How Kristen Stewart Ate Those Giant Pearls In Spencer

Kristen Stewart recently explained how she ate a giant pearl necklace in Spencer. Director Pablo Larraín released his film Jackie in 2016, which had Natalie Portman portraying Jackie Kennedy. Larraín then crafted Spencer with writer Steven Knight. Princess Diana was, and still is, an iconic figure in the public eye, even after her death in 1997. She has also been portrayed in the award-winning Netflix series The Crown. The show is known for its stellar performances and insightful look into the Royal Family, while still remaining a fictional piece based on true events.

Spencer follows Princess Diana over the course of three days that includes Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day. The movie shows her experiences and time in the Royal Family, while also changing some events. The film also sees her struggling with the life of being a Princess, and the toll that it takes on her, her marriage, and her children. It has been released to critical acclaim, especially for Stewart. The movie also stars Sean Harris, Timothy Spall, and Sally Hawkins.

Related: The 5 Movies Kristen Stewart Starred In That She Actually Liked

Now, Stewart has talked about her experience eating pearls in the movie. In an interview with EW, Stewart reveals that she did not actually eat a pearl necklace. Rather, she ate chocolates that looked very similar to real pearls. She also mentions how they added a crunching sound in post, adding to the idea that Diana was actually eating the necklace. Read Stewart's explanation for how they pulled it off, below:

"It was chocolate, so I was actually very conscious of not showing that and keeping my mouth closed. I saw a cut of that scene and they hadn't mixed the crunching [noise], they had taken it down. I think sometimes when you're really close to something you think certain things are mistakes when they're not, do you know what I mean? So [the sound mixers] were like 'Oh, but you can hear it, it sounds like M&Ms!' And I was like, 'Yeah but imagine if it was really audible, that crack.' And so they put it back in."

Stewart's performance as Diana is one of the talking points in the movie, and this quote shows how she wanted to help create a great film. She also mentions how she did not want the movie to portray something "dead wrong" to Diana. While the pearl-eating scene is probably not something that actually happened, Stewart still wanted to ensure a sense of accuracy. Even though the movie is described as a "fable from a true tragedy," Spencer still has to tell the story without losing the history.

Another reason this is so exciting is that Spencer used practical effects rather than digital for the scene. Practical effects give a greater sense of realism in movies, even if what is happening is not entirely realistic, and can help sell an audience on a scene. Practical effects that are created on set can also be a big help to the actors, and certainly, having a necklace that Stewart is able to actually eat on camera must have helped in her delivery of the scene. Audiences can see Stewart eating the pearl necklace, albeit one made of chocolate, by checking out Spencer in theaters.

Next: Kristen Stewart's Diana Movie Can Outdo The Crown's Princess Story

Source: EW

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