10 Characters Confirmed & Most Likely To Appear In The Book Of Boba Fett

The Book Of Boba Fett teaser trailer confirmed the return of perhaps the most obvious characters in the upcoming Disney+ streaming series, but beyond Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, the cast remains a mystery. The trailer did give some intriguing hints to characters who could appear though, including some major players in the Star Wars universe.

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Boba Fett's forays into the criminal underworld of a galaxy far, far away are likely to bring him into contact with some significant figures in that space. Some of them are well known to fans from the movies, as are the heroes who could very well appear to try and put a stop to Fett's expanding empire.

Boba Fett is obviously the star of the show, but the trailer still provided fans with a lot of insight on the bounty hunter they didn't have before. Boba Fett is now pursuing a more diplomatic angle with his criminal allies and enemies, at least to start. He advocates cooperation over conflict. This villain Star Wars fans love is now possibly a hero, of a kind.

The trailer also confirms that Boba Fett has changed some from when fans last saw him in The Mandalorian. His scars have healed and his eyebrows have grown back. His repainted armor is now back to scruffed and damaged after some nasty encounters.

The other major character confirmed to appear is bounty hunter Fennec Shand. While that was implied by her accompanying Boba Fett to Jabba's palace, the trailer confirms that Shand is not only Fett's enforcer but his primary intermediary. Shand fights alongside Fett against a number of enemies in the trailer, and also speaks on his behalf.

Shand threatens a number of Jabba The Hutt's former captains with being fed to 'the menagerie' when they don't seem to buy into Fett's offer. Her threat seems to be as effective as her blasters.

One of the biggest confirmations from the trailer still retains a lot of mystery. Jennifer Beals surprised fans by appearing as Twi'lek in the trailer in a single brief shot. Though her role remains mysterious at this point, one likely possibility is that she is connected in some way to Jabba The Hutt's criminal enterprise

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She could also be an independent operator as well. That's just as likely, given that her dress and jewelry seem more ornate than other Twi'leks who have appeared in the movies, at least those associated with Jabba.

Cobb Vanth is likely to appear in the upcoming series since he is closely connected to Boba Fett through his armor. Vanth wore the armor for some time after coming upon it, and Boba Fett may have some unsettled business with him. As the marshal of his settlement on Tatooine, Vanth could have some issue with Fett's new criminal activities.

Cobb Vanth could be an underrated or overrated character for fans depending on their perspective, but he's likely to be a recurring one given the show will take place in part on Tatooine.

One of the most intriguing elements of the trailer was Fennec Shand's reference to Jabba The Hutt's menagerie. The word suggests Jabba employed more than just the Rancor in gobbling up his enemies. He could have had more than one, meaning that a Rancor is likely to appear in the new series.

In fact, Boba Fett might even be feeding his enemies to a Rancor fans have seen. Muchi appeared as a child Rancor in The Bad Batch, but by the time of the new series, would be one of the biggest creature threats in Star Wars.

While fans eagerly await season three of The Mandalorian, they will likely get a chance to see Din Djarin in The Book Of Boba Fett. The bounty hunter isn't likely to play a major role, but without Grogu, he may be back to his old ways of working with The Guild. That could potentially link him to Boba Fett if he employs bounty hunters of his own.

Din Djarin working for Boba Fett, or maybe even against him, could also serve as connective tissue to season three of his series, which is now filming for an expected release date in 2022.

A lot of bounty hunters are likely to appear in the series and one of the most likely is Bossk. The iconic Trandoshan bounty hunter who first appeared in The Empire Strikes Back has been closely linked to Boba Fett from the beginning. With the appearance of other Trandoshans in the trailer, it's more evidence Bossk could appear.

Bossk could either be hired by other criminal outfits to take on Boba Fett, or Fett could bring him into the fold to work for him. The two have worked together before, notably in a season two story arc of the Clone Wars.

The War Of The Bounty Hunters comic book crossover recently revealed that Qi'ra briefly stole a frozen Han Solo from Boba Fett on his way to deliver him to Jabba The Hutt. With Crimson Dawn sure to be a major criminal organization in the time period of the show, this series could be a place Qi'ra appears next in live-action.

There is already evidence that this could be the case. In the trailer, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand face off against a number of crimson-clad attackers who all use red energy shields. They could possibly be connected to Crimson Dawn.

As Boba Fett consolidates power, he is likely to attract the attention of the authorities. That could very well bring him into conflict with Luke Skywalker, who he barely missed in the season two finale of The Mandalorian. Luke could return to Tatooine if he hears Boba Fett's name pop up again in the underworld.

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Boba Fett could also seek revenge against Luke Skywalker for his role in his ordeal in the Sarlaac Pit. That could lead to interesting places, as Boba may also seek revenge against Han Solo.

If Luke Skywalker appears in The Book Of Boba Fett, then there is a fair chance that Grogu will appear as well. Luke left with Grogu as his new apprentice at the end of The Mandalorian, and if Luke appears in any capacity, it's likely Grogu will as well.

The pair appearing may be a good touchstone for their journey before season three. Grogu is unlikely to play a major role in the series, but a brief cameo could tide fans over as they wait for his story to continue in full.

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