan Reynolds' Booth is the comedic relief -- the proverbial "Jar-Jar Binks" -- of Red Notice. This being a trailer for an "action comedy" movie, the sole source of comedy seems to be coming from Reynolds -- though Johnson's filmography has long proven the action-oriented movie star fully capable of playing the comic as well. After the fight montage, the trailer slows down for a moment for a brief Reynolds gag, wherein the actor struggles to fully pronounce the word "teamwork," stuttering on the word "team" specifically, suggesting that, despite agreeing to working with Agent Hartley, the lone wolf Booth is still having a difficult time with the concept of teamwork. The story is sure to source a degree of engaging unpredictability from Reynolds' performance with his characters goofball antics and dubious reliability.

In the style of a Bond villain, Gadot's Black sinisterly swivels around in a large chair, facing the (presumably recently imprisoned) Hartley and Booth duo with a sly "Hello, boys." Wearing a furry Russian cossack hat, more or less confirming that the prison setting takes place in Russia, Black is cool, calm, and collected, lording a superior demeanor over Hartley and Booth's dumbfounded expressions. Interestingly, when the camera turns towards Hartley and Booth, the door in the background is being closed, presumably from the guards who escorted the prisoners to Black. No doubt, this all suggests that Black, unlike the solo-operating Booth, is powerful and well-connected, possibly even leading a network of globe-trotting goons. Of course, one can only speculate at this point of the true nature and expansiveness of Black's network, but, aside from being ostensibly smarter than Hartley and Booth, she's also more powerful.

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In one brief baffling sequence, Hartley and Booth appear in a fully attended bullfight arena in Spain. Based on Booth's unsteady posture when facing the menacing bull in the arena, it seems as if Hartley and Booth were more or less plopped into this arena, gladiator-style -- and with no explanation given in the trailer. Of course, the non sequitur nature of this shot is intended to provoke wild speculation and imaginative hype, as the trailer's viewers guess at why and how Hartley and Booth go from a Siberian prison to a Spanish bullfight, assuming these are the correct order of events. At the least, this shows that, in their exploits, Hartley and Booth are intermittently treated as playthings in this cat-and-mouse chase, wherein sometimes the mouse chases the cat.

Late in the trailer, Agent Hartley and Black are shown dancing at the luxurious public venue of the mask party scenes shown at the trailer's opening . Showcasing some undeniable chemistry and sexual tension between the two, this brief dance scene has a sort of Mr. and Mrs. Smith playfulness to it, hinting at a subtle tone of romantic (or at least libidinal) interest between hero and villain in this story. When Agent Hartley threateningly declares in Black's ear that "We both know that this whole thing is going to end with you in handcuffs," Black toyingly retorts, "Promises, promises..." This reveals that while Hartley is driven by a cold, professional sense of justice to capture Black, Black seems to be treating this whole affair as a kind of erotic game -- perhaps even enjoying Hartley's attention as a badge of her seductive prowess.

If it's no surprise that Reynolds is playing the comic relief character, it's equally unsurprising that Red Notice, a movie with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, has some over-the-top action sequences. Intermittently sprinkled throughout the trailer, Agent Hartley and Booth are shown in various action scenes involving fist fights, car chases, and gunplay. However, towards the end of the trailer, one particularly explosive action scene is revealed, showing Agent Hartley narrowly escaping a missile while sprinting away from the Russian prison on a skimpy wooden bridge.

In a brief shot of what easily can be a "sailing into the sunset" ending of Red Notice, Reynolds' Booth is shown commandeering a boat without Agent Hartley. Without any context, it's difficult to discern the meaning of this image. However, it is meaningful that Booth is operating the boat on his own, back to his lone wolf orientation that he begrudgingly lost while partnering up with Agent Hartley. Regardless of wherever this moment lands in the story, this shot shows Booth to be most at peace while working solo.

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