7 Ways Venom Is A Villain In Sony’s Spider-Man Universe

Sony’s Spider-Man Universe took a bold approach by making the Venom symbiote into the main character of his own franchise. Venom: Let There Be Carnage brought the titular character back to fight the Carnage symbiote in a story that also brought conflict between Eddie Brock and Venom over their clashing personalities.

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Although Venom is promoted as an anti-hero, there are several reasons to consider him a straight-up villain. The reasons range from Venom’s killer instinct to his apathy toward people and situations where a hero would react differently. Seen from a different lens, Venom comes across as a total antagonist and it’s interesting to view him from another perspective.

7 He Only Controls His Carnivorous Nature Because Of Eddie

There are more than a few reasons to consider Eddie Brock and Venom as friendship goals, but none more so than the fact that Eddie stops Venom from eating people. After all, Venom made it clear in Let There Be Carnage that he wanted to eat Mrs. Chen of all people, who was the only other person who knew about him.

Venom’s reasons to respect Eddie’s wishes are also partially for his own benefit because he knows he’ll be in trouble if he’s caught eating humans. Without Eddie around to stop him, Venom is guaranteed to give in to his carnivorous nature and run rampant as a devourer of humans.

6 He Actively Tried To Break Up Anne & Dr. Dan

Anne’s rejection of Eddie and engagement with Dr. Dan left Venom sad as well due to his belief that Anne should be with Eddie, ergo being with him as well. To this end, Venom tried to force Eddie into pushing Anne to change her mind about Dan despite the fact that this was a selfish move that Anne would never appreciate.

When it came to the matter of romance, Venom was quite clearly in the wrong since he wanted to break apart the happy couple of Anne and Dan, both of whom had helped Venom against Riot and Carnage. There was a level of maliciousness involved as Venom insulted Dan plenty of times without reason.

5 The Lack Of Remorse For The Innocents He Killed After Leaving Eddie

Venom swapped several bodies after his fallout with Eddie in Let There Be Carnage, and he was seen leaving these people dead because they weren’t compatible as Eddie was. Venom didn’t even give them a second thought when he vacated their bodies, with the hosts left to die a painful death.

RELATED: The 10 Best Quotes From Venom Let There Be Carnage

This was at a time when Venom had been on Earth for years, meaning he was well aware that taking possession of innocent people was effectively sentencing them to their deaths. Rather than show any guilt over this, Venom only insulted the people for not being strong enough to contain him.

4 He Ruined Eddie's Chance At A Normal Life

During the apartment fight scene, Eddie called taking Venom in as his worst decision. This stemmed from his belief that the symbiote had denied him a normal existence, which is something that Eddie was completely right about. Venom didn’t leave Eddie alone for even a few moments and clung to him all the time.

Eddie became agitated and constantly on edge due to Venom screaming in his ear and insulting him repeatedly. Eddie also couldn’t pursue any personal interests out of fear that Venom would be found and he would be busted as well. Venom didn’t care about any of this and continued to verbally antagonize Eddie.

3 He Had No Intention Of Stopping Carnage's Rampage

Venom’s act of ending Carnage’s threat was by no means a heroic move, seeing as it was all Eddie’s doing. Venom only bonded with Eddie again when the latter apologized to him, which he did so that he could prevent Carnage from running rampant.

RELATED: 5 Most Badass Venom Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Moreover, Venom tried to turn back the moment he saw Carnage and realized he was stronger, at which point Venom claimed he didn’t care if Anne died at Carnage’s hands. In the end, Venom was motivated into fighting when Eddie promised him he could eat whoever he wanted, meaning Venom did all of it out of his own selfish needs.

2 He Looks To Preserve Himself Before Others

Villains are almost always self-preserving and look to save their own skin before anyone else’s. Venom is along the same lines, as he gets into battles only when he has something to gain. The reason why he turned on his kind in the original movie was that he saw a better deal by hiding on Earth rather than continuing as a loser among aliens.

Venom was happy to eat Carnage - his own son - since it left him as the only symbiote on Earth and ensured no one else could threaten him. Should a situation arise where Venom is under threat and has nothing to gain, he won’t think twice before making an attempt to flee.

1 His Plans To Eat Spider-Man

The stinger for Let There Be Carnage had Venom take his role as Spider-Man’s villain, as just one look at Peter Parker made him hungry. Venom didn’t bother to put up an act of being a hero and took to licking the TV screen and claiming he would like to eat Peter.

By the looks of it, Venom’s new objective seems to be to make Spider-Man his next prey, which would be something that even the most ardent Venom fans will have a hard time defending. Then again, attempting to eat Spider-Man will stick close to the comics and it could see Venom fully embracing his villainous side in live-action.

NEXT: 10 Questions About Venom, Answered

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