Which Dune (2021) Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

The new movie adaptation Dune is the definition of a science fiction blockbuster, with sweeping vistas, grand epic storyline, and numerous characters who struggle to survive in a dangerous political game that pits two noble houses against one another.

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Though the visuals are a key part of its appeal, it’s also true that it has a number of powerful, captivating characters, men and women who make the drama work and keep the action moving forward. Given how fascinating they are, it’s helpful to look at them through the lens of the zodiac in order to uncover their hidden complexities and motivations.

12 Aries - Stilgar

Given its fiery nature, Aries is one of the most domineering and powerful of the zodiac. An Aries will take a leadership role, and though they can be a bit headstrong, they are also effective. These are the traits that Stilgar, played by Javier Bardem in one of his best roles, exhibits again and again. Given that he’s one of the Fremen and that he dwells on the desert, dangerous planet of Arrakis, he has had the chance to put those skills to use as a leader who believes in his people and in responsibility to them.

11 Taurus - Leto Atreides


Of all of the many zodiac signs, the Taurus is arguably the most noble. This makes sense, given that they are very dependable and reliable. Duke Leto Atreides exhibits these hallmark qualities of the Taurus, because he is willing to do whatever is demanded of him as a result of his role as a noble leader, including walking into the trap the Baron has set for him. Though he can be stubborn, he is also one of the most likable characters that Oscar Isaac has played.

10 Gemini -  Gurney Halleck

The Gemini is one of the more malleable signs, and one of their chief characteristics is a split personality, and this is very much in evidence with Gurney Halleck. On the one hand, he’s a formidable warrior, and he doesn’t always have a great deal of patience.

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On the other hand, he is also something of a poet, with a softer, sensitive side that comes out on certain occasions. Regardless, he is also very loyal to House Atreides, which Geminis can be (in the right circumstances).

9 Cancer - Chani

As a water sign, Cancer can be prone to being self-indulgent and overly emotional. On the other hand, they can also be very faithful and committed, particularly to loved ones and to their family. These are traits that Chani has in abundance, making her one of Zendaya's most likable characters. For her, family is incredibly important and valuable, and it’s also true that she feels strongly about her home planet of Arrakis. Her Cancer traits are also in evidence when she extends her feelings to Paul.

8 Leo - Paul Atreides

Leos are born leaders, and their powerful charisma means that they inevitably draw people into their orbit. That is definitely true of Paul Atreides, who makes clear from the moment that he appears on screen that he is the type of person that others will follow. He is the perfect combination of his mother and his father, which means that has the right mix of traits to become the savior that the universe - and the Fremen - are waiting for.

7 Virgo - Gaius Helen Mohiam

As a member of the Bene Gesserit, Gaius Helen Mohiam is not known for her sentimentality. In fact, she has a rather brutally rational approach to life and to the lives of those that surround her. She thus exhibits some of the textbook traits of the Virgo, a zodiac sign that is known for having no patience for emotionality or indulging in feelings. It’s this approach that engenders her conflict with Lady Jessica, a Bene Gesserit who sometimes lets emotions cloud her judgment.

6 Libra - Thufir Hawat

Like Mohiam, Thufir Hawat is also a member of an elite group, the Mentats, who are essentially human computers. As a Libra, Hawat tries to find a measure of balance in all things, and his ability to spin out multiple scenarios to their likely conclusion means that he is uniquely poised to do exactly that. However, the instability of the air side of his personality also means that he’s not always as stable as he should be.

5 Scorpio - Baron Harkonnen

The Scorprio is one of the most sinister of the zodiac signs, with a dark side that can lend itself to cruelty and manipulation. That is an accurate description of Vladimir Harkonnen, one of the most manipulative and malicious villains to emerge from science fiction. He will let nothing stand in the way of his ambitions, even if that means that he has to destroy an entire noble house and everyone associated with it. And, like all Scorpios, he is also strangely charismatic.

4 Sagittarius - Duncan Idaho

Sagittarius is known as one of the most likable of the signs of the zodiac, though they are also known for being willing to go their own way, whatever those in authority might have to say about it.

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These are traits that define Duncan Idaho, a tremendously charismatic man - this is sure to be seen as one of Jason Momoa's best movies - who is also quite loyal to House Atreides and to Paul in particular. Ultimately, Duncan’s willingness to take risks means that he’s willing to sacrifice himself for the Atreides.

3 Capricorn - Glossu Rabban

Glossu Rabban is not nearly as subtle or intelligent as his uncle, the Baron. However, he has all of the ruthlessness and cruelty that is a hallmark of that noble house. Capricorns are known for their relentless approach to their lives, and throughout his time on Arrakis Glossu Rabban shows that this is speciality. He is the percent enforcer of his uncle’s will, even if that means that he isn’t necessarily the one that the Baron will ultimately choose as his heir.

2 Aquarius - Piter De Vries

Piter De Vries is, like the Baron, a sinister and malicious character, capable of great cruelty and subtle thought (which makes sense, given that he’s a Mentat). At the same time, he’s something of an enigma, and there’s a great deal about him that the movie doesn’t reveal. This makes him a perfect for for Aquarius. More than most air signs, Aquarians are notoriously hard to pin down, and there’s always a part of them that they try to hide from the rest of the world.

1 Pisces - Lady Jessica

If there’s one thing that sets the Pisces apart from the other signs, it’s their willingness to do things because of their feelings rather than because it makes good sense. One of Jessica’s most notable traits is her profound love for Duke Leto, which makes her decide to bear him a son rather than the daughter that she was supposed to per the orders of her superiors in the Bene Gesserit. And, like a Pisces, she also proves herself fiercely protective of her son, Paul.

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